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THEBERBSTER 08-26-19 01:21 PM

A Warm Welcome Back To The Subsim Community > Hans Hansen
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SH3 – 4 - 5 Tutorials > Downloads > Other Useful Information > See Links in My Signature Below

Aktungbby 08-26-19 01:33 PM

And lo! it came to pass:Kaleun_Party:

Piggy 08-27-19 09:00 PM

Hi All,

For the life of me I cant find the install manual for this... link?

hauangua 08-28-19 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Piggy (Post 2624608)
Hi All,

For the life of me I cant find the install manual for this... link?


Piggy 08-28-19 12:38 PM

Thank you hauangua! :up:

vudriga 08-30-19 12:51 AM

Hey !

I made clean install of the game, installed latest TWOS ,run through generic patcher, but when I get to the bunker, or on the sea, or in the sub, I see a large black box with no decorations/frame at all covering approximately 1/4 of the screen top left. Also there are two smaller ones obviously related to "user charts - scrollable" and another one with no input but some options

What is that, and how can I make it disappear?:06:

James Tiberius Kirk 08-30-19 03:10 AM

Hi everybody!

After a long pause, I decided to install SH5 again. Long ago I tried the WoS mod, and i wish to use it again.
1) Is it compatible with the 'Real navigation' mod? If yes, is the sequence of installation important (first WoS then 'real navigation')?
2) Long ago I played SH5 with a mod (I forgot it's name), which modified the acceleration (decreased) and turning radius (increased) of the ships. I used the mod with the WoS, so it was compatible. Is the ships movement (without that mod) still unrealistic, or the new WoS mod solved this problem?

Aktungbby 08-30-19 03:15 AM

welcome back!
James Tiberius Kirk:Kaleun_Salute:

kapuhy 08-30-19 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Post 2624979)
1) Is it compatible with the 'Real navigation' mod? If yes, is the sequence of installation important (first WoS then 'real navigation')?

Real navigation is included in TWoS as one of its optional submods, you can choose to enable it in JGSME during/after TWoS installation.

THEBERBSTER 08-30-19 04:30 AM

A Warm Welcome Back To The Subsim Community > James Tiberius Kirk
Subsim <> Make A Donation <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community

SH3 – 4 - 5 Tutorials > Downloads > Other Useful Information > See Links in My Signature Below

fitzcarraldo 08-30-19 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Post 2624979)
Hi everybody!

After a long pause, I decided to install SH5 again. Long ago I tried the WoS mod, and i wish to use it again.
1) Is it compatible with the 'Real navigation' mod? If yes, is the sequence of installation important (first WoS then 'real navigation')?
2) Long ago I played SH5 with a mod (I forgot it's name), which modified the acceleration (decreased) and turning radius (increased) of the ships. I used the mod with the WoS, so it was compatible. Is the ships movement (without that mod) still unrealistic, or the new WoS mod solved this problem?

Welcome aboard, James Tiberius! Peace and prosperity!

Be more agressive and logical!


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Tonci87 09-01-19 03:05 PM

Hi guys, I have an issue and I am at a loss at what to do.

My game reliably CTDs at 8AM GMT on the 24.05.1941

I can reproduce this every time. And now I can not continue my campaign.

Mods used to test the issue:


Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157
[C:\Spiele\Silent Hunter 5\TWoS_Parts]

TWoS  Aspect Ratio Fix 8x5
TWoS  Encrypted BdU Orders
TWoS  FX_Reduc. Fires and Expl
TWoS  Harbors Chimney Smoke
TWoS  Real Navigation
TWoS  Remove Sub Flags
TWoS  SM Interior_Food Stocks
TWOS restore captain's icon 1 by JCWolf

Now could this have anything to do with the Bismarck sinking the hood? Is there any game event that gets triggered at that time?
BTW, I´m near Tenerife, so nowhere near the Bismarck

H3r0d0tu5 09-02-19 01:35 PM

Game starts up as Vanilla

I recently got that urge to go back to playing TWOS after some time away but I've encountered a problem. Yesterday I launched the game and continued my campaign and everything was plain sailing.

But today, Steam started an automatic update to SH5 and now whenever I launch the game it starts up as vanilla SH5 (v1.2). As far as I can tell, all the TWOS files are still there, but the exe just acts as if they're not installed.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Hopefully without a clean re-install

Bera 09-02-19 05:23 PM


After the last uplay update, I´ve been having CTDs all the time on my "Mare Nostrum" campaign. It happens when I´m reaching the north african coast (some 300 miles away).

