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gap 12-14-20 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Drakken (Post 2713601)
First, thank you very much for this most excellent and immersive mod. :up: What I love also is that it strives for as much realism as possible, so I have a number of small suggestions for a future update:

1) Would it be possible to decrease the patrol radius of secondary patrol grids from 120 km to 40-60 km? U-boats were usually requested to patrol a small quadrant, far smaller than 120 km. Also, since it is recommended to complete patrols in a single setting without saving, the area in which the player is unable to save without breaking his patrol mission is quite large.

2) Instead, 120 km radius missions could be integrated with new types of orders, in which BdU requests the u-boat to patrol possible convoy traffic lines between two quadrants back and forth either, North-South or East-West, for a number of hours. These are more compable with larger patrol radius.

3) After firing all their torpedoes, u-boats would often be requested to remain on patrol and serve as weather stations until they could return to base after or around a set date. I propose that after reporting on your status with no torpedoes, you would either receive orders to return to base OR to reach a set patrol grid (usually closer to possible future operations) and send regular weather reports for a number of hours.

When you reach the radius and lay inside the radious, you would receive interval blue messages from BdU to report weather, regularly, each 4 and 8 hours. When your time is completed, you'd either be ordered to head to another patrol grid and report weather again, or odds would be increasingly that you'd be ask to return to base to resupply.

Of course, you can still decide to return to base nonetheless, but this would impact on your Rating and possible Renown gains. Also, under a set fuel percentage you would always be requested to return to base.

What do you think? Would these changes be possible?


They might or they might no br easy to implement, but they are definitely cool :up:

les green01 12-16-20 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Drakken (Post 2713601)
First, thank you very much for this most excellent and immersive mod. :up: What I love also is that it strives for as much realism as possible, so I have a number of small suggestions for a future update:

1) Would it be possible to decrease the patrol radius of secondary patrol grids from 120 km to 40-60 km? U-boats were usually requested to patrol a small quadrant, far smaller than 120 km. Also, since it is recommended to complete patrols in a single setting without saving, the area in which the player is unable to save without breaking his patrol mission is quite large.

2) Instead, 120 km radius missions could be integrated with new types of orders, in which BdU requests the u-boat to patrol possible convoy traffic lines between two quadrants back and forth either, North-South or East-West, for a number of hours. These are more compable with larger patrol radius.

3) After firing all their torpedoes, u-boats would often be requested to remain on patrol and serve as weather stations until they could return to base after or around a set date. I propose that after reporting on your status with no torpedoes, you would either receive orders to return to base OR to reach a set patrol grid (usually closer to possible future operations) and send regular weather reports for a number of hours.

When you reach the radius and lay inside the radious, you would receive interval blue messages from BdU to report weather, regularly, each 4 and 8 hours. When your time is completed, you'd either be ordered to head to another patrol grid and report weather again, or odds would be increasingly that you'd be ask to return to base to resupply.

Of course, you can still decide to return to base nonetheless, but this would impact on your Rating and possible Renown gains. Also, under a set fuel percentage you would always be requested to return to base.

What do you think? Would these changes be possible?


that be great

derstosstrupp 12-19-20 12:49 PM

Would there be a way to mod something in to keep notes in game? I know there’s the chalkboard, but that seems very limited, or is there already a way to keep notes in the game that I’ve been missing?

kapuhy 12-19-20 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by derstosstrupp (Post 2714681)
Would there be a way to mod something in to keep notes in game? I know there’s the chalkboard, but that seems very limited, or is there already a way to keep notes in the game that I’ve been missing?

Well there's a Ship's Journal included in TWoS that you can write in, perfect to keep your own KTB in game:

derstosstrupp 12-19-20 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2714782)
Well there's a Ship's Journal included in TWoS that you can write in, perfect to keep your own KTB in game:

Thanks! That link is what I needed, I knew about the journal but I was missing some crucial steps there.:Kaleun_Salute:

BlackKing 12-27-20 06:30 AM

When I start the game it shows me an error (files are damaged) plz help

Aktungbby 12-27-20 02:05 PM

welcome aboard!

Ulrich Kröpke 12-30-20 05:05 AM

The WO does not identify a ship anymore
I play SH.5 and TWoS 2.2.21 full pack with manuel targeting. When I open the at the bottom of the game and mark a ship and press "space" the WO.only tells me that he sees a "unknown ship". Even pressing the identify botton two times, there is only the information"unknown ship". I remember that before the WO.gave me the info.what kind of ship it is. Was there a change with the new update or did the procedure change?

vdr1981 12-30-20 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Ulrich Kröpke (Post 2717170)
I play SH.5 and TWoS 2.2.21 full pack with manuel targeting. When I open the at the bottom of the game and mark a ship and press "space" the WO.only tells me that he sees a "unknown ship". Even pressing the identify botton two times, there is only the information"unknown ship". I remember that before the WO.gave me the info.what kind of ship it is. Was there a change with the new update or did the procedure change?

