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GrenSo 09-29-22 08:44 AM

Nice to hear again from you Vecko. :Kaleun_Cheers:

vdr1981 09-29-22 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2829891)
Greetings Captains, it's been a while! :salute:
First, I have to apologize for my absence here on Subsim, lot of stuff happen during the past year for me, both good and bad, so I really couldn't spare much time for modding and answering your questions. My PC is also quite old now and until I replace it my internet access is mostly reduced to my phone, which isn't the best thing for modding and forums, you'll have to agree. :) However, I've managed to squeeze in few hours and fix some errors I stumbled upon couple of months ago.
I'm really glad to see that The Wolves of Steel community is still very much alive and active!:Kaleun_Salute:
So here is a small update for you guys...
No Campaign restart is necessary.

Download The Wolves of Steel v2.2.xx to 2.2.25 update

v2.2.25 Changelog
- Crew dialog scripts fix in Turning Point campaign chapter.
- Few minor tweaks and fixes.
- A huge thanks for outstanding TWoS supporters/donors who have supported this mod during the past year/ added to TWoS ingame credits page: John Cudmore, Constantin Homatyano, Erik Maarleveld, Michael Esquivel, Francois Coussement, Joshua McWilliam, Robert Frantz, James Tipton, Samu "yagura" Rahkila, Jorge Sanchez, Maurizio "Torpedo" Cattaneo, Lasse Pesu and Evert-Jan Bos! Thank you very much Captains and happy hunting!

Download links for v2.2.25 full standalone installer can be found in my signature.

All the best and happy hunting Captains!


Originally Posted by Muckenberg (Post 2829893)
Welcome back vecko.:Kaleun_Salute::Kaleun_Salute:


Originally Posted by GrenSo (Post 2829896)
Nice to hear again from you Vecko. :Kaleun_Cheers:


SnipersHunter 09-29-22 10:36 AM

Good to hear your well and back Vecko! :Kaleun_Applaud:

fitzcarraldo 09-29-22 05:24 PM

Many thanks for the update Vecko! Welcome back aboard!

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

kapuhy 09-30-22 04:32 AM

Very good to hear from you Vecko, and thanks for the update! :up:

Onkel Neal 09-30-22 09:51 AM

Good work, vecko, on Subsim's main page. :Kaleun_Cheers:

Kal_Maximus_U669 09-30-22 10:15 AM

The Wolves of Steel - SH5 Megamod update v2.2.25
Merci pour la mise a jour et très content que vous soyer de retour sur la galaxie Subsim...:D

skin-nl 10-02-22 05:00 AM

Welcome back Vecko :salute:

Thanks for the update :up:

petros13 10-03-22 02:10 PM

Yes, thank you and wish you good health, good luck and patience.

880-5 10-06-22 02:35 PM

Nice to see you again, you were missed!

palmic 10-09-22 03:32 PM

Woooo Salute Vecko :salute:

thadgar 10-12-22 11:29 AM

Windows7 won’t connect to Ubisoft anymore?
Ubisoft Connect will not recognize Windows7 machines anymore?

And on the Steam site it says “Online features no longer work.” And there are many angry comments.

I have the Ubisoft game installed – not the Steam version. Does anyone know how to play SH5/WOS on a Windows7 machine?


derstosstrupp 10-12-22 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by thadgar (Post 2832230)
Ubisoft Connect will not recognize Windows7 machines anymore?

And on the Steam site it says “Online features no longer work.” And there are may angry comments.

I have the Ubisoft game installed – not the Steam version. Does anyone know how to play SH5/WOS on a Windows7 machine?


Please try this:

nikaga 10-14-22 12:50 AM

Increase the size of TAI_Map

Dear Friends how can I increase the size of TAI_Map (see picture,highlighted in yellow)?

SH 5 v1.2.0
TWOS v2.2.25

This is for 2560 x 1440 resolution

This is for 2560 x 1440 resolution
For resolution 1920 x 1080 this card is not available at all (see screenshot below).

Thanks in advance.

thadgar 10-14-22 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by derstosstrupp (Post 2832232)

Thanks derstosstrupp but no joy. I tried on two Win7 machines where I have SH5/WOS installed. They have different hardware too and it still won't run.

However it did change the error message to:
"The procedure entry point cef_cookie_manager_create_manager
could not be located in the dynamic link library libcef.dll"

If I used a Win10 machine, and bought the Steam version, does that still work or has Ubisucks killed this game?

Thanks again,

nikaga 10-14-22 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by thadgar (Post 2832600)
Thanks derstosstrupp but no joy. I tried on two Win7 machines where I have SH5/WOS installed. They have different hardware too and it still won't run.

However it did change the error message to:
"The procedure entry point cef_cookie_manager_create_manager
could not be located in the dynamic link library libcef.dll"

If I used a Win10 machine, and bought the Steam version, does that still work or has Ubisucks killed this game?

Thanks again,

Sorry for interfering.

I have WIN 10 :
SH5 Gold Edition (bought here for $5):

And I put it for free (thanks to the developer)
TWOS 2.2.25

kapuhy 10-14-22 04:06 PM

Ok guys, in light of doubts whether SH5/TWoS will still work after Ubisoft's recent shenanigans, I tried a little experiment: uninstalled SH5 and TWoS, purged all traces of them from my computer, and reinstalled them to see if a fresh install will be working.

This is Steam version of the game, on Windows 7.


- Steam installation completed normally, but after trying to launch stock game I got "Ubisoft Launcher error code 1".
- Got around it by downloading Ubisoft Connect and installing it. When I tried to launch it, got another error "Procedure CreateDXGIFactoery2 could not be located in dxgi.dll".
- This error can be worked around by using older version of upc.exe executable and overwriting it over the upc.exe in Ubisoft Game Launcher folder (thanks @derstosstrupp for this solution)
- After doing this, stock game launches just fine.
- Next step, TWoS installation: works as usual, no additional problems here. Just follow the instructions.

Only annoying thing is that "Procedure CreateDXGIFactory" error keeps showing up when launching game through KSDCommander, but if you just click "Ok" the game will continue to launch normally.

So, shame on Ubisoft for screwing up their launcher, but you can still get around their screwups and play the game as before.

fasencio 10-17-22 06:21 PM

Thank you !
Thank you very much for putting all this together.
I did not know how to cope with so much info out there.

Aktungbby 10-21-22 04:00 PM

Welcome aboard!

Vox165 10-23-22 06:25 AM

Thanks kapuhy and derstosstrupp. I haven’t had to reload SH5 yet, but its good to hear there’s a potential solution to this mess caused by Ubisoft.

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