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THEBERBSTER 11-04-15 07:48 PM

Hi Cyborg

Did you do this in Step 7?

Don't forget to save/reload the game first time you enter the bunker (do this every time you start a new campaign or advancing to the next one)...


gap 11-04-15 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Cyborg322 (Post 2355829)
It happens ... exactly at 02.00am


the debug info as follows


Fault Module Name: Sound.act

It must be a scripted radio event. Most probably an audio file in an unsupported format, or wrongly spelled in radio.ini. Have you enabled any radio mod?

Cyborg322 11-04-15 08:10 PM

Wolves of Steel Patch 11
Yes did that , I have gone back to enabling patch 10 ( No CTD ) for now until I figure it out or get help with it .

With patch 10 the game can take all sorts of abuse without crashing even without save loading adding taking away mods etc I've not had CTD's for ages Its a little frustrating . Also the Game seems to run smother on 10 none of the micro freezes either

I'm guessing if this is not common it may be due to changes I made with the options viewer , The problem is I made the mistake of making too many changes at the same time I don't normally do that

Cyborg322 11-04-15 08:20 PM

@ Gap I just have the radio mod within WOS I was using a radio mod I made myself but I stopped using it when I started tracing the bug, Its not within the realms of impossibility I missed something obvious so I'll take another look in that ballpark

YoYo 11-05-15 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2355314)
General impression is that your game is rather unstable which is strange because I really cant remember when I saw CTD in my game during normal gameplay ...:hmm2: Have you recently add or remove some additional mods during your campaign?

Sounds like broken gamesave...Fin one that works and try to continue your campaign.

Hi Vecko,
Nice to inform You that I found a reason why I had CTD or many problems with "saves". I reinstalled SH5+WofS. Passed Gibraltar (without disabling of rander patch also!) with TC16 without big problems like before (nice FPS too)! I recived one CTD, but all saves works fine without problems!

I noticed that between step 5 and 6 ( U-Play (it works as background) must be closed also for good installation of "TDW generic patcher". In the first time I recived info (when I was in step 6) that one file of SH5 is used still and can't be patched (but SH5 was closed). Now after the 5th step I closed Uplay too and restart PC. After this - I go to step 6 and continued installation without any problems!
Maybe good idea to add in Your manual info that UPaly must be closed also, not only SH5 when You will start to install TDW generic patcher (Step 6 in Your manual).

vdr1981 11-05-15 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by YoYo (Post 2355905)
...I recived one CTD...

Again? :huh: Sometitimes I really think that we are not playing the same mod/game...:D


Originally Posted by Cyborg322 (Post 2355846)
@ Gap I just have the radio mod within WOS I was using a radio mod I made myself but I stopped using it when I started tracing the bug, Its not within the realms of impossibility I missed something obvious so I'll take another look in that ballpark

I couldn't reproduce your issue and my opening Danzing mission passed without any issues...

Check/remove your additional mods and reinstall the game/mod according to setup instructions...

YoYo 11-05-15 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2355908)
Again? :huh: Sometitimes I really think that we are not playing the same mod/game...:D

Yep but it was on TC256 and in Gibraltar. Nothing important :woot:. The rest looks ok.

Jimbuna 11-05-15 07:18 AM

Welcome to SubSim Cyborg :sunny:

THEBERBSTER 11-05-15 07:45 AM

Hi Guys

Please take note that Gibraltar has serious frame rate issues and will test your system so you need to be sensible with your TC or you will encounter a CTD.

Use the CTRL + F8 keys.


Cyborg322 11-05-15 09:26 AM

Thanks for the welcome and the help on my first visit to the forum :sunny:

I'm working thru the bugs I've encountered and think I'm almost there

THEBERBSTER 11-05-15 04:59 PM

Hi Vecko

In your current Time Compression settings.
Enemy Detected 512:hmmm:

In July I was seeing.
Enemy Detected 1:yep:

I think it may have been changed when you updated one of your versions.
Its not a problem for me as I personalize my own TC settings.


vdr1981 11-05-15 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cyborg322 (Post 2355961)
Thanks for the welcome and the help on my first visit to the forum :sunny:

I'm working thru the bugs I've encountered and think I'm almost there



Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2356035)
Hi Vecko

In your current Time Compression settings.
Enemy Detected 512:hmmm:

In July I was seeing.
Enemy Detected 1:yep:

I think it may have been changed when you updated one of your versions.
Its not a problem for me as I personalize my own TC settings.