Negative Sir, nothing has changed regarding ship recognition. "I have an unknown ship" response is normal for cloned vessels which aren't shown in SOAN and Wolves have a number of them. Only when you press "identify target" button your XO will tell you the exact name of the marked vessel and her mast height data will be automatically sent to TDC...

Ulrich Kröpke 12-31-20 06:12 AM

Sir vdr1981, where do I find this "identify target botton"?

vdr1981 12-31-20 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Ulrich Kröpke (Post 2717407)
Sir vdr1981, where do I find this "identify target botton"?

Enable and check the description of "Ship Auto Recognition" optional addon...:yep:

vdr1981 12-31-20 08:10 AM

v 2.2.22 changelog:

- More campaign traffic lines improvements and fixes: redirected several traffic lines in the Mediterranean in which ships for axis needs would get too close to allied controlled waters.
- Coastal schooners (small merchants with sails) are transferred to the appropriate ships category type (Coastal vessels) so that they won't be seen anymore on long oversea routs.
- Added realistic KM grid map visible on navigator's table in the command room.
- Added 8/16/32km tooltip for radar range dial.
- Radar apparatus is moved higher up for approximately 10-15cm so that radar display can bee seen better even without player manning the station (this will be useful for early radars without 360 deg scan capabilities).
- Fixed GR2 editor error for stern torpedo room.
- Compressed air dials in the command room will act independently simulating multiple CA storage (0-50% and 50-100%).
- Edited low wind speed waves shape for more realistic sea appearance and U-boat behavior.
- Increased cooldown intervals for units in coastal traffic lines by approximately 0.5 days and lowered probabilities of forming larger coastal traffic groups of 3 or more vessels.
- Removed range data from radioman's "bearing to nearest stationary radio source/beacon", NDB activation intervals increased to 4h.
- Added radar capabilities for air raid sirens for better in game behavior and timely response.
- Airstrikes.cfg tweaks: increased attenuation factor, reduced AB skill modifiers.
- Mosquito fighter-bombers moved from "bombers "to "fighters" category, which is more appropriate category for this type of airplanes.
- Reduced number of available bombers/torpedo bombers in AB and AC groups in order to prevent planes over-spawn problem which can corrupt gamesaves and/or CTD the game.
- Minimum 2 escort ships: Edited sea traffic groups in order to ensure that minimum of 2 escort ships are assigned to convoy protection duties if game decides to spawn protection for given group, since single escort ship on convoy protection duty can not react very well and she will simply ignore the threat most of the time.
- Edited composition of some naval groups/convoys for more realistic in game appearance and behavior.
- A big thank you for the latest outstanding TWoS supporters/donors: Michael "Skin-nl" Kotte and Leslie Green! Thank you very much captains! I wish you all Merry Christmas, happy new year and lots of good hunting with Wolves!

Download links in my signature,
Install in port and continue campaign...

Happy new year hunting!

Texas Red 12-31-20 09:37 AM

Thank you! Will download ASAP! :salute:

les green01 12-31-20 10:01 AM

thank you downloading now

embraceentropy 12-31-20 11:01 PM

Not receiving rebase at Kiel Message
I've tried the first campaign patrol 3 times in version 2.2.21. I never receive the rebase at Kiel message even though the icon moves to Kiel on-time (based on other posts) and I can dock there after the patrol is over. In those attempts I have always made it to the intercept point and completed both objectives. Whether or not I sink anything or send status/contact reports I never receive the rebase message. I followed the install & campaign start instructions.

Since my port changes to Kiel it appears the campaign is progressing. However, I believe it is still an indicator of an issue that could have me miss out on other important communications. The first attempt I didn't know there was supposed to be a rebase and didn't figure it out until I returned to Memel & realized my base had changed. Should I be worried about this?

TWoS Aspect Ratio Fix 21x9
TWoS Officer Icons as Stations
TWoS Real Navigation
TWoS SM Interior_Food Stocks
TWoS Encrypted BdU Orders
TWoS Remove Map Plastic Cover
TWoS Missing Nav Map Coordinates_Fix
Boogie's Refit for TWOS v3.0 Complete
Darkened Recognition Manual v2.0 by Torpedo
Bstanko6's Low Contrast Message Box
Bstanko6's Radio Channels Final

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