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stuka80 05-21-16 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2406123)
Hi Stuka
You will still get some duds even though selected no duds in the game play settings.

I see, thanks for the fast reply!

Aktungbby 05-21-16 06:50 PM

Welcome aboard!
stuka80!:Kaleun_Salute:after a five year silent run! 4 posts!:up:

Coldcall 05-22-16 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2406089)
Thanks! One just before you jumped to HT would be very useful too...:yep:

Aww I deleted those shortly after I was sure HT was working :doh:

Coldcall 05-22-16 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by stuka80 (Post 2406122)
Is this a bug? I've set the gameplay settings while in dock to no duds and i'm still getting duds...i've even gone to the config file and made sure that duds were set to false and i'm still gettind duds. its very annoying when i take the time to punch in the numbers correctly and still not get a hit because of i doing something wrong here?

Iīm finding duds seem to come in bunches. Iīll get 2 or 3 in a row then none for a while. I also find that the more of a right angle shot the less likely it duds. Just wait til you get the torpedo which appears to go right through the target, that is quite annoying. Seems to happen with destroyers quite a bit.

Trevally. 05-22-16 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by J0313 (Post 2405837)
I was wondering what are the diameters of the patrol objectives in TWoS? As in 100km, 150km?

They are different in each opbective

When you get your mission orders it will say to patrol an area. You will then get radio message with new info "Patrol AN5517 zone radius 120 km. Time of patrol 48 hours. BdU"

Is this not happening?

Coldcall 05-22-16 05:34 AM

So I am finding HT rather more like boring times. I am blanking many patrols and crew morale seems very delicate. They are down a few morale points within a week or so of patrol time as there is nothing to sink. The chef seems only good for about 1 special meal, then because morale is so low he wont even cook another a week later. I have been using a lot of promotion points on the Bosunīs passive morale abilities, but it doesn't seem to help much.

The radio convoy contact reports often donīt actually show up in the Captains log info (long/lat) so no way of knowing which report is where in order to gauge if its a lead worth following or can be caught without burning too much precious fuel.

Also the grids i am being sent to appear to have no traffic whatsoever so instead of burning fuel often i just sit there and wait the 48/72 hours, submerging once in a while to check the hyrdophone. Lots of whales, no ships :D

J0313 05-22-16 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Trevally. (Post 2406165)
They are different in each opbective

When you get your mission orders it will say to patrol an area. You will then get radio message with new info "Patrol AN5517 zone radius 120 km. Time of patrol 48 hours. BdU"

Is this not happening?

I haven't gotten that far yet but I will let you know if it isn't. Like I said I am new to SH5 and I don't have awhole lot of time to play so it's going to take some time.

J0313 05-22-16 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2406124)
Hi J
My apology for coming on a bit strong.
Courtesy acknowledgement to vdr1981.

It's okay bro, no need to apologize. I was just explaining my situation is all.

Coldcall 05-23-16 05:38 AM

So I reinstalled WOS as about half way through Happy Times I could not get out of Lorient/Brest area without CTDs. Tried various times on minor time compression without luck. Also tried restoring the bunker save at Lorient and choosing new mission but each time i reached about 100 KM from Lorient on way to Atlantic I had a CTD. No error messages. I was experiencing this once in a while before usually when returning to port or approaching enemy ports on patrol. But usually in those cases a reloading a save fixed the problem.

I am aware of the need to use low time compression near ports/land.

So I am wondering if there are some settings I can use or any other mods I can load after WOS which might limit the amount of CTDs? I only have 4 gig RAM so could that be a problem?

Any advice much appreciated as with this many CTDs it is becoming almost unplayable.

Micksp 05-23-16 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Coldcall (Post 2406407)
So I reinstalled WOS as about half way through Happy Times I could not get out of Lorient/Brest area without CTDs. Tried various times on minor time compression without luck. Also tried restoring the bunker save at Lorient and choosing new mission but each time i reached about 100 KM from Lorient on way to Atlantic I had a CTD. No error messages. I was experiencing this once in a while before usually when returning to port or approaching enemy ports on patrol. But usually in those cases a reloading a save fixed the problem.

I am aware of the need to use low time compression near ports/land.

So I am wondering if there are some settings I can use or any other mods I can load after WOS which might limit the amount of CTDs? I only have 4 gig RAM so could that be a problem?

Any advice much appreciated as with this many CTDs it is becoming almost unplayable.

