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roccom 06-11-18 04:41 PM

Are there any graphics/texture/effects/environment mods that people would recommend on top of TWOS (assuming you have a system that can handle it)?

fitzcarraldo 06-11-18 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by roccom (Post 2556988)
Are there any graphics/texture/effects/environment mods that people would recommend on top of TWOS (assuming you have a system that can handle it)?

I'm happy with the graphics of TWoS, and adding extra mods is not recommended.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

palmic 06-12-18 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by roccom (Post 2556988)
Are there any graphics/texture/effects/environment mods that people would recommend on top of TWOS (assuming you have a system that can handle it)?

Everything what is compatible already is integrated in TWOS :yep:

Fifi 06-12-18 12:07 PM

Hello everybody!
So loooooong Time since i posted here … and what a surprise when i discovered this méga mod !!!
You guys have done an amazing job during all those years :yeah:

Had great trouble downloading the mod because of my bad internet here…but finaly it’s done :yep:

Install was great and smooth on my steam version, and just started a new carreer :)

Now i will have to re-learn everything from start because after all those years i forgot a lot … not to say everything :oops:

I ll ask if i’m in trouble :D

Have a nice day!

Aktungbby 06-12-18 02:36 PM

welcome back

THEBERBSTER 06-12-18 03:11 PM

A Warm Welcome Back To The Subsim Community > Fifi
SH3-4-5 Tutorials And Other Information Links In My Signature Below

vdr1981 06-13-18 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2557076)
Hello everybody!
So loooooong Time since i posted here … and what a surprise when i discovered this méga mod !!!
You guys have done an amazing job during all those years :yeah:

Had great trouble downloading the mod because of my bad internet here…but finaly it’s done :yep:

Install was great and smooth on my steam version, and just started a new carreer :)

Now i will have to re-learn everything from start because after all those years i forgot a lot … not to say everything :oops:

I ll ask if i’m in trouble :D

Have a nice day!

Hey Fifi, welcome back! :salute:

HW3 06-13-18 10:05 AM

Welcome back aboard Fifi!

Captain_AJ 06-13-18 06:46 PM

GUI Glass covered dials
Question . I just saw a mod that allows your GUI dials to look like the faces of them are of glass .. I would like to install that style of dials .. I am currentlly on patrol and heading back to base, Is there anything tah will ahve to be done besides installing them through JME ?

Thanks AJ!!

THEBERBSTER 06-14-18 04:35 AM

The Wolves Of Steel Glass Covers For The SH3 GUI Style Dials Add on Mod By vdr1091 > Enable JSGME

Fifi 06-14-18 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2557257)

Download link no longer avalaible … :06:

fitzcarraldo 06-14-18 06:02 AM

TWoS Glass Covered GUI Dials:

Credit: Part of the Addon Mods for TWoS, by Vecko - vdr1981.


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

THEBERBSTER 06-14-18 04:03 PM

Hi Guys
My apologies I'm not sure why that happened.
Please try again.

The Wolves Of Steel Glass Covers For The SH3 GUI Style Dials Add on Mod By vdr1091 > Enable JSGME

Captain_AJ 06-14-18 06:10 PM

My apologies I'm not sure why that happened.
Please try again.

The Wolves Of Steel Glass Covers For The SH3 GUI Style Dials Add on Mod By vdr1091 > Enable JSGME


Alrighty.. I Did enable via JGSME and the results was no glass dials . Do I have to go to the options py and make changes there ??

fitzcarraldo 06-14-18 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2557331)
Hi Guys
My apologies I'm not sure why that happened.
Please try again.

The Wolves Of Steel Glass Covers For The SH3 GUI Style Dials Add on Mod By vdr1091 > Enable JSGME


Alrighty.. I Did enable via JGSME and the results was no glass dials . Do I have to go to the options py and make changes there ??

You need to put the mod in the TWoS parts folder and activate with JSGME.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Captain_AJ 06-14-18 09:05 PM

That was done it is in the TWOS Folde,r still not seeing the dials , that is why i asked if i need to make a change in the option's PY

fitzcarraldo 06-14-18 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_AJ (Post 2557355)
That was done it is in the TWOS Folde,r still not seeing the dials , that is why i asked if i need to make a change in the option's PY

In OFEV you need to change to SH3 style GUI.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

THEBERBSTER 06-15-18 05:33 AM


From the TWOS mod folder.
Open the dials mod and go to data\menu\gui and you should see the glass cover there.
As previously stated you have to select GUI style SH3 in the OFEV and enable the mod to see the glass to the dials.

palmic 06-15-18 07:27 AM

Does anybody know why graphical option "run in window" does not work? Its always fullscreen.
(Yes i restarted)

vdr1981 06-15-18 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2557388)
Does anybody know why graphical option "run in window" does not work? Its always fullscreen.
(Yes i restarted)

Window mod works but you have to lower the in game resolution to be lesser than your native display res. Don't forget to enable appropriate Aspect ratio fix as well...:yep:

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