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THEBERBSTER 05-12-20 04:10 AM

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Chubster 05-12-20 11:53 AM

Hi all....I’m currently running 2.2:17.... do I need to uninstall that and then install this or just “run it over the top” if it’s the first option how do I do that without uninstalling the whole game....I’m currently on 100000 tonnes on this patrol and don’t wanna lose it 😀

Chubster 05-12-20 12:02 PM

I have noticed that I have very annoying commands being repeated any time I touch the torpedoes settings.....flooding torpedo tubes, opening door etc etc...I have installed English voices over the top, would this cause the issue

Tonci87 05-12-20 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Chubster (Post 2670181)
I have noticed that I have very annoying commands being repeated any time I touch the torpedoes settings.....flooding torpedo tubes, opening door etc etc...I have installed English voices over the top, would this cause the issue

Most likely, yes

Mad Mardigan 05-13-20 01:06 AM

Re: TWOS - SH5... question...
Dunno if this has been asked, and considering that there is now 877 pages of posts accumulated, sorry if it has been. I Must have missed it... (eyes ain't what they used to be...)

Any way, just started a new career, after reinstalling SH5 & resetting back up TWOS mod, and notice that the U boat is a Type VII-A... are other U boats of the Type VII class able to be used, and much less the Type IX's, either.?

Know that with (I know for SH3 it was straight up with it all being about the U boats & being able to select which 1 you wanted to start off with or transfer to) SH4 v1.5, that with mods being added in to , that they were able to be either chosen off the rip (With SH3, you could transit your career to another sub as you progressed in your career... unless you had your sub shot out (or depth charged out, which ever being the case), from under you.. i.e death... I do follow the dead is dead principle... was how it was in real life for them & how it goes for me in commanding a sub)

Really trying to give SH5 a fair shake, and would like to know that am NOT stuck with the Type VII-A for the whole duration of the war...

Any way, that's it... thanks.


vdr1981 05-13-20 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan (Post 2670272)
Really trying to give SH5 a fair shake, and would like to know that am NOT stuck with the Type VII-A for the whole duration of the war...

Any way, that's it... thanks.


In TWoS you have types VII A, B, C, C/41 and U-FlaK at your disposal.

steve_lyons 05-13-20 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan (Post 2670272)
Dunno if this has been asked, and considering that there is now 877 pages of posts accumulated, sorry if it has been. I Must have missed it... (eyes ain't what they used to be...)

Any way, just started a new career, after reinstalling SH5 & resetting back up TWOS mod, and notice that the U boat is a Type VII-A... are other U boats of the Type VII class able to be used, and much less the Type IX's, either.?

Know that with (I know for SH3 it was straight up with it all being about the U boats & being able to select which 1 you wanted to start off with or transfer to) SH4 v1.5, that with mods being added in to , that they were able to be either chosen off the rip (With SH3, you could transit your career to another sub as you progressed in your career... unless you had your sub shot out (or depth charged out, which ever being the case), from under you.. i.e death... I do follow the dead is dead principle... was how it was in real life for them & how it goes for me in commanding a sub)

Really trying to give SH5 a fair shake, and would like to know that am NOT stuck with the Type VII-A for the whole duration of the war...

Any way, that's it... thanks.


While you're not stuck with the type VIIA, you are limited to the type VII (in its many variants) and various tech upgrades available throughout the war.

I have recently graduated from SH3 to SH5 with the TWoS mod, and it is fantastic, let me assure you - well worth persisting and giving a decent shake.

GrenSo 05-13-20 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan (Post 2670272)
Really trying to give SH5 a fair shake, and would like to know that am NOT stuck with the Type VII-A for the whole duration of the war...

Any way, that's it... thanks.


First, if you do not use additional addons from TWoS, you start with Typ VIIA. Later you will get Typ VIIB, VIIC and VIIC/41.
TWoS have also an additional addon - I don't now the name at the moment - to start the campaign with Typ VIIB and use in one campign chapter U-FlaK.

Mad Mardigan 05-13-20 02:09 AM

Re: TWOS - SH5... question... updated...
:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up: :Kaleun_Cheers:

To all that answered My inquiry... many thanks.

Is nice to know that the Type VII-A, is NOT the only U boat, that the other Type VII's are also available.

Just a shame that the Type IX's aren't available.. or is there any plans in the works to include their accessibility, later on down the road.?

I sincerely hope so... :Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

I did know about the U-flak, but chose to not go that route... not real keen on the idea of sitting there, & being what amounts to a big ol' bull's eye target... *chuckles* Just NOT My cup of tea...

