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Welcome back!
kobiwaldi!:Kaleun_Salute: back on the surface after a 5 year 'silent run':up:
Sorry to hear that. I think it's working on my install. I didn't get to test it more that about 15 min. Two things: 1. Did you remember to remove "read-only" status on all the .dds files? 2. Are the .dds files still there in the folder or did they get erased? I'll do more checking on my end when I get the chance. Hope it gets solved for you, Herr Kaleun! |
Hi JerseySeven!
Thank you for your advice and I'll get back to you right away: 1) yes I removed the "read-only -r" attribute from all .dds files. I think you are referring only to the files contained in the "Sea" folder. Is that it? So is only the "Archive -a" attribute to be activated? that's what I did, but unfortunately the silhouettes are not seen in handbook. I checked that the .dds files don't have particular characteristics, such as the alpha channel activated for transparency, but the files all look fine and are visible with all graphic file reading programs. 2) the .dds files are present in the Sea folder and have not been deleted. For now I use the recognition manual as is, but I would like to have everything working! Thanks again JerrySeven! Torpedo :Kaleun_Cheers: P.S. Windows11 PRO v. 22H2 and I would say that from W7 until W10 I have never had any problems in many years with SH5! |
I'm not just referring to the .dds in the Sea folder. I went to the main Silent Hunter 5 folder, selected "Search Silent Hunter 5" and put .dds in the search box. There are .dds in the TWOS parts folder, a bunch in data/menu/skins, data/LngGamedata, data/Textures (both TLowRes and TNormal). I had previously set everything to read only. So I removed it from all .dds.
In the search window, Ctrl+A to highlight all the files, right click, then select properties, then uncheck read only. Probably shouldn't matter if you are loading Pascal's Handbook last in the JSGME list. Of course, there may be something else going on for you... just don't know what else it might be. |
Ok but what is the attribute you gave to all the .dds files: A = archive? or did you not select any attribute? However all my .dds files in SH5 are set with attribute "a": only archive.
Hi Torpedo,
Sorry, it's been a busy few weeks. So, I search for all .dds, or hell, just click on the entire Silent Hunter 5 folder, right click, and then select "properties" from the pop up menu. I only see 3 things under "Attributes": two check boxes (Read only; Hidden) and an Advanced button. I just make sure that the "Read only" checkbox is clear. That's all! |
Hi JerseySeven!
I did everything you suggested but I can't see the *_sil.dds file of all ships in Recognition book. Problem that other captains also have and it seems that it depends on the W11 update to 22H2. It doesn't happen to everyone and that's the mystery! Torpedo:Kaleun_Salute: |
i am having a lot of trubble. i had silent hunter 5 installed on my old windows 8 worked fine. had to use key code worked fine. now that the windows 8 Sh*t the bed i installed it on my new dell inspiron 15 3000 log on to ubiconect enter keycode does not work how can i fix this.
Welcome aboard!
I just reinstalled SH5 for the first time in a few years. I had forgotten just how much better TWoS makes it.
Many thanks again :Kaleun_Cheers: |
thanks to you all:Kaleun_Salute::Kaleun_Salute::Kaleun_Salute::K aleun_Salute:
Welcome aboard! & Welcome back!
Clnl wolf!:Kaleun_Salute: and welcome back Highbury! It's been a few years.:up:
TWoS Remove IO Strategic Map
For a person with poor eyesight, this map and the markings on it are too weak.
I returned the original navigation map to its place. I have done this for my own needs, but it is possible that it will be useful to you as well. https://www.mediafire.com/file/dwf5a...c_Map.zip/file |
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