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OLZS 02-28-24 02:54 AM

I have constant problems charging the batteries. The batteries run out almost instantly and then it is impossible to charge them by any means. What do you recommend, gentlemen submariners? :hmmm:

Kal_Maximus_U669 02-28-24 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by OLZS (Post 2904207)
I have constant problems charging the batteries. The batteries run out almost instantly and then it is impossible to charge them by any means. What do you recommend, gentlemen submariners? :hmmm:

Strange, I have no problem with the batteries, they all work perfectly...
I of course adopt the attitude of a submariner...
from dawn immersion 70m speed 3 to 4 knots... from the onset of night... surface standard speed 10 to 11 knots..the good thing about sh5 is that we take advantage of these batteries in order to have the maximum of fuel depending on the distance to be covered
There is also... the submerged bridge method which is pretty cool...
Could be a problem in your assembly due to tinkering intensive...

OLZS 02-28-24 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Kal_Maximus_U669 (Post 2904232)
Strange, I have no problem with the batteries, they all work perfectly...
I of course adopt the attitude of a submariner...
from dawn immersion 70m speed 3 to 4 knots... from the onset of night... surface standard speed 10 to 11 knots..the good thing about sh5 is that we take advantage of these batteries in order to have the maximum of fuel depending on the distance to be covered
There is also... the submerged bridge method which is pretty cool...
Could be a problem in your assembly due to tinkering intensive...

I'm playing on full realism. Maybe that's the problem?

Kal_Maximus_U669 02-28-24 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by OLZS (Post 2904238)
I'm playing on full realism. Maybe that's the problem?

Me too..maybe look at your TDW_GenericPatcher settings..:hmmm:

OLZS 02-28-24 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Kal_Maximus_U669 (Post 2904262)
Me too..maybe look at your TDW_GenericPatcher settings..:hmmm:

Ok. Thanks. :up:

Kal_Maximus_U669 02-28-24 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by OLZS (Post 2904269)
Ok. Thanks. :up:

Hey OLZS...
Did you find the solution to your problem?:hmmm:

OLZS 02-29-24 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Kal_Maximus_U669 (Post 2904300)
Hey OLZS...
Did you find the solution to your problem?:hmmm:

No. I give the order to charge the batteries, but after a few seconds the charging stops automatically :hmmm:

OLZS 02-29-24 04:32 AM

Battery charging is reset only in the boat's decks awash position.

yagura 02-29-24 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by OLZS (Post 2904319)
No. I give the order to charge the batteries, but after a few seconds the charging stops automatically :hmmm:

Are you in rough seas? High waves will make the game think the boat is submerged and will cancel battery charging. I have no idea why the batteries "run out almost instantly" as you said earlier, though.

Kal_Maximus_U669 02-29-24 01:50 PM

Hey OLZS..Good evening..:salute:
Your TDW_GenericPatcher settings have you seen your deck wash..
as well as engine management.
after what says yagura could be a cause too..But I doubt it because the storms are not really violent unless you use a specific mod..maybe a "fresh installed" on another machine if you have one ..
Personally I used the DynEnv v2.9 - 8.c Wave Mechanics - Hurricane mod..I didn't have this problem..:ping:

OLZS 02-29-24 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Kal_Maximus_U669 (Post 2904383)
Hey OLZS..Good evening..:salute:
Your TDW_GenericPatcher settings have you seen your deck wash..
as well as engine management.
after what says yagura could be a cause too..But I doubt it because the storms are not really violent unless you use a specific mod..maybe a "fresh installed" on another machine if you have one ..
Personally I used the DynEnv v2.9 - 8.c Wave Mechanics - Hurricane mod..I didn't have this problem..:ping:

Hi! The reason was that the decks were flooded at a depth of 7.2 meters. These are the default TWoS settings. I changed the flooding of the decks by 7 meters and everything began to work as it should. And my binoculars started working.

