Ubisoft changed recently [that prevents mod from launching?]
Hello! I've been playing the mod for about 6 months with no issues, until now.
When I go to launch, I get stopped by an UbiSoft loading window that never finishes loading. Has anybody have this issue recently or know how to get passed? Thanks |
The Uplay installed with the not steam game don't work well with W10. Download from Ubisoft the Uplay and install it. And try. I had to do it for my SH5 when installed W10. Best regards. Fitzcarraldo :salute: |
Hi gh
Uninstall your current game launcher in the Control Panel's Program & Features. You can install this genuine new one on any drive and in any folder. Post #157 How To Replace a Faulty SH5 Game Launcher Peter |
Install instructions come with the download yes?? I specifically remember a while ago having to go into the TDW generic patcher to switch off things I didn't want (Like real nav and stuff)
Hi everyone I'm new to subsim so I'm not sure if I should be posting this here.
I downloaded the mod yesterday following The Norse Cast installation video on youtube and everything went great. The only mod I didn't install was the real navigation, I'm still new to the game and I wouldn't be capable of moving the sub around with that mod. When I started playing the game though I noticed a few tools were missing, at first I though it was due to the mod, so I went and watched one of The Norse Cast gameplay of the mod and noticed he still had them. I was somehow able to make all the tools at the bottom left of the screen appear (speed gauges, bearing, fuel etc.) but not the ones on the top right TC indicator and all the other icons. Also al the crew outside the sub when I'm surfaced has disappeared. What should I do? Thanks |
A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Luigi1717
Subsim <> How To Donate <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community The Wolves Of Steel Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) & Game Tips (Please Look Here First Before Posting A Question) (Do not post your problems here if you have added additional mods to TWOS make a new thread) Tools are compass, ruler, marker, protractor, eraser, not gauges. IIRC alt + tab will make your deck crew disappear. You need to reload the saved game. |
Real Navigation only becomes active when the mod is enabled and AFAIK no other changes need to be made if not using it. Peter |
What else should I try? |
How can you tell?
Hello all, I'm new to the game and have just installed this megamod - but how I tell if it is working? I don't see any Wolves of Steel indications anywhere when I launch the game, although it appears to launch and work OK.
and i have a question about the neutrals, its October 1939 here and i am looking at 2 danish freighters sailing towards an English port are they legit targets? please tell me they are :arrgh!:
Well that brings me back to my first point then.
Doesn't that mean that if I was to request the mission from the bunker (breaking the fortress aka scapa flow) that pretty much means I have to wait until it actually becomes available meaning I have to sail for some time in front of Kiel harbor (until September 10) before entering the bunker? Ergo i loose around 6 days i could be on patrol plus the days it keeps you in the bunker, so i would sail out again somewhere begin October '39. I don't mind the crew skill points that much although it would be nice to collect them along the way specially since my raid was a big succes :p. I currently am on British coastal water mission and did the scapa flow mission along the way without requesting it. I noticed that when I close the game it says for breaking the fortress it is finished so I pass the mission I guess, but I will not receive the skill points for the crew once I dock in willemshaven and end the current patrol correct? |
Tips: Vecko quote ''Career progress depends on: - Promotional points for the crew - secondary patrol missions, spy infiltration ect... - Points for new equipment - number of sunken ships/tonnage from anywhere in the world - New sub offer - Rating points gained by sinking capital ships and tankers anywhere in the world - Medals - Overall tonnage, sinkings of capital ships '' Vecko can correct me if I am wrong |
alright thanks! Yeah indeed time enough to get them more skilled :)
You know anything about the neutrals? Its October and i am looking at 2 juicy Danish freighters sailing towards an English port are they fair game? :p |
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