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Damo 08-25-14 04:00 PM

Getting a permission denied message on mediafire, seems to be something to do with the Das Boot music, copyright claim maybe?

I have a decent mod soup set up but haven't played in a while so I have old versions of important mods, saw this and thought I'd give it a go as I don't really want to dissect my install yet again.

Any alternative links? Or can someone direct me to a post that has one as I don't have time to go through every page of this thread.

Choum 08-27-14 04:49 AM

It could be great to have a non-merged version of this mod to be able to put our own mod inside this megamod.
I'm trying to update this megamod with some mod I use but I don't find this mod (standalone version) to be able to respect the correct load order :

Disabled Unrealistic Commands_(ini files)_v1.0
FXU_0_0_22_No Starshells (.eqp Files)
FXU_0_0_22_Shells Explosions_No Debris
KDB+GHG Upgrade
Vecko - Compatibility Patches and Tweaks 7_5_0

My Fog & Underwater v0.1
My Waves v0.1.1

Choum 08-28-14 10:37 AM

hello all,
How to fix the UZO, it have a strange look on my game ?

StinkiePoep 08-29-14 02:07 PM


Today i started the campaign in the first mission, i came across 3 german ships fighting 2 polish ones.
in the end of the battle the victors left, and there was a burning ship left ..

I had to go quickly so i saved the game , ofc as expected i came back later and the ship was 100% repaired (reload game ofc).

Now i try to continue and after sailing like one hour, i come in range of a enemy harbour .. at a certain point my game keeps crashing, always around the same point.

I wonder if this is cause i broke the rule "dont save when AI is in render area" .. i actually hope so tbh so i know its my own fault .. but i find it wierd cus the "repaired ship" is already long gone when i see the harbour ..

thx in advance :)

Dragon81 08-29-14 02:37 PM

Hi StinkiePoep.
Is Uplay in offline mode? Is the synchronization of the savegames disabled?

StinkiePoep 08-29-14 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Dragon81 (Post 2237556)
Hi StinkiePoep.
Is Uplay in offline mode? Is the synchronization of the savegames disabled?

Hey, not at first but tried it again later with offline mode (or is that to late then?), about the synchronization no i should do that now then :)

The scorpion 08-30-14 02:13 PM

I have been waiting for the wife to get me a laptop to play this version SH5,
It runs well but I am having trouble With the WOS mega mod or at least the installing order.
A big ask but could one of you kind Admirals/Captains post a screen shot of the GSGME folder as it should look
Any help would be appreciated.

Trost 08-31-14 04:04 AM

It's a Pain in the a** to install and it isn't even playable... takes forever to load and when it does the games CTD :down:

kemeri 08-31-14 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Trost (Post 2237986)
It's a Pain in the a** to install and it isn't even playable... takes forever to load and when it does the games CTD :down:

Do you need help or just ...

Soul_IT 09-01-14 03:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)

A big ask but could one of you kind Admirals/Captains post a screen shot of the GSGME folder as it should look
Any help would be appreciated.
Here it is:

The scorpion 09-04-14 03:16 AM

Thanks for the help, it's still not working so I have downloaded SH5 again and will try to mod it one at a time.
All I want is the officer icons and the teleport option would be good.

kikoman72 09-04-14 01:25 PM

I'm triying to play with this mod but it seems impossible...
i'm following the instructions of the first page of the post but when start a new career it takes a lot of time loading (loading screen with paints of ships and the little radar spinning) and then instant CTD :wah::wah:
I tried to install it on two different sites, different hd but nothing changes. Without the mod the game runs with no problems. My system is windows 8.1 64bits. Monitor resolution of 1680x1050. My version is dl version from ubi, not steam. Ubi in offline mode.
¿Can someone help me? :/\\!!:wah:

Belgarion 09-06-14 06:57 AM

when I start a patrol it CTD! tried it twice now

you know what they say! third time's the charm

walsh2509 09-08-14 08:04 PM

Download the mega load and when opened it doesn't have
The Wolves of Steel 1.02_Patch_5

Can someone provide the link

thanks ..

walsh2509 09-08-14 08:19 PM


walsh2509 09-08-14 09:36 PM

Q? the step you take to start a new campaign to create a career file so to change - from False to true .. do you Save it before exiting ? or do you just start another new campaign once you've loaded in the mods

Dragon81 09-08-14 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by walsh2509 (Post 2241137)
Q? the step you take to start a new campaign to create a career file so to change - from False to true .. do you Save it before exiting ? or do you just start another new campaign once you've loaded in the mods

1st start a campagne without mods installed. The tutorial starts, you are waking up in the bed. You don't need to finish the tutorial, just save and close the game as soon as you can.
2nd open the file and change the value to true.
3rd install your mods and start a new career. Delete the old savegame.

walsh2509 09-08-14 11:36 PM

Thanks ...

this is my 2nd reinstall when I activated 1.02 with GME its fine but I then got to activate 1.02 Patch 5 as per instruction but I get a warning box with this in it ..

"EnvColors_Polar.cfg" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"EnvColors_Polar_A.cfg" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"EnvColors_Polar_A_luv.cfg" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"EnvColors_Polar_luv.cfg" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"EnvColors_Temperate.cfg" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"EnvColors_Temperate_A.cfg" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"EnvColors_Temperate_A_luv.cfg" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"EnvColors_Temperate_luv.cfg" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"EnvColors_Tropical.cfg" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"EnvColors_Tropical_A.cfg" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"EnvColors_Tropical_A_luv.cfg" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"EnvColors_Tropical_luv.cfg" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"FogDistances.cfg" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"SeaParameters.cfg" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"Baza_FX.dat" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"flag.dat" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"Thumbs.db" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"init.aix" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
Folder "TDW_GenericPatcher_v_1_0_164_0" has already been added by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
Folder "TDW_GenericPatcher_v_1_0_164_0\Patches" has already been added by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
Folder "TDW_GenericPatcher_v_1_0_164_0\Patches\SH5" has already been added by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
"TDW_SH5_Patches.s5p" has already been altered by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.
Folder "The Wolves of Steel - Documentation" has already been added by the "The Wolves of Steel 1.02" mod.

Enabling this Mod may have an adverse effect on you game
Should I still activate the 1.02 patch 5

Dragon81 09-08-14 11:44 PM

Of course. The patch will overwrite some outdated files of the base mod.
Just press [OK] an go on.

walsh2509 09-09-14 12:12 AM

Steps 1 change to the main cfg

; The first value is the default one, the second value is used when 'travel mode' is activated.
; The two values should be separated by a comma.
; If only one value is specified, that value is used for both default and travel mode.

Step 2 next change to main cfg


File overwritten and saved.

Started game and new campaign came out and then changed the


I then used the JSGME to install WOS 1.02 and then WOS 1.02 patch 5 and then the 16x9 res patch.

Start game, Das Boot flim running menu screen - I start new campaign and after a the load screen goes from BW to Colour moments later screen goes dark , music stops and I am kicked out to DT.

Anyone know what I've done wrong ?

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