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kapuhy 08-19-20 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Storm501 (Post 2690508)
Three questions:
1) In the game files, what is the function of PrototypeYear for new torpedos and upgrades?
2) Clicking air bases many aircraft are listed as "proxy". What does this mean?
3) In the game Hurricanes and Spitfires seem really over represented. Is this realistic? I cant find sources that they were used at all by Coastal Command. Bulk of equipment in early war should be Avro Anson and then Short Sunderland, right?

1 - my memory in this is hazy so I might be wrong, but I think it's supposed to be very costly and possibly slightly nerfed version of equipment available earlier than historically correct, to simulate possibility of influential captain pulling strings to get his hands on wonder weapons in development.
2 - no idea on this one
3 - You're right. Apparently stock game used hurricanes as "basic low level mob" everywhere regardless of their historical use. TWoS added a lot of more correct planes but it might still suffer from some over-representation of single engine fighters.

borisandigoris 08-19-20 02:49 PM

Attack disk
How do I use the attack disk? I need a step by step guide with pictures.


Tonci87 08-19-20 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by borisandigoris (Post 2690670)
How do I use the attack disk? I need a step by step guide with pictures.


I can do better than that

BrokenPrism 08-20-20 08:27 AM

Just a quick question: Is there a way to run SH5 with WoS on tripple Full HD Monitors? Or is this simply impossible with how old the game is?

Krop 08-20-20 05:52 PM

Hello, what could be the problem?
Broken font, font problem, incomprehensible characters.

Aktungbby 08-20-20 08:50 PM

welcome aboard!

Texas Red 08-20-20 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Krop (Post 2690933)
Hello, what could be the problem?

Seems to me that the BdU is trying to make it harder for the allies to decode your messages!

Are you running on a windows 10 install? Is your sh5.exe set to Win7 compatibilty? Lastly, is your sh5.exe set to override high dpi scalling?

By the way, welcome to subsim! :Kaleun_Salute:

Krop 08-20-20 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Krop (Post 2690933)
Hello, what could be the problem?
Broken font, font problem, incomprehensible characters.


C:\Silent hunter 5\The Wolves of Steel - Documentation\Russian Fonts Patch
Russion Fonts Patch readme.txt

If possible, it would be nice to make a small note about Russian fonts in the Install_instruction pdf file

Marques Bassus 08-22-20 10:34 AM

Crash to Desktop
Saluted fellow sailors.

Long time since I've last played SH5 TWOS.
I've installed the mods to probs been playing for about 2 weeks now, but now I've got a issue here that's is making going crazy.
In campaing doing the British Costal Patrol, after sinking one cargo ship, got multiple contacts on sonar, save my game, set my heading to intercept set my heading and found a convoy of 8+ships, started getting in position and the game crash to desktop, no error nothing.
Load the save game still crash always at around 15.48 Naut in game time. Also load the auto save that was when I was near the convoy and crash.
The only way I manage to to crash at that given time was to not intercept at all the convoy?
Any one have had this problem before?

psjdb 08-23-20 07:13 PM

Protractor / ruler issue on map
Had a small update load and stuff up my game, ended up uninstalling all mods repairing the original game files and reinstalled the mega mod.
Game starts and runs fine now however when i go to the map to plot a course or an intercept solution the protractor and ruler draw the line from the bottom edge and not from the center dot, anyone had a similar issue, is there a mod i should uninstall and reinstall or a setting i have incorrect ?.
Thanks in advance.

Kaiser Wilhelm II 08-26-20 01:35 AM

Problems Launching Mod
Hello everyone!

First time poster here and I'm sorry to say that it comes out of trouble installing this mod. I got SH5 yesterday and decided to install this supermod as I've heard that it "fixes" the hot mess that is vanilla SH5.

Problem is, it just doesn't work when I install it. I've tried it 3 times now, first two times were done incorrectly so I looked for a video tutorial to follow along to. I found this one ( and followed it exactly yet it still doesn't work.

There are two scenarios:
1. I launch it through Uplay and get an endless loading screen. (
2. I launch it through the exe file where Uplay prompts me for a key.

I'm not sure if I did something wrong or if I need to do something else. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Aktungbby 08-26-20 02:05 AM

welcome aboard!
Kaiser Wilhelm II!:Kaleun_Salute: psjdb!:Kaleun_Salute: & Marques Bassus!:Kaleun_Salute:

vdr1981 08-26-20 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Kaiser Wilhelm II (Post 2692016)

Problem is, it just doesn't work when I install it. I've tried it 3 times now, first two times were done incorrectly so I looked for a video tutorial to follow along to. I found this one ( and followed it exactly yet it still doesn't work.

That video tutorial is outdated. Use official TWoS install instructions PDF which can be found here

vdr1981 08-26-20 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Marques Bassus (Post 2691297)
Saluted fellow sailors.

Long time since I've last played SH5 TWOS.
I've installed the mods to probs been playing for about 2 weeks now, but now I've got a issue here that's is making going crazy.
In campaing doing the British Costal Patrol, after sinking one cargo ship, got multiple contacts on sonar, save my game, set my heading to intercept set my heading and found a convoy of 8+ships, started getting in position and the game crash to desktop, no error nothing.
Load the save game still crash always at around 15.48 Naut in game time. Also load the auto save that was when I was near the convoy and crash.
The only way I manage to to crash at that given time was to not intercept at all the convoy?
Any one have had this problem before?

Please upload the gamesave and a screenshot of your JSGME ...:yep:

TitanicMike 08-27-20 10:29 AM

List of what the TWOS mod does?
Hi Vecko and thanks for your effort!
Is there somewhere a list of what this mod does?
Also is there anyway to set dificulties within in TWOS latest version?

Thanks in advance!


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