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kapuhy 06-30-20 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by 10MAS (Post 2680568)
Hi guys i have a question....i can t hit a Tribal Destroyer with an electric torpedo even if the draft of the destroyer is 3,5 m and the torpedo is set at 1,1 m....with external cam i see the torpedo pass under the boat and the only one time that i hit the propeller (don t know how just perfect timing) the torpedo fail (dud),i ve Wolves of steel mod....sorry for the bad english

Possible cause

Plus, I don't know what the sea state is but if there's a storm, targets draft would vary as it moves on waves.

Lasicowaty 06-30-20 06:23 PM


I'm getting back to SH5 after few years. I got DVD version and, surprise, surprise, there is no dvd in my new PC anymore, so I got steam version now. I've heard that Ubisoft has made some **** patch that blocks TWoS, but Steam version is still compatibile And this is my question - is it compatibile? I should install TWoS due the install instruction added on pdf and it will work? Please, say it will.

Cheers to you all :Kaleun_Salute:

boogieman335 06-30-20 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Lasicowaty (Post 2680776)

I'm getting back to SH5 after few years. I got DVD version and, surprise, surprise, there is no dvd in my new PC anymore, so I got steam version now. I've heard that Ubisoft has made some **** patch that blocks TWoS, but Steam version is still compatibile And this is my question - is it compatibile? I should install TWoS due the install instruction added on pdf and it will work? Please, say it will.

Cheers to you all :Kaleun_Salute:

Yep it will. Just follow the instructions and let it convert the SH5.exe file. I use the Steam version and launch it from a shortcut placed on my desktop that way it by passes Steam completely and I don't have to launch Steam anymore to play. It will still launch the Uplay thing but I keep it set to offline mode.

Lasicowaty 07-01-20 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by boogieman335 (Post 2680792)
Yep it will. Just follow the instructions and let it convert the SH5.exe file. I use the Steam version and launch it from a shortcut placed on my desktop that way it by passes Steam completely and I don't have to launch Steam anymore to play. It will still launch the Uplay thing but I keep it set to offline mode.

That's great! Thanks a lot! I will try to install and than I'll report if I managed and if it works. (sorry for my english, Im not native)


DackSter94 07-02-20 03:25 PM

Are destroyers "cheating"? If you are sitting still under water, at night with no moon, not using periscope: as soon as some unaware destroyer passes withing some range from you they sound the alarm, and start pinging with ASDIC...

vdr1981 07-02-20 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by DackSter94 (Post 2681103)
Are destroyers "cheating"? If you are sitting still under water, at night with no moon, not using periscope: as soon as some unaware destroyer passes withing some range from you they sound the alarm, and start pinging with ASDIC...

You could say so, yes...In all SH games, destroyers active sonars are always active, regardless of audio pinging effect. So, if you find your self in their detection cone for certain amount of time, they will detect you. This "amount of time" depends of various factors like units skill, your orientation, depth ect ect...:yep:

ErdiFerenc 07-04-20 03:16 AM

Map coordinates bug
Hi all!
I just wanted to try the real navigation mod, because it sounds pretty interesting. But on the map view the coordinates are hidden behind the edge of the map. Any ideas to fix it? Maybe an interface mod?

vdr1981 07-04-20 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by ErdiFerenc (Post 2681314)
Hi all!
I just wanted to try the real navigation mod, because it sounds pretty interesting. But on the map view the coordinates are hidden behind the edge of the map. Any ideas to fix it? Maybe an interface mod?

Hi ErdiFerenc,
That looks strange indeed...:hmmm: Try to lower your in game resolution and see what will happen. Did you try to reinstall the game and the mod?

ErdiFerenc 07-04-20 03:45 AM

Well, i don't think it will help, but i give it a try, thanks.

vdr1981 07-04-20 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by ErdiFerenc (Post 2681316)
Well, i don't think it will help, but i give it a try, thanks.

Try also to click that "toggle TAI button" above the depth gauge few times. That should fix misplaced TAI interface...I just hope that we are not dealing with some kind of incompatibility with high resolutions (SH5 is an old game after all). In that case I wont be able to help you since I can not reproduce the problem with my monitor.:hmmm:

ErdiFerenc 07-04-20 08:16 AM

It works on smaller resolution properly, but the large pixels kill the experience.

vdr1981 07-04-20 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by ErdiFerenc (Post 2681345)
It works on smaller resolution properly, but the large pixels kill the experience.

OK, let's try this then...Open data/menu/Gui folder , find the file called "" and remove/delete it. I think that you should be able to see the coordinates this time even with your native resolution...:yep: Plese let me know what happen and post a screenshot again...:yep:

ErdiFerenc 07-04-20 11:16 AM

Thank you, this one worked very well!!!

vdr1981 07-04-20 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by ErdiFerenc (Post 2681375)
Thank you, this one worked very well!!!

Great! :up: I could add this fix then to optional TWoS mods for anyone who use 4K resolutions...
Would you like to try edited texture with some frame left but still with enough free space for coordinates?

ErdiFerenc 07-04-20 12:47 PM

Yes, that would be great!

vdr1981 07-04-20 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by ErdiFerenc (Post 2681409)
Yes, that would be great!

OK, try this new dds file and tell us how it looks in your resolution...:yep:

Lasicowaty 07-04-20 03:14 PM

Hi, one question, I hope it's not stupid one. Well, while installing mod there was JGSE window open once. Every mods that Wolf of steel got in were at left column. At right column (active mods) there was none. Instalig instruction didn't say that I should move all mods at the right column so I didn't. My question is, if I got all mods included in WoS active now or not? I can see that WoS is installed, but maybe on that JSGE list were some aditional things? E.g. I can see my uboot runing throw navigation map which I shouldn't see if I got real navigation mod on. Am I right?

vdr1981 07-04-20 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Lasicowaty (Post 2681433)
Hi, one question, I hope it's not stupid one. Well, while installing mod there was JGSE window open once. Every mods that Wolf of steel got in were at left column. At right column (active mods) there was none. Instalig instruction didn't say that I should move all mods at the right column so I didn't. My question is, if I got all mods included in WoS active now or not? I can see that WoS is installed, but maybe on that JSGE list were some aditional things? E.g. I can see my uboot runing throw navigation map which I shouldn't see if I got real navigation mod on. Am I right?

Those are optional mod. Hower your mouse over them to check their description and enable any you want...:yep:

Lasicowaty 07-04-20 04:02 PM

Aaaa, perfect! Thanks a lot.

Lasicowaty 07-05-20 04:08 AM

Sorry, if it was already, but are the Lifeboats mod and Wooden Lifeboats mod compatibile with WoS?

Kindly regards

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