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excel4004 08-20-17 04:29 PM


- Avoid excessive interaction with your crew after long playing sessions. Complex crew interaction animations can sometimes cause game crash after longer playing sessions.
Then the new addon would make not sense (is still bugy) if its not allowed to interact/give them constant commands via commands menu for the sub and should maybe removed again - or!?:D

vdr1981 08-20-17 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2507708)
Then the new addon would make not sense (is still bugy) if its not allowed to interact/give them commands for the sub - or!?:D

Sure, but I really cant remember when I had such CTD... I've also removed problematic interaction with the guy in the rear torpedo room long time ago. This solved the problem for me and I leave the warning just in case.
Anyway, new dialog commands hardly trigger any animation at all so I dont think that this is the problem...

You could try to reinstall the game completely (without any side tweaks) and continue your campaign from your last bunker gamesave.:yep:

fitzcarraldo 08-20-17 04:42 PM

Commands to crew in my 2.06 work flawless. Using in a saved game HT campaign from 2.05. Only I'm navigating for 17 days and no weather changes.

I like a mixed buttons/commands to crew UI. For me Sobers extreme interaction is excesive.

Good job Vecko and best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

vdr1981 08-20-17 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2507711)
Commands to crew in my 2.06 work flawless. Using in a saved game HT campaign from 2.05.


Only I'm navigating for 17 days anf no weather changes.
Stuck weather is occasional stock game bug. Usually save/reload helps...

fire-fox 08-20-17 05:03 PM

IMHO I think the commands as is,is pretty much spot on. Think what we have with TWoS is best mix of UI and realistic crew interface, some think they have to do every part of every task in a sim. But that isn't at all really helpful here.

THEBERBSTER 08-20-17 05:34 PM

Hi Vecko
Been patrolling the Danzig bay area for the last 2 hours tonight with v2.0.6 updated from v2.0.5, no problems to report.
Good to have the additional crew commands added.

fitzcarraldo 08-20-17 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by fire-fox (Post 2507719)
IMHO I think the commands as is,is pretty much spot on. Think what we have with TWoS is best mix of UI and realistic crew interface, some think they have to do every part of every task in a sim. But that isn't at all really helpful here.

Same thoughts here.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

fitzcarraldo 08-20-17 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2507713)

Stuck weather is occasional stock game bug. Usually save/reload helps...

I did 34 savegames from port and reloads. Weather is stuck in 0 meters clouds partial fog none. No changes. I think this were normal for summer - HT in June. but I like to see some nice waves...

Tried in furious sequence all disponible interactive commands. All working. No CTD.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:;

gap 08-20-17 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2507678)
Hi gap
You make a strong point of discussion regarding the various points you detailed.
In sobers mega mod while you can dive using an icon you cannot surface or crash dive without going to the chief.
At decks awash you have to dive or go to periscope depth or snorkel depth before you can surface.
While this sounds somewhat absurb in real terms as you have pointed out it actually ads a lot to the game immersion.
I particularly liked the fact that it appeared to make the game slower as you seem to take more care and attention in the details.
I found myself walking up and down ladders instead of always teleporting and also taking the time to read the dials properly in the command room for the first time in years.

I am not implying that TWOS should be going down this route as many like yourself would not want it and would be too radical.
More commands to the crew by avatar makes the game more personal and in a funny way it makes you feel more responsible to your crew than just pushing icons.
Its also useful to have the icons as one can take them or leave them.

Currently the default integrated default fuel/battery/CO2/compressed air UI in TWOS could be removed or disabled in the Options File Editor Viewer as this information is already in the sub sytem screen.

I see your point and I respect it THEBERBSTER. I am not against radical solutions either. :up:

Where I think our visions diverge, is on our respective interpretations of the word "immersion". If I got you correctly, for you that means a game that forces the player into a well pondered and somewhat slower playing style, privileging the long waits and the experience of daily routines that characterized a big part of U-boat crew lives, over the heptic action that they also had to face at times. Those are qualities that I also appreciate, but being an history lover and a simulation fan, I always tend to find more "immersive" what I think is closer to reality :)

Talking about it, a feature that I would happily give up, and I think you will agree with me on that, is the teleport function: it makes our lives much easier, but IMO it is somewhat unrealistic and it totally betrays one of the main strong points of SH5 over its prdecessors. i.e. the chance of commanding a fully walkable sub :yep:

THEBERBSTER 08-21-17 06:07 AM

Hi gap

Talking about it, a feature that I would happily give up, and I think you will agree with me on that, is the teleport function: it makes our lives much easier, but IMO it is somewhat unrealistic and it totally betrays one of the main strong points of SH5 over its prdecessors. i.e. the chance of commanding a fully walkable sub :yep:
As a 100% player I agree with you, sober retains this feature surprisingly considering the other radical changes he has made.

