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kapuhy 01-01-21 06:37 AM

Now that's a good start of the year! Thanks vdr1981 :salute:

Muckenberg 01-01-21 08:00 AM

Good day
Good luck, health and all the best until 2021.:Kaleun_Cheers:
And now to the TWOS.
I will just end part of the "Mare Nostrum" campaign and I have a few questions here.
I have already drawn attention to the involvement of the US Navy in the war in TWOS. It just seems very strange to me, why do I have to fight the US Navy in May 1941 in the Mediterranean? US warships are escorting convoys here during this period, and that's a little weird in my opinion.
I do not know how it was with merchant ships and their participation in English convoys, both in the Atlantic and in the Mediterranean.
Wouldn't the active involvement of the USA in the TWOS war really come closer to reality? After all, the mutual "flirting" between the US Navy and the Kriegsmarine before 10.12. 41 shouldn't change history that much.
My next question is directed to the port of Toulon.
Here was anchored by the fleet of "Forces of the High Sea" led by its flagship battle cruiser "Strasbourg". If I'm not mistaken, the French had the defense of this port until November 42.
Would it be possible to set these facts into play in TWOS? I mean add Strasbourg to the port and give the French DD before the port? That is, if the game allows it.
Where is it possible to reduce supplies in the Mediterranean? Toulon, La Spezia, Piraeus and elsewhere?
And one more discrepancy. It's been a long time since I asked Veck about the impossibility of crossing Gibraltar from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic during one part of the campaign. Now I don't remember which one.:k_confused: And during the discussion, we came to the conclusion whether it can be ruled out at all whether such an order was not issued by chance. The order was not issued because the power of the U-boat was not enough. The U-boot would have to float to the surface on diesel engines, and that would probably be completely out of the question at the time.
Thank you very much to all the moderators, contributors, people who are willing to advise what they care about the SH5 world here and keep the game alive and gradually rid it of all its diseases.
I am sorry for my English.
Ouch thank you for the New Year's gift in the form of an update.:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

Ulrich Kröpke 01-01-21 08:29 AM

Identify target botton
Hallo vdr1981, Thanks for helping. I must have had "Tomatoes on my eyes"(german speech).that I did not find the solution myself. I wish you a good and Corona free 2021.

fitzcarraldo 01-01-21 11:49 AM

Happy New Year and the best for you Vecko, and your family!:Kaleun_Cheers::Kaleun_Cheers:

Many thanks for the new update. :Kaleun_Wink:

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

vdr1981 01-01-21 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by embraceentropy (Post 2717662)
I've tried the first campaign patrol 3 times in version 2.2.21. I never receive the rebase at Kiel message even though the icon moves to Kiel on-time (based on other posts) and I can dock there after the patrol is over. In those attempts I have always made it to the intercept point and completed both objectives. Whether or not I sink anything or send status/contact reports I never receive the rebase message. I followed the install & campaign start instructions.

Since my port changes to Kiel it appears the campaign is progressing. However, I believe it is still an indicator of an issue that could have me miss out on other important communications. The first attempt I didn't know there was supposed to be a rebase and didn't figure it out until I returned to Memel & realized my base had changed. Should I be worried about this?

Monitor Captains log as well since radio messages received there sometimes won't be transferred to your normal radio messages page, probably due to high time compression or somewhat lower FPS. :yep: From what I heard, I don't think that anything is wrong with your campaign. :yep: Happy hunting! :salute:

embraceentropy 01-01-21 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2717763)
Monitor Captains log as well since radio messages received there sometimes won't be transferred to your normal radio messages page, probably due to high time compression or somewhat lower FPS. :yep: From what I heard, I don't think that anything is wrong with your campaign. :yep: Happy hunting! :salute:

I checked message screen, radio screen, & captain's log each time and saw no mention. I started the second patrol and just after leaving the canal I noticed the base icon moved to Wilmeshaven with no mention of a base transfer. Hopefully it will come as the patrol goes on.

vdr1981 01-01-21 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Muckenberg (Post 2717694)
Good day
Good luck, health and all the best until 2021.:Kaleun_Cheers:
And now to the TWOS.
I will just end part of the "Mare Nostrum" campaign and I have a few questions here.
I have already drawn attention to the involvement of the US Navy in the war in TWOS. It just seems very strange to me, why do I have to fight the US Navy in May 1941 in the Mediterranean? US warships are escorting convoys here during this period, and that's a little weird in my opinion.
I do not know how it was with merchant ships and their participation in English convoys, both in the Atlantic and in the Mediterranean.
Wouldn't the active involvement of the USA in the TWOS war really come closer to reality? After all, the mutual "flirting" between the US Navy and the Kriegsmarine before 10.12. 41 shouldn't change history that much.

