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SirGussifer 04-29-14 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Aktungbby (Post 2202019)
SirGussifer! :Kaleun_Salute: after a 4 year silent running!



Originally Posted by ZygfrydDeLowe (Post 2202047)
Did you enable external view in the main menu before the campaign, or in a "bunker save" as well? For me the did the trick - after starting the campaign I had to load a "bunker save" - Memel base in your example, and there tick the appropriate option again. Otherwise it kept coming back to 100% realism.

I did it from the bunker but I should have saved. Will give it a try, thanks!


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2202066)
Welcome Aboard :sunny:

Happy to be here!


Originally Posted by SirGussifer (Post 2202003)
Thanks for putting this great mod-pack together, I was finally motivated to dig this game up from the bottom drawer.

I was hoping to get some advice on how to properly attack the Polish task force in the patrol of the campaign.
I spot the task force at around 13:00 and after determining their course I submerge to periscope depth and wait for them at 0 knots. I make observations through the attack periscope to identify, get the speed and so forth and lower periscope to stay undetected.

The problem is that the two escorts spot me from 4000 meters and start shooting with great accuracy. The same goes for when I fire the torpedoes, a couple of seconds after the steam torps leave they start shooting (this was the one time when they got within 3000 meters).
What am I doing wrong here? The weather is pretty good but it seems impossible to spot a periscope from 4000 meters, especially when I'm laying still. I would hate to see what happens later in the war when the escorts are equipped with radar...

Any suggestions for me? My Kaleun is failing his crew over and over. I guess I'm looking for some general input on what I can expect from the AI and "do's and don'ts".

How do I sink the task force when they spot me right away?

Jaystew 04-29-14 11:52 AM

Subs are not really that great of a platform for attacking destroyer escorts.

What I did was send in a contact report and went under them at silent speed. Have also evaded them on the surface at long range and high speed, diving and then running quite if they gave chase. They don't pursue too doggedly.

To my surprise checking the scope to be sure I'd lost them, they were under air attack. They come under air attack when you call in the report sometimes so that helps. I scored about 5 other ships via torpedoes and the deckgun once I rolled into Danzig port and outlying areas.

Quick n dirty mission that went great, think it lasted 2-3 days maybe only 2. Then a quick refit then back to sea. So far I'm on the east side of the UK. So far only snuck into a port to find no merchants at port. Was pissed so I attacked the so I attacked a sitting destroyer and then a fog rolled in, and I hit another sitting destroyer on my way out. Were still 3 patrolling but unable to find, me. With few torpedoes left I am planning another run to another close port then back to base.

Aktungbby 04-29-14 03:24 PM

welcome aboard

SirGussifer 04-30-14 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jaystew (Post 2202130)
Subs are not really that great of a platform for attacking destroyer escorts.

What I did was send in a contact report and went under them at silent speed. Have also evaded them on the surface at long range and high speed, diving and then running quite if they gave chase. They don't pursue too doggedly.

To my surprise checking the scope to be sure I'd lost them, they were under air attack. They come under air attack when you call in the report sometimes so that helps. I scored about 5 other ships via torpedoes and the deckgun once I rolled into Danzig port and outlying areas.

The Luftwaffe is not responding to my BDU report :)

The task force I'm supposed to take out consists of two Gryf minelayers, unfortunately they have fantastic spotters. A tiny periscope from 4km should not be that easily detected. Should I try to stalk them and wait for night or bad weather?

Jaystew 05-01-14 06:46 AM

Wait for dusk.

bad_w0lf 05-03-14 05:15 AM

thank you so much for was making my eyes spin trying to search for all the mods, it can be quite intimidating for a newbie :)

Jimbuna 05-03-14 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by bad_w0lf (Post 2203289)
thank you so much for was making my eyes spin trying to search for all the mods, it can be quite intimidating for a newbie :)

Welcome to SubSim :sunny:

Rocko 05-09-14 08:01 AM

Large optics mod: limited solutioning
Hi vdr1986, Jimbuna,

You may want to consider the Large Optics mod as optional.

The mod has conveniences for quicly estimating range but a big trade-off due to chopping upper/lower portions of the RAOBF.

1. RAOBF disk not fully finctional. Can't properly calculate solutions for target lengths around 100-120m in lenght such as destroyers...
2. Hard to figure out AOB for close targets. Have to guess in some cases... some people prefer the analytical way.
I prefer to use Mano's scopes. Is there a way I can disable Large Optics while preserving rest of wolves of steel mod behavior?


vdr1981 05-09-14 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Rocko (Post 2205278)
Hi vdr1986, Jimbuna,

You may want to consider the Large Optics mod as optional.

The mod has conveniences for quicly estimating range but a big trade-off due to chopping upper/lower portions of the RAOBF.

1. RAOBF disk not fully finctional. Can't properly calculate solutions for target lengths around 100-120m in lenght such as destroyers...
2. Hard to figure out AOB for close targets. Have to guess in some cases... some people prefer the analytical way.
I prefer to use Mano's scopes. Is there a way I can disable Large Optics while preserving rest of wolves of steel mod behavior?


Try this RAOBF size fix...

oLe2 05-11-14 06:47 PM


i played this mod for about 10 hours now and i only had 1 CTD but it seems to have happened because i used too much time acceleration near the port.

