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vdr1981 12-05-20 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2711414)
Try to imagine early war-time restrictions as if they were anti-covid rules. General confusion, each country issuing a set of different and partly self-contradictory rules, and private citizens applying those rules according to their own interpretation, or ignoring them at all lol.

Some important belligerents, like the USA, didn't even have city blackouts in place when U-boats started knocking at their home door, and before the Nazi occupation most French lighthouses were still operational, sic!

Some allied shipmaster deciding to keep his navigation lights on (out of recklessness or in the hope to lure the Germans into mistaking them for friends) is the least we can imagine, especially outside British waters where the U-boat war was more intense and where he would have risked not only his ship and the life to be taken by a German submarine but, I suppose, also heavy sanctions by the British Government.

Now that you mentioned it I remember that when I was editing Operation Drumbeat campaign I intentionally left American illuminated ships to be active for quite some time after the campaign start in order ti simulate "relaxed" conditions which German U-Boat commanders found on east American coast during the opening stages of OD. This can even be found somewhere in TWoS changelogs, yes...:hmm2:


Ah, yes, now that you refreshed my memory I seem to remember such a nice program. I also remember another small program by another forum member used for making sure that the Windows process used by the game for campaign advance, has an high priority... Isn't that program used anymore?
No, that was different tweak discovered by Mama but it didn't prove to be quite useful...

vdr1981 12-05-20 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Propnut17 (Post 2711449)
VDR your English is much better than you give yourself credit. :salute: Take that from another flight simmer that grew up chasing NDB's.

Haha, thank you very much Sir! :up::salute:

gap 12-05-20 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2711464)
Now that you mentioned it I remember that when I was editing Operation Drumbeat campaign I intentionally left American illuminated ships to be active for quite some time after the campaign start in order ti simulate "relaxed" conditions which German U-Boat commanders found on east American coast during the opening stages of OD. This can even be found somewhere in TWoS changelogs, yes...:hmm2:

Sweet :up:

Despite the clear distinction between Axis, neutral and Allied countries, the external difference between vessels belonging to each category should be somewhat more vague. In the most complex circumstances, the attribution of a given ship to one faction or the other should be a matter of putting together various clues. In the end, the wise player should be able to say with a reasonable level of confidence whether - in the current circumstances - a visual contact is a valid target or not, even though in some cases he might not be 100% sure that an "innocent-looking" far contact, is actually a neutral or friendly ship.


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2711464)
No, that was different tweak discovered by Mama but it didn't prove to be quite useful...

Yes, mama was the name! I seem to remember that his "trick" worked for some players but not for othres :hmmm:

Drakken 12-05-20 11:45 AM

Sorry if the question has already been asked, but do I have to restart a new career after patching?

In my KSD my local career is still at 09,02,1939, yet I played yesterday to 09,03,1939 and sank a freighter. However, nothing has updated on my KSD - still the day earlier with no sinking.


vdr1981 12-05-20 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Drakken (Post 2711550)
Sorry if the question has already been asked, but do I have to restart a new career after patching?

In my KSD my local career is still at 09,02,1939, yet I played yesterday to 09,03,1939 and sank a freighter. However, nothing has updated on my KSD - still the day earlier with no sinking.


In your case, it's better to start new campaign since your current playtrough is so "young". KSD commander is updated when you end patrol in home base...

skin-nl 12-06-20 05:37 AM

Thanks for the update Vecko :salute:

Demon777 12-06-20 07:24 AM

hi gyus,

please advise from which date/campaign in TWOS decoy launcher will become available as upgrade?

vdr1981 12-06-20 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Demon777 (Post 2711697)
hi gyus,

please advise from which date/campaign in TWOS decoy launcher will become available as upgrade?

Early 1942 is when the first decoys will appear in the game...

Tonci87 12-06-20 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2711706)
Early 1942 is when the first decoys will appear in the game...

Which is too early.
The decoys were developed during 1942 and started to appear on boats from the End of 1942 onwards.

But well, a lot of the gear is available far too early.

vdr1981 12-06-20 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2711741)
Which is too early.
The decoys were developed during 1942 and started to appear on boats from the End of 1942 onwards.

But well, a lot of the gear is available far too early.

I'm aware of that and that is intentional Tonci.:yep:
The catch is, early prototype equipment will be very expensive in renown points which means that it will be available only to proven and successful captains. I hardly believe that new equipment was completely untested by some U-boat captains well before their official enter to service...:yep:

Tonci87 12-06-20 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2711747)
I'm aware of that and that is intentional Tonci.:yep:
The catch is, early prototype equipment will be very expensive in renown points which means that it will be available only to proven and successful captains. I hardly believe that new equipment was completely untested by some U-boat captains well before their official enter to service...:yep:

Yeah well, testing of the BOLD started at the end of 1942 :D
I get what you mean and I think it is a nice idea. I was not aware that equipment will be more expensive in its prototype stages.

vdr1981 12-06-20 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2711748)
Yeah well, testing of the BOLD started at the end of 1942 :D
I get what you mean and I think it is a nice idea. I was not aware that equipment will be more expensive in its prototype stages.

Well in that case, think of it as prototype of prototypes. :D Yes , their costs will be significantly larger...:yep:

gap 12-06-20 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2711747)
I'm aware of that and that is intentional Tonci.:yep:
The catch is, early prototype equipment will be very expensive in renown points which means that it will be available only to proven and successful captains. I hardly believe that new equipment was completely untested by some U-boat captains well before their official enter to service...:yep:

Nice idea :up:

Though, the price of 'experimental' equipment should be disproportionately high as, in reality only an handful of U-boat captains had the privilege of testing them beforehand.

Similarly, and with similarly high costs, I would like to see in game equipment which was later discontinued, never becoming standard. Should you need for 3D models of those items, I will be glad to provide them. Right off I can't offer any example of those technological "failures", but I am sure that with a quick research we will find many of them, especially in the radar/RWR field...

Tonci87 12-06-20 05:36 PM

Well, I wanted to record a new video, but discovered to my absolute horror that I had accidentally deleted my saves a few weeks ago.

So much for my flawless SH5 Career that lasted until mid 1942....:doh:

Salvadoreno 12-06-20 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2711402)
- Disabled Generic Patcher Collateral Damage patches in the snapshot for better damage distribution calculations, both for playable subs and other units. No more exploding bow when torpedo hit stern of the ship or damaged propellers if you frontally collide your sub with something. Some larger ships and warships will more frequently require more then one well placed torpedo in order to go down which is more realistic after all. (Fire up TDW Generic Patcher and restore the snapshot again if you wish to activate the changes).

Apologies, I am in the TDW patcher and i do not see "collateral damage". I see a "collisions" patch. I always enjoy adding more challenge to the game!

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