Hi all
is this mod (Old Style Explosions) compatible? http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=164959 Thanks |
Good luck! Regards. Fitzcarraldo :salute: |
Nothing in the game folder? I mean SH5 folder - main folder of the game.
Regards. Fitzcarraldo :salute: |
Good hunting and good shots!
Regards. Fitzcarraldo :salute: |
Yeah and share some of your pics here at sh5/screenshots ;-)
Sent from phone |
Regards. Fitzcarraldo :salute: |
Love the mod made me get back into SH5 (well that and the HMS Marulken game :p )
Question about the missions. You request mission at the bunker right (the flotilla guy) So this is about the scapa flow one kinda confused about dates here I did the Baltic thing, sunk the task force, checked the date when the next mission is available and decided to wreck some more havoc as Kiel wasn't available yet. And sunk some more poor Polish sailors, arrived at Kiel on September 5 just after midnight. Went to the bar, got drunk, passed out, reported back to the flotilla guy Choose new mission: (only one available is the eastern british coastal mission) As i sail out the other mission appear (scapa flow an the north western approaches) So the scapa flow one, it becomes available on September 10 correct? and deadline is October 15th When i depart in Kiel it is September 29th meaning i got a nice shore leave of 20+ days Now Do i still can go to scapa flow do the mission? Without requesting the mission in the bunker, or is it pretty much GG on that mission because i didn't selected/requested it in the bunker? (if i re dock and request the mission i pretty much loose the window of opportunity on that mission as i probably will be stuck in Kiel for another 20 something days meaning departure after October 15 and 40 something days lost in total) Or do i literally have to sail around for 1 more week before Kiel harbor untill scapa flow is available and then dock my boat and then request the mission? |
Hi potus
You do not need to request BTF. When loading the AEB game save you would request the only mission showing BCW. BTF shows later as does NWA. I was lucky as my BTF patrol area was AN1814 which covered the Western entrance to Scapa. Not only did I complete the 24 hour patrol but I also completed the Scapa mission without requesting it. Peter |
Alright thanks for the reply!
was under the impression that you have to request every mission in the bunker. anyways onward i go and sink those tommies! :p bit less fortunate then you though, i need to go patrol near Dover, but that can wait will get to scapa flow first :arrgh!: |
Hi, kaleuns:
I want to configure the MaMa option "2" (permanent OSI.exe, background process), in Windows 10. But I canīt find the way to the options of the system to put the "background" processes. Some help, please? (Damn W10). Many thanks! Fitzcarraldo :salute: |
Hi fitz
Check this out: Post #188 Revised Campaign Fix And Working Tonnage Bar By MaMa > Version 2 Peter |
Best regards. Fitzcarraldo :salute: EDIT: Resolved. Great for the support! |
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