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fitzcarraldo 07-12-17 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2499573)

Last enigma wheels starting position before writing was GATT.
On image you can see "plugs settings" based at 1939-10-03.

but it looks like you wrote part of the message wrong here it seams "IHIE" was wrong...

If you dont understand this, RTFM :salute:

Sure Palmic. It seems there is something wrong.....

BTW the same Enigma in TWoS is also an app for Android....I practice in my cel....


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Faamecanic 07-12-17 01:47 PM

It could be I typed the message in my post wrong. I'll work the message again when I get home. At least what you got makes sense up to the IHIE part. That was my patrol zone AM0286.

So it isn't unusual to get a enigma message with the date in the message being a month or more old?

Edit: the IHIE part was correct.....put message in enigma and it was all good. So I buggered up a code somewhere.

palmic 07-12-17 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Faamecanic (Post 2499655)
It could be I typed the message in my post wrong. I'll work the message again when I get home. At least what you got makes sense up to the IHIE part. That was my patrol zone AM0286.

So it isn't unusual to get a enigma message with the date in the message being a month or more old?

Its date of writing, they cannot knew when your radio operator manage to receive it....

fitzcarraldo 07-12-17 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2499662)
Its date of writing, they cannot knew when your radio operator manage to receive it....

Sure. It is how works in TWoS.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

vdr1981 07-12-17 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Faamecanic (Post 2499655)

So it isn't unusual to get a enigma message with the date in the message being a month or more old?

Not at all because grid patrol orders are predefined messages which can be repeated several times (they are randomly taken from the "secondary missions roster" to say so) . Sometimes you may even receive a "message from the future" although very rare...
Other encrypted campaign radio messages will mostly have the same encryption and reception date (occasional convoy/TF reports, base transfers ect)...


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2499537)
Vecko, you should remove "new" label from last version, it becomes irelevant for us who already have 2.0.4 for month ;)

Hey Michal :salute:
You would be quite surprised how many people is unaware of my updates for TWoS (this can be visible if you monitor the number of main package and update downloads) so it would be good IMO to keep this flashing mark for some time, if not constantly...

palmic 07-12-17 04:30 PM

Hmmm strange, but ok, i check new number anytime anyway :)

fitzcarraldo 07-12-17 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2499721)

Hey Michal :salute:
You would be quite surprised how many people is unaware of my updates for TWoS (this can be visible if you monitor the number of main package and update downloads) so it would be good IMO to keep this flashing mark for some time, if not constantly...

True. In SUBSIM Facebook there are users of 1.06 yet and making questions about it.



Faamecanic 07-12-17 09:40 PM

Thanks for all the enigma help guys! Decoded three more tonight and all is good.

Well mostly... the last message I decoded Said something like "Reposition to AN1386. Radius Two Zero Zero". But then descended to gibberish... so i must have missed a letter or something I guess.

excel4004 07-13-17 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by Faamecanic (Post 2499801)
Thanks for all the enigma help guys! Decoded three more tonight and all is good.

Well mostly... the last message I decoded Said something like "Reposition to AN1386. Radius Two Zero Zero". But then descended to gibberish... so i must have missed a letter or something I guess.


fitzcarraldo 07-13-17 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by Faamecanic (Post 2499801)
Thanks for all the enigma help guys! Decoded three more tonight and all is good.

Well mostly... the last message I decoded Said something like "Reposition to AN1386. Radius Two Zero Zero". But then descended to gibberish... so i must have missed a letter or something I guess.

Congrats! Alan Turing is happy! (Allieds knows all).

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

excel4004 07-13-17 10:14 AM

How big is the patrol area from the "assigned patrol areas" again? 50 or 100 km from the middle? I cant remeber. :hmmm:

vdr1981 07-13-17 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2499915)
How big is the patrol area from the "assigned patrol areas" again? 50 or 100 km from the middle? I cant remeber. :hmmm:

Patrol mission from which objective? Eastern British Coastal Waters, NW approaches, SW app? This should be specified in your first radio message when you enter the designated area...

fitzcarraldo 07-13-17 12:06 PM

Some answer for my little question? I need the font of the logo of TWoS for my signature. Please! What´s the name?


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

vdr1981 07-13-17 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2499944)
Some answer for my little question? I need the font of the logo of TWoS for my signature. Please! What´s the name?


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Try some of these: Deutsch-Gotisch Heavy or Grobe Deutschmeister

Cant find the font I used when I was editing promo image in the first post...:hmmm:

Quadro 07-13-17 12:51 PM

Hey guys i need help...
How can i find these coordinations in this map?
33-30S 53-30W, 63-20N 16-35W, 56-44N 14-05W

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