Yes, GM convoys (Gibraltar to Malta) have few American ships and escorts assigned, with random spawn chances. Someone sometimes thought that this is a good idea but I can not tell exactly why. Maybe some of these convoys historically indeed have American vessels in their composition? :hmmm:
Anyway, if this proves to be completely incorrect, it would be an easy fix to replace those ships with British...:yep:


My next question is directed to the port of Toulon.
Here was anchored by the fleet of "Forces of the High Sea" led by its flagship battle cruiser "Strasbourg". If I'm not mistaken, the French had the defense of this port until November 42.
Would it be possible to set these facts into play in TWOS? I mean add Strasbourg to the port and give the French DD before the port? That is, if the game allows it.
Quite possible yes...:yep:


Where is it possible to reduce supplies in the Mediterranean? Toulon, La Spezia, Piraeus and elsewhere?
You mean to take supplies? Yes, for player's boat only those ports will allow refitting... :yep:

vdr1981 01-01-21 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Drakken (Post 2713601)
First, thank you very much for this most excellent and immersive mod. :up: What I love also is that it strives for as much realism as possible, so I have a number of small suggestions for a future update:

1) Would it be possible to decrease the patrol radius of secondary patrol grids from 120 km to 40-60 km? U-boats were usually requested to patrol a small quadrant, far smaller than 120 km. Also, since it is recommended to complete patrols in a single setting without saving, the area in which the player is unable to save without breaking his patrol mission is quite large.

That wouldn't be a good idea in my opinion. :hmmm: I intentionally increased those patrol zones in order to give some space to the player to perform it's actions with lower chances of actually exiting the invisible zone and resetting the mission counter.


2) Instead, 120 km radius missions could be integrated with new types of orders, in which BdU requests the u-boat to patrol possible convoy traffic lines between two quadrants back and forth either, North-South or East-West, for a number of hours. These are more compable with larger patrol radius.

3) After firing all their torpedoes, u-boats would often be requested to remain on patrol and serve as weather stations until they could return to base after or around a set date. I propose that after reporting on your status with no torpedoes, you would either receive orders to return to base OR to reach a set patrol grid (usually closer to possible future operations) and send regular weather reports for a number of hours.

When you reach the radius and lay inside the radious, you would receive interval blue messages from BdU to report weather, regularly, each 4 and 8 hours. When your time is completed, you'd either be ordered to head to another patrol grid and report weather again, or odds would be increasingly that you'd be ask to return to base to resupply.

Of course, you can still decide to return to base nonetheless, but this would impact on your Rating and possible Renown gains. Also, under a set fuel percentage you would always be requested to return to base.

What do you think? Would these changes be possible?

Those are actually cool suggestions and I was recently thinking to expand secondary missions with similar tasks, but while I was working on the last update I figured out that I have to learn more about ME triggers and events options before I start to work on full implementation...:yep: I never messed up with these much before...

Anyway, good suggestions and inspiration for future updates....:yep:

vdr1981 01-01-21 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by embraceentropy (Post 2717771)
I checked message screen, radio screen, & captain's log each time and saw no mention. I started the second patrol and just after leaving the canal I noticed the base icon moved to Wilmeshaven with no mention of a base transfer. Hopefully it will come as the patrol goes on.

Can you upload few screenshots of your Captains log from Baltic mission patrol? Gamesave would be useful as well...

embraceentropy 01-01-21 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2717791)
Can you upload few screenshots of your Captains log from Baltic mission patrol? Gamesave would be useful as well...

Thanks! I PM'ed you a link to screenshots and a few save games (initial save from new campaign generation, save after accepting first mission, save headed to Kiel from patrol (where the screenshots were taken))

Please don't judge my misses!

vdr1981 01-01-21 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by embraceentropy (Post 2717834)
Thanks! I PM'ed you a link to screenshots and a few save games (initial save from new campaign generation, save after accepting first mission, save headed to Kiel from patrol (where the screenshots were taken))

Please don't judge my misses!

You were right. It seems that "rebase in Kiel" message is missing from Encripted BdU Orders addon radio messages files (which your are using as I can see), I'll have to code them in for the next update...:yep: Your gamesaves and screenhots look OK to me...:yep:

Texas Red 01-01-21 09:51 PM

So, if I am correct, if I play my campaign according to how TWoS wants you to play it (receiving orders from the BdU) I will still gain enough points to get new boats and advance to new campaign chapters?

I may be considering a change for my YT series. :salute:

Xander SoS 01-02-21 03:51 PM

Mosun Gruppe Sun times
Has anyone else an issue with the sunrise/sunset times on Mosun Gruppe? The times are wrong on the chalkboard and nautical time doesnt fit the position of the sun.

I've had this issue before and noticed it starts with the second patrol after docking in the Penang base.

Any help greatly appreciated!

vdr1981 01-03-21 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Xander SoS (Post 2718055)
Has anyone else an issue with the sunrise/sunset times on Mosun Gruppe? The times are wrong on the chalkboard and nautical time doesnt fit the position of the sun.

I've had this issue before and noticed it starts with the second patrol after docking in the Penang base.

Any help greatly appreciated!

Time in SH5 is bit of mystery for me as well. Check this post and the thread, maybe that could help...

If you use full real navigation with sextant this thread can be of great help as well...

skin-nl 01-03-21 09:53 AM

Thanks Vecko for the update :up:

Happy new year to all :salute:

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