Any way, again... many thanks.


Mad Mardigan

kapuhy 05-13-20 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan (Post 2670278)
Just a shame that the Type IX's aren't available.. or is there any plans in the works to include their accessibility, later on down the road.?

"Never say never" but it would be a hard thing to do. It's one thing to add an AI ship or different VII variant with same interior, and another to remake entire interior of the boat to SH5 standards, especially given limitations on editing SH5 native gr2 file format.

GrenSo 05-13-20 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2670284)
"Never say never" but it would be a hard thing to do. It's one thing to add an AI ship or different VII variant with same interior, and another to remake entire interior of the boat to SH5 standards, especially given limitations on editing SH5 native gr2 file format.

Same same applies to Typ XXI, XXII and XXIII. It will be great to have this ones in SH5 too.
In my opion it will be only as not playable subs availible, if someone will create it for SH5 but nothing more, because interior and player movement are completly different to VII.

But it is still be allowed to dream.

jorca2 05-13-20 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by GrenSo (Post 2670303)
Same same applies to Typ XXI, XXII and XXIII. It will be great to have this ones in SH5 too.
In my opion it will be only as not playable subs availible, if someone will create it for SH5 but nothing more, because interior and player movement are completly different to VII.

But it is still be allowed to dream.

Its wonderfull i love this mod!!! And now seems last update 2.2.18 could be The Game more stable. Congratulations team. For me The BEST Game

skin-nl 05-18-20 01:46 PM

A little late...but thanks again for the update Vecko :salute:

O.Kusch 05-18-20 05:31 PM

Where is the Area?
Hello and good evening,
first I wanna thank you Vecko for your work and the update:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:. I installed the new version 2.2:18 and started a new career. Everything is going well till yet, exept that I don't get a grid square, where I should patrol. Is it intentional, that I can choose the area freely or is something lost by my Installation?

Many thank's for help and greeting's from

O.k. i figured out now. I didn't notice the x on the map, when I got my orders in Bunker. Also on patrol I recieved a message, where I must go.

Zinmar 05-19-20 11:34 PM

Trivia question with the exterior view. Is there a way using the TWoS options file editor to enable the boat to dive while I'm in the exterior view? I find it very irritating that I have to go into the boat before it will dive. Is there a way using the editor to set it up so that I ca tell them to go to periscope depth or even dive and they just do it?

I know they wanted to go with the immersion feel but I've already lost one boat and had to start a new career because unlike the previous version of SH I have to have the Cpt enter the sub before it'll dive. I liked with SH4 that I could order the boat, while in exterior view and loving the view to get the boat to dive. I'd really like to be able to do that with SH5 as well.

Frank Ravelli 05-20-20 09:24 AM

sh5 campaign advance verifier testing?
Hello, I´m coming back to the game after a long break. Last time i tried it (with ToWS installed) I found a problem where my savegames got corrupted so I lost my progress. I wonder if this mod does something to solve this or if it just keeps track of the script in order for the game to progress in the campaign.
Thanks for the mod, it´s awesome.

Edit: I followed the instructions when launching the game for the first time, to save and reload after appearing in the bunker. But the verifier said it´s ok just when I appear and then it says it´s wrong when I reload the save. Should I trust the verifier and go on playing if it says it´s safe, even if I haven´t reload the first save?

SolitaryHowl 05-22-20 09:15 AM

Auto TDC
Hi everyone,

Excellent mod. But it seems auto TDC is not working properly? It's not like SH4 where you point the scope, press space, and fire. My torpedos miss every single time. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Yes, manual TDC is disabled in options.

Texas Red 05-22-20 10:00 AM

You can only manipulate the gameplay settings in the bunker, SolitaryHowl. You may also have to change the settings in the OptionFileEditiorView or OFEV.
Here is a tutorial on how to change it:

Chubster 05-24-20 01:36 PM

Hi....I’ve installed the 2.18 update and now I’m getting the campaign advance problem message. I’ve tried escaping out etc and reloading but not working.

I’ve got one save that works and get the all good message but as soon I I start a patrol I get the message on the next load screen.

Is this a problem that will actually effect the game or can I just carry on ?

vdr1981 05-24-20 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Chubster (Post 2672633)
Hi....I’ve installed the 2.18 update and now I’m getting the campaign advance problem message. I’ve tried escaping out etc and reloading but not working.

I’ve got one save that works and get the all good message but as soon I I start a patrol I get the message on the next load screen.

Is this a problem that will actually effect the game or can I just carry on ?

Did you read jsgme description of the campaign advance verifier addon?

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