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Jaystew 04-16-14 05:17 AM

Followed the install to a T

now when I load up I get this

Everything is 1 fps. Before I launch a campaign I have no issues, the UI looks good. Spent about 5 hours last nite getting SH5 installed, reinstalled numerous times patched finally, drove it around the ocean for a bit unmodded at 1.2

Then did the "dance" as they used to call in FALCON 4.0. I'm no stranger to modding and following instructions exactly.

Step 6 was not very clear saying to change something but it didnt mention what to change so I changed how long messages display from 5 seconds to 6 seconds. I dont think that messed me up. I dont know

When I installed clean, the autodetect only failed my system for having drivers not greater than 120.00 but gpu z is telling me I have 320.18.

Please Help

Sjizzle 04-16-14 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by Jaystew (Post 2198063)
Followed the install to a T

now when I load up I get this

Everything is 1 fps. Before I launch a campaign I have no issues, the UI looks good. Spent about 5 hours last nite getting SH5 installed, reinstalled numerous times patched finally, drove it around the ocean for a bit unmodded at 1.2

Then did the "dance" as they used to call in FALCON 4.0. I'm no stranger to modding and following instructions exactly.

Step 6 was not very clear saying to change something but it didnt mention what to change so I changed how long messages display from 5 seconds to 6 seconds. I dont think that messed me up. I dont know

When I installed clean, the autodetect only failed my system for having drivers not greater than 120.00 but gpu z is telling me I have 320.18.

Please Help

delete the _Draggables.TDW files from the main folder of SH5

Jaystew 04-16-14 07:18 AM

Delete this?

Jaystew 04-16-14 07:27 AM

Well now I have this...

Something is all foxtrot uniform pretty bad.

I think I am going to start fresh again and see if I can make it work. Maybe upload each mod component one at a time and verify.

I just dont have any idea where it goes wrong.

vdr1981 04-16-14 07:50 AM

Some ini file is screwed up...Show me your installed mods in JSGME...:hmmm:

EDIT: And yes, from what you said, step 6 is OK...

Jaystew 04-16-14 08:03 AM

Well I just uninstalled them all now. I installed them in exactly the order on page one of this post. One at a time. I also followed the instructions. I'm going to reinstall and then see if I can duplicate it. I was able to test the engine in the museum and it works fine. So its a campaign issue, but thats not saying much cuz the campaign touches everything.

Sjizzle 04-16-14 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Jaystew (Post 2198098)

not the .dll files ...
the .TDW files ....

Jaystew 04-16-14 10:05 AM

there were no .tdw files. Sooooo something must have been fubared during my mod dance

Jaystew 04-16-14 09:51 PM

starting over
Ok Installed game.

Installed 1.2

Modified cfg files per step 2 + 3

Ok Extracting mod files into MODS folder created by JGSME inside SH5 folder. My custom name for SH5... Taking about 3 min to extract the mod. Also did the plotting tools fix separate extraction.

Ok Steps 1-4 Done. Now onto the TDW.

There were a few error notes from JGSME but didnt look like anything critical. These indicated that files had already been modified by the previous mod and asked if I wanted to continue to progress. I "YES".

Question is this normal?

Step 5 I'm activating TDW...

It wants to know the directory for SH5, so this time I'm putting things in a new directory. Im respecifying this. Looks like this... when done right or wrong?
It wants to add code and data and updates etc... All normal?

I think this is where I screwed this up last time because I went to the TDW site and tried to follow the instructions on it and did not restore the snapshot. But at the end it says u can restore a snapshot and I believe that is what the Step 5 instruction on page 1 of this thread is saying to do using the snapshot provided. Looks like this when successful right?

Crossing fingers onto step 6...

Ok this is what my step 6 looks like, really more like 3 steps but whatever :) lol

If I didnt have this one right I dont think I would have been able to open anything when directed to open. So I do not believe this issue to the install was here...

Change made...
Save confirmed...

Closed out...

Step 7 Ready for Battle... Loading up new campaign crossing fingers toes, braiding hair....


Made it in this far again no issues, smooth as silk once I'm in... lovely intro by the way sooo damn awesome!

Now yesterday I did check in the museum that my gpu is not the issue, have played 1.2 just a run outside the yard and back at about 60fps without issue. My GPU is 9800GTX+ 512MB which isnt top of the line but its plenty good enough to run the game. Default settings are launch at high sooo? I have tried bumping it down to low to see if it improves things but same issues.