Anyone here has the same ctds?

propbeanie 09-02-19 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by H3r0d0tu5 (Post 2625492)

I recently got that urge to go back to playing TWOS after some time away but I've encountered a problem. Yesterday I launched the game and continued my campaign and everything was plain sailing.

But today, Steam started an automatic update to SH5 and now whenever I launch the game it starts up as vanilla SH5 (v1.2). As far as I can tell, all the TWOS files are still there, but the exe just acts as if they're not installed.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Hopefully without a clean re-install

When Steam updates your game, it puts it back the way Steam thinks it should be, ala Microsoft, or your cell fone... You will have to re-do the TWoS mod... However, you are in a strange place from my perspective. I haven't had a Steam SH5 update, so I'm not sure what you'll have to remove to start over... but TWoS does now have a Steam-specific installer, so use that... Is your Steam install maybe from the SH5 v1.1 days, and you're just now getting updated to v1.2 maybe? :salute:

propbeanie 09-02-19 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by H3r0d0tu5 (Post 2625492)

I recently got that urge to go back to playing TWOS after some time away but I've encountered a problem. Yesterday I launched the game and continued my campaign and everything was plain sailing.

But today, Steam started an automatic update to SH5 and now whenever I launch the game it starts up as vanilla SH5 (v1.2). As far as I can tell, all the TWOS files are still there, but the exe just acts as if they're not installed.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Hopefully without a clean re-install

When Steam updates your game, it puts it back the way Steam thinks it should be (Stock), ala Microsoft, or your cell fone - and overwrites the mod files in the game folders... You will have to re-do the TWoS mod... However, you are in a strange place from my perspective. I haven't had a Steam SH5 update, so I'm not sure what you'll have to remove to start over... but TWoS does now have a Steam-specific installer, so use that... Is your Steam install maybe from the SH5 v1.1 days, and you're just now getting updated to v1.2 maybe? :salute:

fitzcarraldo 09-03-19 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Bera (Post 2625517)

After the last uplay update, I´ve been having CTDs all the time on my "Mare Nostrum" campaign. It happens when I´m reaching the north african coast (some 300 miles away).

Anyone here has the same ctds?

Best for you: for a few bucks buy the DVD or dowload version. Preferibly do not use Steam with SH5....

Good luck!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

boogieman335 09-03-19 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2625547)
When Steam updates your game, it puts it back the way Steam thinks it should be (Stock), ala Microsoft, or your cell fone - and overwrites the mod files in the game folders... You will have to re-do the TWoS mod... However, you are in a strange place from my perspective. I haven't had a Steam SH5 update, so I'm not sure what you'll have to remove to start over... but TWoS does now have a Steam-specific installer, so use that... Is your Steam install maybe from the SH5 v1.1 days, and you're just now getting updated to v1.2 maybe? :salute:

If you have the disk space then copy the install to a different folder and then run TWoS install on it. After it completes and the installer changes the SH5. exe file you dont' have to have it in Steam to launch. It will still need to launch the UBI soft thingie but you can run it completely out side of Steam from a desktop shortcut. It more or less converts it to the same exe file the DVD version uses.

vdr1981 09-06-19 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2625350)
Hi guys, I have an issue and I am at a loss at what to do.

My game reliably CTDs at 8AM GMT on the 24.05.1941

I can reproduce this every time. And now I can not continue my campaign.

Mods used to test the issue:


Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157
[C:\Spiele\Silent Hunter 5\TWoS_Parts]

TWoS  Aspect Ratio Fix 8x5
TWoS  Encrypted BdU Orders
TWoS  FX_Reduc. Fires and Expl
TWoS  Harbors Chimney Smoke
TWoS  Real Navigation
TWoS  Remove Sub Flags
TWoS  SM Interior_Food Stocks
TWOS restore captain's icon 1 by JCWolf

Now could this have anything to do with the Bismarck sinking the hood? Is there any game event that gets triggered at that time?
BTW, I´m near Tenerife, so nowhere near the Bismarck

The problem is solved and download links for new version 2.2.15 are in my signature. Good weekend Captains! :salute:

DicheBach 09-07-19 03:56 PM

Wow this mod :) AMAZING! :Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

When I launch KSD Commander, I can see it is connecting to my save file directory, but the "login" window on the upper right; is that to the Uplay servers? My username and pw for Uplay account don't seem to work. I get some kind of error right as the app launches about maximum characters exceeded, so maybe that accounts for it?

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