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Cyborg322 11-23-20 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Captain Prise (Post 2706961)
Hey all! Does this mod have any extra mods somewhere that could reduce graphical intensity/boost performance/reduce effects or any mod that could help low-end PC's increase fps?
My specs - 4gig ram, intel HD graphics

4GB of ram is not really enough Windows 10 alone takes a big chunk of that older operating systems use a little less, the consequence is your Hard drive starts doing the job of memory once its used up and that is ultra slow.

The minimum specs for SH5 says 1 gb of RAM but that seems ridiculous to me. It also states this is with a dedicated graphics card.

Ram is probably one the less expensive components which gives a lot of bang per buck but older ram can be hard to get hold of depending on age

Reducing shadows can big a big help but I guess you may have already tried that. Another this worth considering is " Reshade" this give you a lot more scope with graphics settings in particular shaders and sometimes ( not always a FPS gain. ) I seem to remember some doing a Reshade profile on this site.

Have you considered getting a Dedicated GPU ? Even an entry level one would be a big help.

This subject come up before this post by VDR may help I'm not sure if its still relevant VDR could assist with that.

Cmdr. Lennox 11-24-20 03:29 PM

Hi, is there any chance to extend the time compression further than 1024?

Texas Red 11-25-20 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Cmdr. Lennox (Post 2709097)
Hi, is there any chance to extend the time compression further than 1024?

Go into the main.cfg in the SH5 documents folder and edit it there. If you played all the other SH games, the max time compression was 8192. It basically multiplies itself from one by two. So 1x2= 2, 2x2=4, 2x4=8, 8x2=16... you get the idea.

vdr1981 11-30-20 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Phrosperatus (Post 2710334)
I noticed the download have been updated. Is it worth a reinstall? Anything changed?
2020 11 30 and the other one which I have installed was uploaded on 2020 11 28 if I remember right.
Thank you in advance and thank you for developing the mod. :Kaleun_Thumbs_Up::Kaleun_Applaud::Kaleun_Cheers:

Good observation...:up: I was updating some documentation files and description of some optional mods. Nothing to be quite worthy of version change...

Soon I'll upload official version 2.2.21 and announce the changes...:yep:

Texas Red 11-30-20 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2710379)
Soon I'll upload official version 2.2.21 and announce the changes...:yep:

YES!!! I am so excited for this! It has been maybe 3-5 months since we last had an update. :up::yeah:

Fragtzack 12-01-20 05:26 PM

Think I missed clicking "yes" on a few of the items.

Is there a way to re-install WOS without deleting the whole game?

Was a brand new steam install, no other mods.

LesBaker 12-02-20 02:52 AM

Only if you don't want the game to run properly, you must follow the instalation sequence to the letter to have a game that performs correctly.


Fragtzack 12-02-20 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by LesBaker (Post 2710774)
Only if you don't want the game to run properly, you must follow the instalation sequence to the letter to have a game that performs correctly.


Re-installed, working fine now.

Fragtzack 12-02-20 04:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Is the TAI map supposed to be unusable in Wolves of Steel?

On my WOS game, the TAI map is there but is upper left corner of screen and not fully visible. Using TAB to go to large version of TAI doesn't work either. I can see the TAI expanding with TAB only horizontally, but most of the TAI is off the screen (top). I can expand the TAI box, but only right and up. Tis like the game thinks the TAI map is lower left of screen.

Not able to drag the map to another position either. when I hold the mouse down on the TAI, nothing happens. However, when I hold mouse down a bit below the map a hand appears that looks like a "drag" tool. But nothing when happens when trying this hand tool that only appears below the current TAI position.

Is this a resolution problem or is TAI broke with SH5 WOS?

Using 2k resolution, default 16X9.

Attached screen shot which shows the TAI in medium mode in upper left. (using TAB).

Please help.

vdr1981 12-02-20 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Fragtzack (Post 2710927)
Is the TAI map supposed to be unusable in Wolves of Steel?

On my WOS game, the TAI map is there but is upper left corner of screen and not fully visible. Using TAB to go to large version of TAI doesn't work either. I can see the TAI expanding with TAB only horizontally, but most of the TAI is off the screen (top). I can expand the TAI box, but only right and up. Tis like the game thinks the TAI map is lower left of screen.

Not able to drag the map to another position either. when I hold the mouse down on the TAI, nothing happens. However, when I hold mouse down a bit below the map a hand appears that looks like a "drag" tool. But nothing when happens when trying this hand tool that only appears below the current TAI position.

Is this a resolution problem or is TAI broke with SH5 WOS?

Using 2k resolution, default 16X9.

Attached screen shot which shows the TAI in medium mode in upper left. (using TAB).

Please help.


- My TAI map is misplaced in top left corner of the screen?

Press small "toggle TAI Visibility" button few times, located above depth meter on the left side of your screen.. .The cause for this glitch ishigh resolution settings.
From quick start manual and tips documentation...Read the rest at least once as well.:yep:

Fragtzack 12-02-20 07:11 PM

Much thanks! :salute:

vdr1981 12-03-20 12:20 PM

Final tests of early North Sea traffic before the release of v2.2.21 update. By early october virtually all darkened ships withing a British waters will be legit targets regardless of their markings...

Drakken 12-03-20 12:28 PM

Beautiful. :Kaleun_Party:

poveglia 12-03-20 06:02 PM

oops I did not realize this subsection for the forum existed. Apologies for the double post.

So I initially received a message from Bdu to patrol AN5977 (and 120km radius) on 9/30 at 19:39 but I did not arrive there until 10/1 about 07:00. Ive been patrolling around the area expecting to be finished with my patrol on 10/2 07:00 (24 hour patrol).

However, I received a message from the BdU today (10/1) at 20:03 instructing me to go to another grid and start another 24 hour patrol. That would mean I must cut my current 24 hour patrol short. Is this supposed to happen? What should I do?

Tonci87 12-03-20 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by poveglia (Post 2711184)
oops I did not realize this subsection for the forum existed. Apologies for the double post.

So I initially received a message from Bdu to patrol AN5977 (and 120km radius) on 9/30 at 19:39 but I did not arrive there until 10/1 about 07:00. Ive been patrolling around the area expecting to be finished with my patrol on 10/2 07:00 (24 hour patrol).

However, I received a message from the BdU today (10/1) at 20:03 instructing me to go to another grid and start another 24 hour patrol. That would mean I must cut my current 24 hour patrol short. Is this supposed to happen? What should I do?

That means you have finished your objective and BDU has assigned you a new patrol area.

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