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Coldcall 05-20-16 03:28 AM

Quick question. I´m currently doing the South eastern approaches mission in which apparently there is a British convoy to intercept. So i reach the red x and I get a message saying finished, and then a radio message saying there should be a convoy coming through the area. So I have patrolled for a 3 or 4 days and all that comes through are smallish groups of Irish, Greek, Portuguese or Spanish ships. No signs of the convoy we are after. I keep submerging, turning engines off and listening to hydrophones, and checking radio contacts, but nothing.

Is this sort of hit or miss or is there really a convoy supposed to be coming through?

By the way had a hell of a time coming through English channel to get here. Destroyers everywhere is large groups, its lucky we made it, lots of slow 64 time compression as we dodged and dived. Fun but harrowing experience.

Another thing i noticed was a radio message saying a convoy left Freetown March 15th, but the current date in game is Feb 28th. Is that a typo?

Micksp 05-20-16 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by au-boat (Post 2405659)
HI AWESOME MOD but the jsgme isn't in the main folder, what do i do?

Just go ahead, it works fine..

Bojanpopovic 05-20-16 01:14 PM

I have these mods:

1. The Wolves of Steel 1.05=1
2. The Wolves of Steel 1.05 - Update No. 11=2
3. The Wolves of Steel 1.05 - Real Navigation_by TheDarkWraith=3
4. The Wolves of Steel 1.05 - 8x5 Resolution Patch=4

But dont have a flag on submarine...
Is this because of this mod, or flag is coming in later stage of war? Thanks...

vdr1981 05-20-16 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Bojanpopovic (Post 2405750)
I have these mods:

1. The Wolves of Steel 1.05=1
2. The Wolves of Steel 1.05 - Update No. 11=2
3. The Wolves of Steel 1.05 - Real Navigation_by TheDarkWraith=3
4. The Wolves of Steel 1.05 - 8x5 Resolution Patch=4

But dont have a flag on submarine...
Is this because of this mod, or flag is coming in later stage of war? Thanks...

There is no sub flags in TWoS...Sub flags = CTDs...

vdr1981 05-20-16 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Coldcall (Post 2405663)
Quick question. I´m currently doing the South eastern approaches mission in which apparently there is a British convoy to intercept. So i reach the red x and I get a message saying finished, and then a radio message saying there should be a convoy coming through the area. So I have patrolled for a 3 or 4 days and all that comes through are smallish groups of Irish, Greek, Portuguese or Spanish ships. No signs of the convoy we are after. I keep submerging, turning engines off and listening to hydrophones, and checking radio contacts, but nothing.

Is this sort of hit or miss or is there really a convoy supposed to be coming through?

Actually I was wondering the same...Maybe you should forward your question to OHII thread. Trevally will probably know how to shed some light on this dilemma...:yep:


Another thing i noticed was a radio message saying a convoy left Freetown March 15th, but the current date in game is Feb 28th. Is that a typo?
Noticed the same but I'm not sure is there an easy fix for this... Note that those messages are just an eyecandy and not directly related to campaign traffic...Real radio reports are displayed in your captain log

Bojanpopovic 05-20-16 02:16 PM

I am not so familiar with this short marks. What is CTD? Sorry...
Can i install with JGSME this mod "Accurate German Flags", to get flags, and to work properly? Thanks...

Trevally. 05-20-16 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Coldcall (Post 2405663)
Quick question. I´m currently doing the South eastern approaches mission in which apparently there is a British convoy to intercept. So i reach the red x and I get a message saying finished, and then a radio message saying there should be a convoy coming through the area. So I have patrolled for a 3 or 4 days and all that comes through are smallish groups of Irish, Greek, Portuguese or Spanish ships. No signs of the convoy we are after. I keep submerging, turning engines off and listening to hydrophones, and checking radio contacts, but nothing.

Is this sort of hit or miss or is there really a convoy supposed to be coming through?

Hi Cold call - I need to check this and see what is happening.
The message you received, was it a mission update (capt log) or a radio message?


Another thing i noticed was a radio message saying a convoy left Freetown March 15th, but the current date in game is Feb 28th. Is that a typo?
Here I am guessing you are in South Western approaches. 1940?

If so the next 2 radio (RED) message that you will get are important for the campaign.

19400315 1200 19400324 0100 1 20 1 0 0 -1 player Return to nearest base to re-arm and make best speed to Norway for OPERATION WESERÜBUNG| New orders will follow.

19400324 0001 19400331 2300 1 20 1 0 0 -1 all U-boats operating in area designated "Coastal Waters" | New Objective available "Operation Weserubung"

When you get a radio message it will have one of three colourd backgrounds:-

Red = Campaign message. This is real info that you should act on.
Blue = Do this. Normally send contact report etc
Gray = random war info - not actually in the game

Coldcall 05-20-16 02:54 PM


I actually reloaded from port and played the same mission again this time went north about route, back of Ireland, by-passing channel. Everything worked fine, convoy showed up etc...

What is interesting is there was some quite odd behaviour from destroyer groups when i took the earlier channel route. Amongst odd behaviour was destroyers acting as if they are aware of my preseance, so sort of shadowing me, move for move, but I am way out of their visual, or asdic range. Then when a convoy did show up it actually disappeared in front of my eyes as i was setting up an an ambush. It literally blinked out of existence. :D

vdr1981 05-20-16 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Coldcall (Post 2405774)
What is interesting is there was some quite odd behaviour from destroyer groups when i took the earlier channel route. Amongst odd behaviour was destroyers acting as if they are aware of my preseance, so sort of shadowing me, move for move, but I am way out of their visual, or asdic range. Then when a convoy did show up it actually disappeared in front of my eyes as i was setting up an an ambush. It literally blinked out of existence. :D

There are still some things that arent well explained since WW2...:O:

Regarding odd destroyer behavior, it's probably stock game "Sticky destroyers" bug, just save/reload the game and destroyer will go back to normal routine...

THEBERBSTER 05-20-16 05:37 PM

Hi B
Already in TWOS

"Accurate German Flags",
One of the things this mod does is to replace the default flags in the bunker with swastikas.
As Vecko said you cannot put a flag on your boat as it crashes the game..


THEBERBSTER 05-20-16 05:38 PM

Hi Vecko
Is there any way of being told when a new message enters the Captains Log.

vdr1981 05-20-16 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2405816)
Hi Vecko
Is there any way of being told when a new message enters the Captains Log.

Like radio contact reports? If so then yes...
If you set your radio contacts filter like this for example, then all radio contacts within 1000 Km around your sub will also be shown in your message log with more details. In this case TC will also drop to x1. Very useful...

J0313 05-20-16 07:48 PM

Patrol area
I was wondering what are the diameters of the patrol objectives in TWoS? As in 100km, 150km?

oscar19681 05-20-16 09:15 PM

Is there a way to change the depthcharge explosion sound in this mod? It sounds unrealistic and kills immersion

Sjizzle 05-20-16 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by oscar19681 (Post 2405847)
Is there a way to change the depthcharge explosion sound in this mod? It sounds unrealistic and kills immersion

yup u can change it .....there some good SH III depth charges sound mods and u can import them for sh5 :D

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