Game has loaded without the overlay that was plaguing the screen before but everything is 3-4 fps. LOL uhhhh do I need to roll back my drivers?

I got it rolling WOW!

Its very choppy when loading up right away but once I get out of the pen then its 30-40fps. Happy sailing now I need to finger out how to pilot this thing :)

Thanks guys :)

Jaystew 04-17-14 02:32 PM

Working great now guys Thank you for all the modding work and for the configuration work too. This is amazing.

Have a few questions. How do I get the hydrophone guy to shut up? He'll repeat the same thing over and over for an hour. I'm ready to pistol whip him. Has anybody developed the button that says to these guys "Understood/very well/shut up or I kill you-thanks" ?

Also same issue with taking damage, first run I did last nite I went up against a desteroyer on the surface, then dived and suffered the consequences. Same guys saying same things repeatedly. Need to shut em up.

Also on the damage control screen "h" how do I get this to show me these things in English since I dont read German. Is this a setting.

Loving this megamod!


vdr1981 04-17-14 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Jaystew (Post 2198716)
Working great now guys Thank you for all the modding work and for the configuration work too. This is amazing.

Have a few questions. How do I get the hydrophone guy to shut up? He'll repeat the same thing over and over for an hour. I'm ready to pistol whip him. Has anybody developed the button that says to these guys "Understood/very well/shut up or I kill you-thanks" ?

Also same issue with taking damage, first run I did last nite I went up against a desteroyer on the surface, then dived and suffered the consequences. Same guys saying same things repeatedly. Need to shut em up.

Also on the damage control screen "h" how do I get this to show me these things in English since I dont read German. Is this a setting.

Loving this megamod!


Haha, I understand your frustrations...:D
Just remove optional mod realistic hydrophones and continue campaign...This mod had great potential but it is far from final product...:nope:

Also you need to start learning german language , maybe this could help ...:yep:

Torpedo Tube 1=Torpedorohr 1
Torpedo Tube 2=Torpedorohr 2
Torpedo Tube 3=Torpedorohr 3
Torpedo Tube 4=Torpedorohr 4
For.Torp.Room Preassure Hull=Bugtorpedoraum Druckhülle
Fore Diveplanes=Vordere Tiefenruder
Hydrophone Receivers= Hydrophon Empfänger

Fore Battery=Vordere Batterie
Radioroom Preassure Hull=Druckhülle Funkraum

Oberservation Periscope= Beobachtungssehrohr
Attack Periscope=Angriffssehrohr
Comm.Room Preassure Hull= Druckhülle Zentrale
Torpedo Control=Torpedovorhaltrechner

Engine Room Preassure Hull= Druckhülle Maschinenraum
Aft Battery=Hintere Batterie
Starboard Diesel Engine= Steuerbord-Diesel
Port Diesel Engine= Backbord-Diesel

Torpedotube V=Torpedorohr 5
Bold Launcher= Täuschkörperwerfer
E-Maschinenraum Druckhülle= I already translated this but i think Druckhülle E-Maschinenraum is better
Starbord Electro Motor=Steuerbord E-Maschine
Port Electro Motor=Backbord E-Maschine
Dive Planes Transmission=Tiefenruderübertragung
Port Rudder Transmission=Ruderübertragung Backbord
Starbord Rudder Trasmission=Ruderübertragung Steuerbord
Starbord Propeller Shaft=Antriebswelle Steuerbord
Port Propelle Shaft=Antriebswelle Backbord

Radio Antenna=Funkantenne
Radar Warning Antenna= Radarwarnanlage
Radar Antenna= Radarantenne
Deck Gun=Deckgeschütz
Light Flack= Leichte FlaK    Schwere FlaK
DF ant = Funkmessortungsgerät

Jaystew 04-17-14 05:38 PM

Well I'm not sure I want to remove realistic hydrophones just to shut someone up. I actually did sit in the seat and fart around with the unit. It seems to work line in SH3. Not sure if I'm doing it correct but I was able to listen to contacts and pick up bearings. On the surface, identified smoke. By the way distances and smoke on the horizon in SH5 is spectacular. Its very hard to see it in bright daylight haze, and its difficult in fog or mist.

So far I've torpedoed a few stationary targets in Danzig harbor, and deck gunned a merchant and sank it out in open water in the Baltic.