From FAQ...

- How is time compression set in this expansion?
With TC x128 or higher, TC will drop to x1 every time your watch crew detect something regardless of unit coalition (enemy, neutral or even friendly). TC up to x64 will drop to x1 only if enemy airplane has been detected...This is important gameplay element because player now has to reveal ships affiliation by some other means other than TC drop (ships behavior, markings, type, location, ect). Max TC is limited to x512 for stability reasons, although I can not recommend anything higher than x256 in areas with dense air and sea traffic (Baltic, coastal waters...).

THEBERBSTER 11-06-15 07:11 AM

Hi Vecko

Thank you for putting me straight yet again.

Will you be producing a new snapshot.gps file in your next patch so that it disables the Uplay browser patch that needs to be done to take in to account MaMa's new SH5 fix?

Regarding your installation Time Compression settings.
Would it not be useful to add a second Time Compression settings in your installation instructions for those who do not use Real Navgation?
These gamers who can see there boat on the maps do not have to worry about coast lines etc and also the travel mode settings are going to be more useful if more are added.

The other alternative is to state that the installation Time Compression settings is only for Real Navigation.
Gamers not using Real Navigation would then use the default stock settings.


Bera 11-06-15 09:29 AM

Hi folks,

I have a new and somewhat powerful machine. Is it ok if I raise the max time compression rate on TWOS to a higher value, like 40XX?

Also, do I need to install the generic patcher along with TWOS, or is it already included in the mega mod?


Sjizzle 11-06-15 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Bera (Post 2356172)
Hi folks,

I have a new and somewhat powerful machine. Is it ok if I raise the max time compression rate on TWOS to a higher value, like 40XX?

Also, do I need to install the generic patcher along with TWOS, or is it already included in the mega mod?


don't rise up the TC more then 256.....
and yup u need t apply the patches with tdw's patcher read the post #1 from TWOS mega mod

how to use the patcher

elder_gutknecht 11-07-15 05:56 AM

First thanks for TWOS megamod, second, sorry for my english
I have read tutorials, helps, question and a lot of threads
I have installed the SH5 after many years, updated and follow the instructions to use this megamod
Well, everything was fine, the game works and i can play
Try, as instructions, to skip the first Poland tutorial, but was imposible i never find any careerhistory.config, anyway i install the megamod and as i said it works fine, but the only i can play was history missions and the first tutorial
Any idea of what to do, i want turn from false to true the tutorial but no way to find it
And another question, if you donīt mind, i use the easy way to play, i mean with all the help posible and without real navigation, noob after all
Try to fire torpedos as i have readed, mark target, tdc off, unmark target, and again use my scope to see the target and fir, no boom after a lot of tryings, i know that make something wrong, but donīt know what
Thanks for yours answer

vdr1981 11-07-15 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by elder_gutknecht (Post 2356300)
Well, everything was fine, the game works and i can play
Try, as instructions, to skip the first Poland tutorial, but was imposible i never find any careerhistory.config, anyway i install the megamod and as i said it works fine, but the only i can play was history missions and the first tutorial
Any idea of what to do, i want turn from false to true the tutorial but no way to find it

You've probably skipped step 2...:yep:


Originally Posted by Bera (Post 2356172)
Hi folks,

I have a new and somewhat powerful machine. Is it ok if I raise the max time compression rate on TWOS to a higher value, like 40XX?

Also, do I need to install the generic patcher along with TWOS, or is it already included in the mega mod?


It doesn't matter now much "power" your PC has...SH5 just can not stand high TC rate...

elder_gutknecht 11-07-15 07:46 AM

Wow, fast you are, like Yoda would say
No step omited, as you wrote, start new career and when cinematic start exit from game and look for careerhistory.config but doesn't exist
I'm trying arrive to Kiel port to start the campaign
Thanks for your answer

Sjizzle 11-07-15 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by elder_gutknecht (Post 2356323)
Wow, fast you are, like Yoda would say
No step omited, as you wrote, start new career and when cinematic start exit from game and look for careerhistory.config but doesn't exist
I'm trying arrive to Kiel port to start the campaign
Thanks for your answer

after u start a new campaign there must start a cinematic w8 till u can go up to the cunning tower then exit from game and go to

and there u finde the CareerHistory.cfg file edit the file to look like this


YoYo 11-07-15 04:14 PM

Gadget "Collector's edition" for Wolves of Steel is under construction still ;).

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