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vdr1981 05-19-14 04:26 PM

Direct link maybe?

DiscoShrew 05-19-14 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2208895)

That did it! Thank you.

602Sqn_Puff 05-20-14 03:56 AM

Hi vdr1981..still using your mod and loving it. Can I you have any plans to upgrade the mod to utilise the latest versions of OH and TDW mods at all??


vdr1981 05-20-14 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by 602Sqn_Puff (Post 2208997)
Hi vdr1981..still using your mod and loving it. Can I you have any plans to upgrade the mod to utilise the latest versions of OH and TDW mods at all??


Sure, "fresh" version is available for some time now. Check first post...

602Sqn_Puff 05-20-14 06:50 AM

Lol..thanks, somehow missed that :)

602Sqn_Puff 05-20-14 11:23 AM

Cant get the download link to work, getting the same error as discoshrew , even with the direct link :(

EDIT: Got it working..hell knows what I did lol

vdr1981 05-20-14 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by 602Sqn_Puff (Post 2209146)
Cant get the download link to work, getting the same error as discoshrew , even with the direct link :(

EDIT: Got it working..hell knows what I did lol

Maybe I'll change hosting, mediafire is acting rather strange these days...:hmmm:

vdr1981 05-21-14 01:58 PM

Patch 2 is ready for download.

Added DynEnv v2.9 - 5.a Ambient Settings - Darker Nights + few improvements for waves mechanics and underwater view...

The patch is cumulative!
Enable it in port after the main "The Wolves of Steel v1.02" mod.
You can remove patch 1.

Roberbond 05-22-14 12:05 PM

will you add any SH5Lifeboats mod? may i add it after your mod?

vdr1981 05-22-14 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Roberbond (Post 2209859)
will you add any SH5Lifeboats mod? may i add it after your mod?

You may try but be careful...It should be compatible but most of the time lifeboats mods gave me CTD in test missions. I can not say with 100% certainty that lifeboats are the cause but I'm very suspicious...

Sartoris 05-23-14 11:20 AM

Hi, thanks for creating this mega mod! One question: I remember that TDW's UI mod comes with several versions of scopes, and the one the user should use depends on his monitor resolution. How did you handle this issue when creating the mod? Is there a step during the installation at which the user chooses the appropriate version of the scope or does everyone use some default version?

vdr1981 05-24-14 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Sartoris (Post 2210192)
Hi, thanks for creating this mega mod! One question: I remember that TDW's UI mod comes with several versions of scopes, and the one the user should use depends on his monitor resolution. How did you handle this issue when creating the mod? Is there a step during the installation at which the user chooses the appropriate version of the scope or does everyone use some default version?

Hm, interesting question...:hmmm:
By default, I used 8x5 aspect ration settings, totally forgot that someone actualy use 16x9 or even 4x3 resolutions.

Can I see screenshot of attack scope view from anyone who use those screen resolutions ?

mr.artur_96 05-24-14 09:01 AM

Hey. What happened with controls in this mod ? I can move with W,S,A,D and not with arrows as I earlier could and there is no possibility to launch radio or gramophone. Like there is stock controls. Can I do something with it ?

vdr1981 05-24-14 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by mr.artur_96 (Post 2210434)
Hey. What happened with controls in this mod ? I can move with W,S,A,D and not with arrows as I earlier could and there is no possibility to launch radio or gramophone. Like there is stock controls. Can I do something with it ?

You can enable radio and gramophone using appropriate UI commands.

vdr1981 05-24-14 11:25 AM

TWoS Patch 3 is ready for download, checkout the first post...

-Added :
* NewUIs_TDC_7_5_0_v17_RadCapTools_0_2_alpha
* New values for ""
* Improoved waves settings
* IRAI_0_0_41_Sensors Difficulty Settings (init.aix)
* Large Optics for TDW UI Manos Scopes Glass Effects

TWoS Patch 3 is cumulative. Enable it in the port after the main mod...

Don't forget to check documentation folders...:subsim:

Maalek 05-24-14 05:39 PM

Problem with installing the mod -files are missing-

first of all thank you for the mod. Now I am trying do get it running.

Problem: I marked in red what is not working in my install because those elements are simply not there where they supposed to be. In fact they are not there at all. The patch 3 file is missing in my fresh download and the .py file is also missing in the "scripts" folder. Pls let me know how my game is effected if I am unable to complete these elements in my install. Al other Steps were working fine. Thx a lot!

The Wolves of Steel 1.02 The Wolves of Steel 1.02_Patch_3 *The Wolves of Steel 1.02 - TDW Real Navigation *The Wolves of Steel 1.02 - Realistic_Hydrophone_1_1
Step 6:
Go to data/Aplications/OptionsFileEditorViewer and start OptionsFileEditorViewer.exe, set correct path for menu.txt (data/menu/menu.txt) and correct SH5 installation path. Click top "open" and browse data/scripts/menu for Make at least one change, just in case...Save

vdr1981 05-24-14 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Maalek (Post 2210551)

first of all thank you for the mod. Now I am trying do get it running.

Problem: I marked in red what is not working in my install because those elements are simply not there where they supposed to be. In fact they are not there at all. The patch 3 file is missing in my fresh download and the .py file is also missing in the "scripts" folder. Pls let me know how my game is effected if I am unable to complete these elements in my install. Al other Steps were working fine. Thx a lot!

The Wolves of Steel 1.02 The Wolves of Steel 1.02_Patch_3 *The Wolves of Steel 1.02 - TDW Real Navigation *The Wolves of Steel 1.02 - Realistic_Hydrophone_1_1
Step 6:
Go to data/Aplications/OptionsFileEditorViewer and start OptionsFileEditorViewer.exe, set correct path for menu.txt (data/menu/menu.txt) and correct SH5 installation path. Click top "open" and browse data/scripts/menu for Make at least one change, just in case...Save

I dont understand? You cant find "TWoS 1.02 Patch 3" ?
Are you familiar with JSGME?

mr.artur_96 05-25-14 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2210451)
You can enable radio and gramophone using appropriate UI commands.

Witch commands ? :hmmm: I'm not familiar with stock commands. "T" and "G" insn't working at all.

vdr1981 05-25-14 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by mr.artur_96 (Post 2210636)
Witch commands ? :hmmm: I'm not familiar with stock commands. "T" and "G" insn't working at all.

THEBERBSTER 05-25-14 09:05 AM

A warm welcome “Maalek“ to the Subsim family.:subsim:

You will always find someone here to help you.:)

Link to my SH5 post::salute:

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