The problem here is possibly two fold as I see it.
1. TWOS is based on encouraging players to use real nvaigation and play at a high game playing level ideally 100% as does sober.
2. The vast majority of players play at a much lower level, I would expect a great number also using Auto TDC and possibly much lower game play levels.
Looking at KSD Commander there is a great difference in the numbers between the "Elite Flotilla" (100%) 153 players and "All" 889 players even after taking out the 153 and double player entries.

So it is possible to get into a catch 22 situation if not careful of balancing the game for all players which needs to be respected.
The worst scenario is those at the lower level abandoning TWOS and going back to modding lists because the game has gone beyound their gaming capability.
I for one would certainly not want to see that going back into let's call it the dark ages.
The 3 mega mods on offer to SH5 players at least gives the players choice and reliable gaming of playing the game rather than fixing it.

gap 08-21-17 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2507826)
Hi gap
As a 100% player I agree with you, sober retains this feature surprisingly considering the other radical changes he has made.

The problem here is possibly two fold as I see it.
1. TWOS is based on encouraging players to use real nvaigation and play at a high game playing level ideally 100% as does sober.
2. The vast majority of players play at a much lower level, I would expect a great number also using Auto TDC and possibly much lower game play levels.
Looking at KSD Commander there is a great difference in the numbers between the "Elite Flotilla" (100%) 153 players and "All" 889 players even after taking out the 153 and double player entries.

So it is possible to get into a catch 22 situation if not careful of balancing the game for all players which needs to be respected.
The worst scenario is those at the lower level abandoning TWOS and going back to modding lists because the game has gone beyound their gaming capability.
I for one would certainly not want to see that going back into let's call it the dark ages.
The 3 mega mods on offer to SH5 players at least gives the players choice and reliable gaming of playing the game rather than fixing it.

Hi THEBERBSTER, I agree that mods and megamods have to take many factors into account, including popularity and support by the widest possible number of players. I take our conversation more as we thinking out loud rather than actually suggesting any TWoS feature introduction/dismissal. It taking place on the TWoS thread is partly accidental and I hope Vecko doesn't mind having to host it :)

Have a nice evening, :salute:

Aleu Dazven 08-21-17 03:00 PM

Quick question here:

Been unable to find any info on this problem and I was hoping one of yall may be able to help me out. If this is in the wrong place for this mod then let me know.

Anyway after I've done everything in the installation (Clean install plus the workaround for Steam) I am experiencing a quite annoying crash.

I started up a new campaign, saved in the bunker and reloaded the game, then began a new patrol with no mission selected (Also tried it with a mission selected), and as soon as the loading is finished and I am ready to head out my game crashes on any form of input. I mean if I just let the game sit and not click or press any keys then it will be fine, but the moment I click (Whether it be empty space or a button), right click, etc it crashes to the desktop without any error message.

I followed the instructions of the mod and the workaround to a T so I am not sure what is the problem. If anybody has any advice on it I would appreciate it. Never had the issue with Sober's mega mod pack so this just leaves me scratching my head.

Windows 10 64 bit

Rest of the specs meet the game's (Should be for any mods too)

No extra mods added aside from the main files and the update (Refrained from the optional files for the time being)

I can provide any information to help narrow it down.

Anyway thanks guys.

THEBERBSTER 08-21-17 03:32 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Aleu Dazven
Subsim <> How To Donate <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community

Did you remember to restore the Snapshot gps file?

Aleu Dazven 08-21-17 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2507971)
A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Aleu Dazven
Subsim <> How To Donate <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community

Did you remember to restore the Snapshot gps file?

Yes I did, but that did lead me to the problem.

Went back through the process after you posted it to make absolutely certain. If I had slowed down during the process of doing that I would have read that it also restores sh5.exe. Restoring that had overwritten the workaround for the Steam version.

Just launched it right now and everything seems to be working just fine now.

I appreciate the help man, time to get back to hunting (In my case more like running lol).


Aktungbby 08-21-17 05:06 PM

welcome aboard!
Aleu Dazven!:Kaleun_Salute:

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