Because I'm not an expert in SH5, I'll share my own opinion based on my own experience:
I have Win 7 Ultimate Pro OS, CPU- AMD Athlon X4 5350 /2.05GHz/ 2MB Cache/ AM1, GPU Nvidia GeForce GT 705-DDR III 2 GB, RAM-DDR III-8 GB, HDD 2 TB. I'm playng the SH5-TWOS Upd 12 from two months without any CTD. The game runs very light and stable. In comparison, in the past I've tried it whith 4 GB RAM and it was baad.
In other hand, it is always recommended to use as lower TC as possible near ports and shore, also potential action zones. It is a good idea to load your last save, then quit without new save and reload the same.

vdr1981 05-23-16 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Coldcall (Post 2406407)
So I reinstalled WOS as about half way through Happy Times I could not get out of Lorient/Brest area without CTDs. Tried various times on minor time compression without luck. Also tried restoring the bunker save at Lorient and choosing new mission but each time i reached about 100 KM from Lorient on way to Atlantic I had a CTD. No error messages. I was experiencing this once in a while before usually when returning to port or approaching enemy ports on patrol. But usually in those cases a reloading a save fixed the problem.

I am aware of the need to use low time compression near ports/land.

So I am wondering if there are some settings I can use or any other mods I can load after WOS which might limit the amount of CTDs? I only have 4 gig RAM so could that be a problem?

Any advice much appreciated as with this many CTDs it is becoming almost unplayable.

Try to save and restart your game completely approximately 50-60 km from the port, or just before you expect your game to CTD...
Also , error report from windows event viewer would be helpful...

Only 4GB of RAM here too, but my Atlantic patrols are very stable even if I sometimes ignore my own tips for stable gameplay...:yep:.
I hope you haven't "over tweaked" something recently...:hmm2:

Coldcall 05-23-16 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Micksp (Post 2406443)
Because I'm not an expert in SH5, I'll share my own opinion based on my own experience:
I have Win 7 Ultimate Pro OS, CPU- AMD Athlon X4 5350 /2.05GHz/ 2MB Cache/ AM1, GPU Nvidia GeForce GT 705-DDR III 2 GB, RAM-DDR III-8 GB, HDD 2 TB. I'm playng the SH5-TWOS Upd 12 from two months without any CTD. The game runs very light and stable. In comparison, in the past I've tried it whith 4 GB RAM and it was baad.
In other hand, it is always recommended to use as lower TC as possible near ports and shore, also potential action zones. It is a good idea to load your last save, then quit without new save and reload the same.

Okay thanks. In that case itīs not my rig that is the problem. I will try the reload, then restart game and reload again trick.

Yes I just came back from 2nd mission based at Wilhelmshaven and used 32 TC into port with no CTD. Fingers crossed.

Coldcall 05-23-16 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2406446)
Try to save and restart your game completely approximately 50-60 km from the port, or just before you expect your game to CTD...
Also , error report from windows event viewer would be helpful...

Only 4GB of RAM here too, but my Atlantic patrols are very stable even if I sometimes ignore my own tips for stable gameplay...:yep:.
I hope you haven't "over tweaked" something recently...:hmm2:

No I haven't over-clocked or tweaked anything. I have the TC settings as instructed in the TWOS install procedure.

I looked at the Windows event viewer, could not find anything. Is there something or a specific log i should be looking at?

Yes the reload usually works when its a coming into port CTD, though admittedly I usually do not restart the game, just reload, but it usually works. The CTD i kept having in my last campaign in HT about December 1940 was leaving Lorient and heading in a WNW direction. About 100-150 km out it would CTD. Tried many different things, nothing worked. I even rebooted computer, and then restarted SH5, reloaded the bunker save, chose another mission set out again and CTD continued. Maybe I had a corrupt set of saves from the Bunker save?

Oh well, making my way through Total Germany again. Just intercepted a massive convoy in North Sea, off a radio lead which happened close by luckily. No duds! Sunk 3 for 14k tons! I was thinking, please dont CTD now :-)

Trevally. 05-23-16 09:58 AM

Low ram mem (4gb) with a high vid card ram (2gb) is the worst combo under a 32 bit OS:arrgh!:

Coldcall 05-23-16 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Trevally. (Post 2406463)
Low ram mem (4gb) with a high vid card ram (2gb) is the worst combo under a 32 bit OS:arrgh!:

hehe oh great. I guess i should get another 4 gig ram, just been too lazy.

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