I am but experiencing trouble with that sonar guy, who when submerged tends to give a totally annoying endless series of passive sonar reports.
When i then ask him to give a report of the nearest contact he reports that there is none.

Also in the mission of scapa flow i sunk 2 large warships with the large group of destroyers around being totally passive which seemed quite strange to me ...

Anyone else having those issues or suggestions?

vdr1981 05-12-14 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by oLe2 (Post 2206196)
I am but experiencing trouble with that sonar guy, who when submerged tends to give a totally annoying endless series of passive sonar reports.
When i then ask him to give a report of the nearest contact he reports that there is none.

The only solution for this issue is to remove "*The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - Tscharlii's Realistic_Hydrophone_1_1 _7_4_2"
The mod is unfinished and very buggy...

Originally Posted by oLe2 (Post 2206196)
Also in the mission of scapa flow i sunk 2 large warships with the large group of destroyers around being totally passive which seemed quite strange to me ...

Known issue due to "docked" status of AI unit. Trevally decided to place docked destroyers in various ports after all but their purpose is just "cosmetical", nothing more...Thats why I stopped to make any harbor raids at all, long time ago. I suggest you to do the same...

Could you describe your CTD in a bit more details please? It happen at the end of patrol, right? How far away from Kiel you were when CTD strucked? How much simulation time have been passed between reaching Kiel and last game save/reload?

Roberbond 05-12-14 09:39 AM

fantastic mod. thanks!

oLe2 05-12-14 10:52 AM

thanks for the suggestions, i will try remove that hydrophone mod.


Could you describe your CTD in a bit more details please? It happen at the end of patrol, right? How far away from Kiel you were when CTD strucked? How much simulation time have been passed between reaching Kiel and last game save/reload?
When i returned to kiel after the first mission in danzig bay i found that i was quite too fast and didnt have any further missions to select in briefing.
I saved in bunker and first started a new patrol without having chosen a mission. I started in Kiel, went to scapa flow and was critically hit by an airplane some 100 nm east of scapa and manually quit to desktop. I later restarted the game, reloaded my bunker savegame and decided to start a new patrol, which brought me ahead in date approx 2 weeks and then directly redock in kiel without even moving the sub out of the bunker just to be able to choose a new mission.

Then i saved again, selected the scapa flow mission in the briefing and started another new patrol. When i moved out of the port i realized that despite having started the patrol in kiel i was just leaving wilhelmshaven (not sure if thats the right port, but it surely was a harbor west of the "Nord-Ostsee-Kanal").

Anyway i plotted a course to scapa flow (i didnt install real-nav-mod and underwater fx-mod) and when i thought i had enough distance to the port i accelerated time from 32 to 128 and just after that it CTD. I was still in the middle of a naturally formed channel (landmasses east and west, so either east of cuxhaven or more likely north-east Wilhemshaven) when the CTD happened. So i wasnt very far from the starting port and it was just at the beginning of a new patrol.

I loaded to bunker in kiel and i saved from bunker in kiel with only like 5 sec of simulation time between those just before i started that CTD-patrol as i already noted in my description.

vdr1981 05-13-14 01:05 PM

Tnx for your answer Ole...

Brand new and up to date version of the "Wolves" is ready for upload but it wont be ready for download until tomorrow... You can check first post for mods included.

Trevally. 05-13-14 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2206346)
Known issue due to "docked" status of AI unit. Trevally decided to place docked destroyers in various ports after all but their purpose is just "cosmetical", nothing more...Thats why I stopped to make any harbor raids at all, long time ago. I suggest you to do the same...

I placed docked unit in harbours where they are tied to the piers. If I did not do this (even with speed set a zero) they would just start sailing away as soon as you click start campaign.

There are in nearly all harours, traffic set to come and go. Also most will have a dedicated patrol force.

Please do not get the above mixed with the known issue where fully controlled active AI units will just get stuck and not be able to re-act.

In the case stated by oLe2, two DDs are set as active within the BB group where the group leader (BB) is docked. This is causing the DDs to be docked also - with the purpose that they will active if the group leaded dies or the bug gets fixed.

How you play the sim is up to you, but harbour raiding is still a valid part of the game in most cases and I have had many a nervous moment trying to escape ports.

THE_MASK 05-13-14 02:21 PM

I have been to Scapa when DDs have been all over me and planes as well . Sometimes a walk in the park . Its just the luck of the draw , nothing wrong with the game .

Phrozin 05-13-14 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2206826)
Tnx for your answer Ole...

Brand new and up to date version of the "Wolves" is ready for upload but it wont be ready for download until tomorrow... You can check first post for mods included.


Vdr1981 disregard my earlier PM lol. :D


Kanga 05-13-14 11:06 PM

Hard Work
Thank you for you hard work ,effort and time in building this mod. Mods like yours is so fantastic, just download it and pop it in the folder no fuss. Once again thank you.:salute:

Aktungbby 05-14-14 01:22 AM

welcome aboard!
oLe2 and Roberbond!:Kaleun_Salute:

ZygfrydDeLowe 05-14-14 02:00 AM

Thank you
Thank you vdr1981 for your work. It got me finally playing SH 5, and while I'm slowly learning the ropes, I enjoy it immensely.

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