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fastfed 08-09-14 08:59 PM

So I can't believe it happened, mods finally came to fix this hunk of junk and made it good.

at least I thought so. MAjor graphical issues, the enemy boats seem to look half sunken from a distace and also look to be skidding across the water the against the current. Its very weird to look in ext. view.

Finally, WTF is up with the escorts? its the first mission, 1939 and its POLAND for god's sake and I have my scope .00001" out of the water and these guys just blast me with guns like they are laser shooters from star wars,lol.

They pound me over and over, my uboat is shot to hell yet I can sink to 450 meters and still be alive, I never seem to die, lol

is this a major issue? Or did I install something wrong?

fastfed 08-09-14 09:06 PM

oh!! and I do like the real navigation !! I see there are options to enable electric motor only, yet it doesn't work.

Also I saw manual dive planes, I almost lost my $@#% , but realized its just for show? Because that don't work either

revanche 08-10-14 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by fastfed (Post 2232064)
oh!! and I do like the real navigation !! I see there are options to enable electric motor only, yet it doesn't work.

Also I saw manual dive planes, I almost lost my $@#% , but realized its just for show? Because that don't work either

Those are indeed settings in the patcher, but i think you need a mod to enable them, but I am unaware if such beasts exist yet.

MadCowMoo 08-10-14 11:40 AM

Tried applying this mod pack to SH5 running under Windows 8.1. BAD mistake when I noted several issues including CTD but more importantly "Winny 8 no likey moddys on SH5". Bunch of registry issues besides everything else. Switched back to Windows 7, installed first time without a single hitch after following the excellent OP's instructions and all sub instructions for GME and TDW patcher.

Runs as smooth as the underside of my little subby just before I cracked it in two on the ocean floor.

Fantastic modifications and mega kudos to all involved in bringing this together. Am really feeling the Real Nav ambience. Never used the Navigator and Chartroom so much in my life!!

Love it to bits...


adrians69 08-10-14 03:12 PM

Hear hear, this mod makes SH5 the best in the series IMHO. Thanks to all the modders who's work is included here. Real nav is a learning curve, but great once you're used to it. Pity there isn't something similar for SHIV but you can't have everything, the TMO mod is the business for that sim!

MadCowMoo 08-11-14 03:44 AM


I have spotted a small issue I am having. Trying to follow some excellent tutorials by community members on YouTube regarding navigating and engaging the enemy with Real Nav, I note that at some stage it is handy to click the Officer icon for Weapons Officer, select Torpedo Attack and then finally click the icon for Ship Recognition.

Would love to do that, but the icon in question is not there. I see a square totally black box alright but it is not clickable and is not even faded grey or anything.

Does anyone know what the problem may be? Everything else in the Mod is excellent and works 100% except for this. I struggle to identify ships by sight at long range due to questionable eyesight so would find this feature very helpful in my Real Nav learning curve.

adrians69 08-11-14 12:47 PM

That ability has been removed for realism. There is no longer an auto ident option. You may be able to enable it again, but I have no idea how. vecko will probably know.


pokara 08-11-14 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by MadCowMoo (Post 2232438)

I have spotted a small issue I am having. Trying to follow some excellent tutorials by community members on YouTube regarding navigating and engaging the enemy with Real Nav, I note that at some stage it is handy to click the Officer icon for Weapons Officer, select Torpedo Attack and then finally click the icon for Ship Recognition.

Would love to do that, but the icon in question is not there. I see a square totally black box alright but it is not clickable and is not even faded grey or anything.

Does anyone know what the problem may be? Everything else in the Mod is excellent and works 100% except for this. I struggle to identify ships by sight at long range due to questionable eyesight so would find this feature very helpful in my Real Nav learning curve.

Hi there and surry my english.. i did a try about this and it looks working:

i just replace: data\Menu\Pages\Page layout.ini

with the one on the "NewUIs_TDC_7_5_0_TheDarkWraith"

now ive got again the icon on there.. hope this could work with you

MadCowMoo 08-11-14 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by pokara (Post 2232541)
Hi there and surry my english.. i did a try about this and it looks working:

i just replace: data\Menu\Pages\Page layout.ini

with the one on the "NewUIs_TDC_7_5_0_TheDarkWraith"

now ive got again the icon on there.. hope this could work with you

Your english is fine.:up:

I have tried your suggestion but unfortunately it has now made all of the officers command pop-ups disappear:wah:

On closer inspection using file compare tools, the existing Page layout.ini has 16793 lines of code and the native one from "NewUIs_TDC_7_5_0_TheDarkWraith" has 16256.

Thank you very much for your suggestion anyway pokara.


Originally Posted by adrians69 (Post 2232509)
That ability has been removed for realism. There is no longer an auto ident option. You may be able to enable it again, but I have no idea how. vecko will probably know.


Thanks very much adrian.


Originally Posted by Shalafi (Post 2210798)
So I've spent my time since 8 o'clock this morning, till now 9 o'clock in the evening, watching videos, reading forums and manuals, reinstalling and digging deeper into the mod. Im not going to read 39 pages looking for an answer that may not be there. (Google found a post that was dated des 2013. And that did not work for me.) So Im sorry if the question has been asked before - I tried my best.

Is there any way to enable the "Ship recognition" command for the weapon offiser?

I have no problem with the real navigation and so on. But spening hours just trying to find out what Im looking at so I can get a mast height and draft... I guess Im not that an "average" (as the descirtion in the first post says) sub-sim player. I rather use my time on math and geometry.


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2210840)
No, Auto. target recognition is disabled for realism purposes. I don't think it's realistic to identify the ship 20 km away just by clicking one button...Sinking enemy shipping is is already to easy...

