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hauangua 08-30-23 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by yagura (Post 2882568)
Perhaps I remember incorrectly, but it is my understanding that he is not planning on making more changes. I think I read this somewhere on these forums, maybe even in this thread some pages back in a message from Vecko himself.

Grazie yagura

taflad 09-29-23 08:45 AM

Real Nav version and Sextant functionality?
Hi all,

I've played SH5 TWOs many years ago. Ive got the Das Boot itch again and downloaded everything, but Im seeing talk about an old version of Real Navigation vs a new version. IS the new version included in the latest TWO's installer please? Or does it need to be manually updated? My goal is to learn the sextant and proper navigation this time around. As far as I understand it, the old version of real navigation doesn't work correctly for sextant usage (something to do with TC). Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Aktungbby 09-29-23 10:07 AM

welcome back!
taflad!:Kaleun_Salute: back to the surface after a 3-year'silent run'!:up:

fitzcarraldo 09-29-23 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by taflad (Post 2886133)
Hi all,

I've played SH5 TWOs many years ago. Ive got the Das Boot itch again and downloaded everything, but Im seeing talk about an old version of Real Navigation vs a new version. IS the new version included in the latest TWO's installer please? Or does it need to be manually updated? My goal is to learn the sextant and proper navigation this time around. As far as I understand it, the old version of real navigation doesn't work correctly for sextant usage (something to do with TC). Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The Real Nav addon included in TWoS 2.2.25 works well. If you want more difficult RN, add the Alpheratz mod.

Welcome aboard!

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

dive3452 10-04-23 06:07 AM

Hi, I have a little problem, looks like the text from textbox (crew reports) is all in Russian (not the main menu, it is in english) , also some other labels are in Russian as well, the loading tips are also in Russian, can someone help me to fix that to be in english? I have tried searching the forum but with no luck...

fitzcarraldo 10-04-23 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by dive3452 (Post 2886772)
Hi, I have a little problem, looks like the text from textbox (crew reports) is all in Russian (not the main menu, it is in english) , also some other labels are in Russian as well, the loading tips are also in Russian, can someone help me to fix that to be in english? I have tried searching the forum but with no luck...

Did you installed TWoS 2.2.25? Never I see this issue...

Vecko, the author, is russian, but the mod is all in english, except voices. :hmmm:

Reinstall SH5 1.2 with TWoS 2.2.25 and see how works.

In the KSD app put English in the settings. I don´t know if this could be the problem...Maybe not.

Good luck!

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

dive3452 10-04-23 06:04 PM

It looks like i used SH5 Russian installation, i will just have to use English installation, thanks anyway.
One more question, what version of IRAI is implemented in latest twos? I have found on forums here that there is a new version of IRAI 0.0.45, but i cant download it, link is that version already in latest IRAI?

fitzcarraldo 10-10-23 11:38 AM

About TWoS and TDW patches:

I would to know why a lot of the TDW patches in TWoS are disabled. I think is due stability reasons, but there is a huge lot of patches disabled. Vecko knows his motives.

I´m doing some tests enabling some of the disabled patches and it seems the game works well.

Many thanks and best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Propnut17 10-11-23 02:59 AM

Looking forward to reading your TDW test results. :up:

yagura 10-12-23 09:29 AM

Hello everyone! I have a small problem with one of the map tools (one of those that you can open from the menu that comes up by pressing the default key 'E'). At some point I have managed to misplace the tool so that now whenever I open that tool it is off-screen and I can not move it back, or at least do not know how.

Is there a way to reset the position at which the map tools / charts / etc. open on the screen so I can use that 'hidden' tool again?

GrenSo 10-12-23 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by yagura (Post 2887917)
Hello everyone! I have a small problem with one of the map tools (one of those that you can open from the menu that comes up by pressing the default key 'E'). At some point I have managed to misplace the tool so that now whenever I open that tool it is off-screen and I can not move it back, or at least do not know how.

Is there a way to reset the position at which the map tools / charts / etc. open on the screen so I can use that 'hidden' tool again?

You just have to delete the .TDW files in the root folder. In this one are the position saved. I don't know in which one is map tool position integrated, but this files will be created and updated with every start of the game.

yagura 10-13-23 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by GrenSo (Post 2887922)
You just have to delete the .TDW files in the root folder. In this one are the position saved. I don't know in which one is map tool position integrated, but this files will be created and updated with every start of the game.

Thank you!! :salute:

castle1875 10-27-23 08:52 AM

Thanks to your mod I can play sh5 again:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

Ashikaga 11-03-23 10:01 PM

About Vecko not being around, I just hope he is safe and was not drafted/mobilized. TWoS still works well for me even though I have not upgraded to the latest version due to me still being in a campaign.

Whether or not there will be any more updates we will see in the future.

If Vecko reads this at all, hope you are safe and well.

brunnerius 11-18-23 12:46 PM

ahoy fellow grey wolves

this is my first post after many months of browsing through your wonderful and useful informations :)

cutting the waves of the Atlantic ocean with my mighty u-** ;) is the most beautiful feeling
But I was hit by two shells from the deck gun and I need help :)

first hit is the name of my boat, U-** is weird

and the second hit is an empty list of sunken ships and warships (I have a tonnage of over 190000 till now)

Has anyone been hit like this before and can help?

Thank you very much in advance

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