I am loving LOVING the real navigation part. I love how the navigator doesn't give me dead accurate fixes even without course changes. 3 Bearings should be on a straight line if no course changes but they aren't Which is awesome. In fact my own guess as to where I start is usually about 10 km off the fix the navigator comes up with. This is GREAT stuff. I never got this to work in SH3 and am loving it.

I use soundings with the topography map to recon where Im at but the main map isnt that accurate so its all a guestimate.

Quesiton time.... Now I know the difference between dead recon and celestial fix. In the game is the Celestial fix more accurate or just a 2nd method that can't aways be used due to weather?

Are the fixes/actual sub position affected by ocean currents/weather? Is this modeled?


Jaystew 04-17-14 06:16 PM

Oh man, I just fingered out just how hard and life threatening real nav can be in the heavy fog. I just ran aground at 15 kts against my better judgement and the whole crew died, well at least I did.

Time for 2nd patrol. See if I can do this better :)

Jaystew 04-19-14 01:19 PM

Id like to know if some changes can be made. First Id like to know if we can add our own charts in game using the in game menu made by Sjizzle. Is there a folder I can drop these into and bam they show up as a slide in game?

I have a found a couple of kool maps I threw some filters on some of em for SH3 that would be great to have in SH5 too. In game would be AWESOME! If anybody has larger/sharper resolutions on these too please share.


Also. How do I shut up the damage reporting and sonar guy. We get hit by a few shells and for the next hour I get to hear... we have flooding. flooding under control, to which I reply ok good, go fix it and they say back....

we have flooding. flooding under control.we have flooding. flooding under control.we have flooding. flooding under control.we have flooding. flooding under control.we have flooding. flooding under control.we have flooding. flooding under control.we have flooding. flooding under control.we have flooding. flooding under control.we have flooding. flooding under control.we have flooding. flooding under control.we have flooding. flooding under control.we have flooding. flooding under control.we have flooding. flooding under control.we have flooding. flooding under control.we have flooding. flooding under control.


We need to mod that or something. Would it be possible to add more than one sound for that? Such as someone describing the amount of flooding, in gerneric terms, or even better, hundreds of short sounds of water filling inside the boat, so that even though fool is going to say we have flooding about 100x instead of that, we just hear the flooding in different but similar sounds of water flooding. A 1-2 second sound file wouldn't be too bad and probably patch up at less than 25-50mb for the whole lot of em.

What do ya all think?

vdr1981 04-19-14 02:17 PM


how about to stay out of gun sight? :)

Jaystew 04-19-14 05:38 PM

:) would be ideal but not always conducive to my play style. LOL Look I get it flooding bad damage from attacks bad. I just dont need to hear about single every drop of water coming thru the hull.

vdr1981 04-19-14 06:05 PM

Yes, it is an old, known and annoying bug. Why don't you try to find those sound files and delete them ?

Jaystew 04-19-14 07:50 PM

Well I could do that but hten I'd miss the message. What I think I'll do is just turn the volume on messages down. Most of it is in text anyway.

TheDarkWraith 04-20-14 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Jaystew (Post 2198781)
Quesiton time.... Now I know the difference between dead recon and celestial fix. In the game is the Celestial fix more accurate or just a 2nd method that can't aways be used due to weather?

Are the fixes/actual sub position affected by ocean currents/weather? Is this modeled?

Yes the celestial fix is more accurate because the navigator uses a sextant to figure out position. He needs good weather though to be able to use the sextant.


Originally Posted by Jaystew (Post 2199400)
Id like to know if some changes can be made. First Id like to know if we can add our own charts in game using the in game menu made by Sjizzle.

Adding custom charts is very simple to do. It's a feature of my UIs mod. See here for adding custom charts:

steineib 04-20-14 04:28 AM

moin, so i have here a other little problem where i could need some help :D atm im in the happy times, so i was on the way to the mission and found one enemy task force. something with one dido, a battle ship and a battle cruiser and some other smaller vessels. the first problem is they can see me even if im down at 15m no periscope up or so. my first idea was so in a distance of 4km full speed ahead and than down to 15m and all stop to slip into a distance of ~800-900m to the row with the dido and fire than some torpedos. works so far so good but it could be better. i had hit the battle ship and the battle cruiser. but this was it , my first plan was to "hide" me in a deep of 16m to get away from the depth charge. somehow a good idea , the destroyer kills themself somehow :D but 7 of 10 try they get me or one of the bigger ships ram me and i get to feed the fishes. so what would be the best way to attack a enemy task force without make a kamikaze mission?

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