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Chucktown 08-09-17 04:09 PM

Was tactical map tools removed? I cant seem to use anything while in TAI. IIRC i was able to use all the tools i had in TAI before installing TWoS.

edit- Sorry for post, i just figured out that when im following a contact that i can use tools in TAI. Sorry again.

fire-fox 08-11-17 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2505359)
TWOS is a Career based mega mod meaninging when moving from campaign to campaign your crew and abilties, promotions etc., are carried forward.
"silentooto" is Campaign based which means you start with no abilities and have to bukd on them until the Campaign finishes and then you lose them when you start a new "silentotto" Campaign.

I like to look on it as a transfer to a new boat and crew as skippers where :D:up:

bdd458 08-11-17 04:12 PM

What's the best way to determine the speed of an enemy vessel while you are also moving?

Tonci87 08-11-17 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by bdd458 (Post 2506011)
What's the best way to determine the speed of an enemy vessel while you are also moving?

Open the U Jagd clock and point your sub at a point a bit in front of the enemy.
Start the clock once the enemy ship intersects your course (so once it is at 0°) use the u-Jagd clock as you would if you were standing still.

bdd458 08-11-17 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2506014)
Open the U Jagd clock and point your sub at a point a bit in front of the enemy.
Start the clock once the enemy ship intersects your course (so once it is at 0°) use the u-Jagd clock as you would if you were standing still.


3kekissa 08-11-17 07:03 PM

I can't see "SH4style" on TDW Options File Editor Viewer.
Is this mistake to install? or need somefile download?

HW3 08-11-17 11:11 PM

Open TDW OFEV, click on UI, expand UI style used in-game, double click on SH5Enhanced, popup box should appear where you can then select SH4Style and then click Accept box.

THEBERBSTER 08-12-17 04:32 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > 3kekissa
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fitzcarraldo 08-12-17 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by 3kekissa (Post 2506031)
I can't see "SH4style" on TDW Options File Editor Viewer.
Is this mistake to install? or need somefile download?

When I tried SH4 Style UI, it had some problems: buttons didn't work, etc. I prefer SH3 style, it works very fine and looks great.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Stellan 08-12-17 09:45 AM

Problem with engine contol and diveplanes.
I need help i cant get engine contol and diveplanes to work

excel4004 08-12-17 03:29 PM

The top for the stadimeter is always the flag not the masthead - or!? :D

Chucktown 08-12-17 11:11 PM

Patrol doesn't end.
Hey, I have spent more then 24 hrs doing a patrol area of AN0135. I received a message upon entering within 120km to patrol for 24 hrs but its not saying completed. I did not save or load, i did it all within one sitting. I read the OP! I sent a status report but that didnt work. Will I get a new mission like SH4 or what do i do here? I also didnt leave area for any reason.

Also, anyway to set TC1 when spotting airplanes, smoke on the horizon, and ship sighted?

THEBERBSTER 08-13-17 03:13 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Stellan

i cant get engine contol and diveplanes to work.
There are 2 things here:
Engine Control.
Dive Planes.

Engine Control is worked from the 2 lit buttons called "Shafts"
Dive Planes are operated from the Chief Engineer icons.
You can see in the picture the dive planes have reacted to the manual orders being given.

Stellan 08-13-17 03:28 AM

I have tried to push these buttons, I do not get the meters up the, bottons only flash two tims. Nothing more is happening. The same applies to the engines. I press "Shafts" but the engines just chew and continue. I wonder if there is any more Settings I missed. I'm running The Wolves of Steel 2.0.5

THEBERBSTER 08-13-17 05:55 AM

Hi Stellan
With Sobers Mega Mod you may have to be at 'ALL Stop' before you can change the 'Shafts' it may be the same for TWOS?

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