Kal_Maximus_U669 02-29-24 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by OLZS (Post 2904388)
Hi! The reason was that the decks were flooded at a depth of 7.2 meters. These are the default TWoS settings. I changed the flooding of the decks by 7 meters and everything began to work as it should. And my binoculars started working.

yep... business resumes...good:yep::yeah:

On the other hand, what is beyond me, I am at 7m.20 and I have no problem..
Another subject: Be careful when "saving" in my Polish campaign.. avoid "saving" too close to the shores..ships.. there is "CtD" similar to the silent hunter 3.. 4 series. 5..

Aktungbby 02-29-24 05:10 PM

Welcome aboard!

Originally Posted by RacingClub (Post 2904155)
Hi everyone, does someone here knows how to successfully initiate a campaign transfer when you reach the ending date of coastal waters? I'm playing the steam version with ubisoft connect on windows 10

RacingClub!:Kaleun_Salute:...finally on the surface after 9 years' 'silent running'!:up::

OLZS 02-29-24 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Kal_Maximus_U669 (Post 2904392)
yep... business resumes...good:yep::yeah:

On the other hand, what is beyond me, I am at 7m.20 and I have no problem..
Another subject: Be careful when "saving" in my Polish campaign.. avoid "saving" too close to the shores..ships.. there is "CtD" similar to the silent hunter 3.. 4 series. 5..

Ok. Thanks Herr Kaleun! :salute:

valikk85 04-30-24 01:51 PM

Torpedo failures
Hello captains! The mod is just super, but there is one problem because of which I cannot play it. Torpedoes constantly fail or premature detonation occurs. Approximately 50/50%. Removing Torpedos_AI.sim did not help. Disabling it in the game itself had no effect. How to disable torpedo failures?

valikk85 04-30-24 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by OLZS (Post 2904388)
Hi! The reason was that the decks were flooded at a depth of 7.2 meters. These are the default TWoS settings. I changed the flooding of the decks by 7 meters and everything began to work as it should. And my binoculars started working.

Hello bro! Can you tell me how to change the deck flooding? What files need to be edited? Sorry for my English.

Aktungbby 04-30-24 07:26 PM

Welcome aboard!

michaeljcaboose9 04-30-24 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by valikk85 (Post 2911050)
Hello captains! The mod is just super, but there is one problem because of which I cannot play it. Torpedoes constantly fail or premature detonation occurs. Approximately 50/50%. Removing Torpedos_AI.sim did not help. Disabling it in the game itself had no effect. How to disable torpedo failures?

Is this with the regular steam torpedos or the electric? The early electric can do that with magnetic trigger in bad weather. Could also be bad luck if your getting duds, I've been getting a decent amount recently too and im entering 42'. I even had one in three separate attacks in my patrol last night just turn in circles and almost hit me.

valikk85 05-01-24 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by michaeljcaboose9 (Post 2911079)
Is this with the regular steam torpedos or the electric? The early electric can do that with magnetic trigger in bad weather. Could also be bad luck if your getting duds, I've been getting a decent amount recently too and im entering 42'. I even had one in three separate attacks in my patrol last night just turn in circles and almost hit me.

This happens with steam torpedoes; I don’t use electric ones. A strange phenomenon - after deleting the files: torpedos_g7a-e.sim, torpedos_g7a-e.zon and torpedos_AI.sim , failures began to occur with a probability of 100% (I rebooted the game 15 times, fired 4 torpedoes each and everything failed). After returning these files, the refusals again became 50/50. I can't figure out which files are responsible for the behavior of the torpedoes.

michaeljcaboose9 05-01-24 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by valikk85 (Post 2911098)
This happens with steam torpedoes; I don’t use electric ones. A strange phenomenon - after deleting the files: torpedos_g7a-e.sim, torpedos_g7a-e.zon and torpedos_AI.sim , failures began to occur with a probability of 100% (I rebooted the game 15 times, fired 4 torpedoes each and everything failed). After returning these files, the refusals again became 50/50. I can't figure out which files are responsible for the behavior of the torpedoes.

Did you ever upgrade your torpedo man? I've never had that bad luck with the steam torps other than duds sometimes.

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