Aha!! I knew if I trolled through every single page of this thread I would find the answer to my own question.

Thanks to those who tried to help me. I really wanted to use this feature within this Mod as my eyesight is not great and I really do struggle with keeping enough distance so that enemies don't notice me, but still get close enough for my old mince pies to make out which stack is which and which stern is that.

Thanks again peeps! :yeah:

pokara 08-12-14 08:48 AM

Hi again )

Open "pagelayout.ini" and look for this code:

[G3F I133] -> Name=WP Fire torpedo
[G3F I134] -> Name=WP Solution to target
[G3F I135] -> Name=Bkgr

Now, open "pagelayout.ini" on "News_UI" and look for the same:

[G3F I133] -> Name=WP Tubes status
[G3F I134] -> Name=WP Fire torpedo
[G3F I135] -> Name=WP Solution to target
[G3F I136] -> Name=WP Identify target
[G3F I137] -> Name=Bkgr

As you can see, that option have been removed from the original file, so i think thats the cause its not visible on the hud.

You could insert the code:

[G3F I136]
Name=WP Identify target
Type=1031;Stat bmp array
Zone= 350 166 60 60 0 1 0x3F4D0001 0 -0.5 0x3F4D0005 0 0.5 6 0
Display=0;No stretch
Mat 0=data/menu/gui/layout/
Crop 0=0.666667,0.5,1,1
Mat 1=data/menu/gui/layout/
Crop 1=0,0.5,1,1
Mat 2=data/menu/gui/layout/
Crop 2=0.333333,0.5,1,1
Mat 3=data/menu/gui/layout/
Crop 3=0,0.5,1,1

on the wolfes'steel'File but think that you have to rename from that position to the end of the file all the [G3F IXXX] descriptions.. i mean you cant insert that code at the end of the file.. you need to do it exactly before the 'Name=Bkgr' zone. And rename all the G3F from this to the end of the file..

i dont know why just replace the file it doesnt work for you.. cant help you anymore surry :) thats all i know about it

good luck and comment any advance on this situation please ) :yep:

see ya :rock:

pokara 08-12-14 10:22 AM

A little thing im looking for its how to change the ruler lines color.

on my pc, the grey ruler lines, marks, etc on the map is too light color for me.

it could help a black color, i think it will be easier to see.. but i have no idea about how to make all the lines on the map "darker color"

does any1 knows how i could do this little change?

thanks in advance, im really excited with this megamod, its amazing!!

MadCowMoo 08-12-14 01:21 PM

Do you mean the lines and angles and marks you make with the map tools?

pokara 08-12-14 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by MadCowMoo (Post 2232847)
Do you mean the lines and angles and marks you make with the map tools?


MadCowMoo 08-12-14 04:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
You can do this in the TDW Generic Patcher. See image attached for details. Just start Patcher and click File --> Open and it will ask you confirm the 9 patches you previously used during the TWOS installation. Just click yes each time until you get to the image I attached. I have opened my "Change 7" for you. Note: You need to double click where it says "IsColor: True" to bring up the colour box. Select your new colour and you are all set. Don't forget to enable that particular change (right click "Change 7" for example and select "Enable")

Have fun!! :salute:


Attachment 1130

pokara 08-13-14 05:15 AM

ill make a try later, thanks for response )

Rocko 08-13-14 09:33 AM

Tonnage bar not recording
I've been reading about other players encountering the issue related to sinking merchant ships within the designated patrol areas and the tonnage bar not recording.

Many posts indicate the reason being that Advanced options were enabled by using TDW's Generic Patcher.

I'm experiencing the same issue with the tonnage bar (Black Pit and Turning Point) and I don't see the related Advanced options as being enabled in my Patcher instance. All Advanced options are disabled ...:timeout:

Any ideas what else might be causing this problem?

Thanks for your advise.

MadCowMoo 08-14-14 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by pokara (Post 2232771)
You could insert the code:

[G3F I136]
Name=WP Identify target
Type=1031;Stat bmp array

And rename all the G3F from this to the end of the file.

It took me about 4 hours of research (because I am not a good scripter), but what I did do was use Notepad++ with Python enabled in it. I then made up a Python script using a search and replace string which automatically renamed all the G3F entries from that point untill the end of the file. All I did then was copy in your code.

Works fantastically!! Thank's very much :up: :up: :up:


Originally Posted by pokara (Post 2232771)
i dont know why just replace the file it doesnt work for you.. cant help you anymore surry :) thats all i know about it

good luck and comment any advance on this situation please ) :yep:

see ya :rock:

You can't just replace the file because other mods inside WOS have already alterred the Page Layout INI file. If you want to see this use a file compare program and you will see that the file is over twice the length of the original.

Thanks again pokora!! :rock:

Would anybody like me to post a tutorial on how I did the changes to Page layout using Notepad++ with the Python script?

Dragon81 08-14-14 04:59 AM

Hi Vecko,

I have a question about compatibility of some Mods with WoS.
I want to add the following mods to Wolves of Steel.
Is this possible? If not, what do I have to keep in mind when I try to merge the files?

DynEnv Enhanced Visibility (medium)

Rongels SH 5 Lifeboats:

Stormflys DBSM:

Naights Submaine Textures v1.2 (PUV):

pokara 08-14-14 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by MadCowMoo (Post 2233196)
Works fantastically!! Thank's very much :up: :up: :up:

You did all the work about it :)

I must also thanks you about the map color with the generic patcher..
Didnt know nothing about it and now i see all the lines on the map with different colors, also amazing :) thanks!!

Good hunt! :rock:

pokara 08-14-14 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by MadCowMoo (Post 2233196)
Would anybody like me to post a tutorial on how I did the changes to Page layout using Notepad++ with the Python script?

Me! :haha:

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