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1 Attachment(s)
OK, the picture is in the attachment... And here are the moders...I have probable missed someone (don't be angry please :)), if you remember if anyone was included in mods development please add them... Code:
TheDarkWraith, SteelViking, Ailantd, Captain America, Entheberge, gap, Paris England, Pintea, sober, stoianm, Stormfly, volodya61, W clear, yano1966, The Beast, Vecko(vdr1981), Tscharlii, radcapricorn, Naights, Sjizzle, Sober, Xrundel, Cerberus62, SkyBaron, Trevally, Rongel, Church, Husksubskys, Athlonic, archer9, tonschk, Pintea, Nozaurio, macardigan, Cybermat47, Nauticalwolf and many many others... |
P.S: should I retain the exact same wording as the original poster? Any suggestion by some inspired native English-speaking member? :) |
It's just at sea randomly crashing every couple hours now, night, day, with ships around, or without, with time compression or without, just suddenly game quits. But given that's what Silent Hunter V was always like on my system, I won't complain. I have not updated to your latest version yet, though (never change a "running" system, hehe). |
Still having problems mate, fresh install and followed your instructions to the letter. It will still not let me use alternative speed controls to set the boats speed to anything other than the ahead slow, ahead one third etc.
As soon as I change speed using the control key and clicking with the mouse on the speed, the message box shows the speed I ask for, the crew respond with the speed I ask for, but the boat refuses to slow down/speed up. Hope someone can help here because I getting frustrated with this..add to that the inability to use the scroll to change heading..I change mods up and these functions both work :( |
I'll do my best to help you out, I think this mod is fantastic :)
Geforce GTX 760 8 Gigs RAM Should be plenty of power. That said, I have the same problem as Puff in that the Boat does not accept commands. This only happens when some sort of time compression is active, though. I have acouple of other problems as well, though I do not think those are related to your Mod. For example, the actual seefloor never matches the visals, I always hit bottom long before I reach teh visible seafloor. I also can't use the seabed to place the boat there, even with no peed whatsoever I take constant damage. This means once you have flooding, the boat is doomed no matter what. Also, and this is a major bugger, despite seeing the target clearly in the scopes, I often cant log it in, which prevents me from being able to identify the target and use the Stadimeter. But as I said, I think those probs are engine related, not your mods, so I guess I gotta live with it. |
Today and yesterday I started working on a possible new logo for The Wolves of Steel. I have prepared three proposals so far. All of them bring the name of the mod engraved on a bolted steel plate, the way many emblems were fitted on u-boats' conning towers. The fonts selected are different varieties of the Jack-boot Helvetica, member of the family of Fraktur typefaces, often seen on Nazi poropaganda posters and also used for conning tower mottos. End of the similarities.
The first logo takes inspiration from the "teeth" originally mentioned by the mod subtitle. The steel plate brings three scars (similar to the ones commonly associated to Wolverine), supposedly originating from the said teeth. With a bit of fantasy, they can also be seen as a set of bllody waves :arrgh!: Font used: Tannenberg Fett http://imageshack.com/a/img594/5194/fcun.png I took the freedom to slightly modify the mod name for the second logo proposal; from The Wolves of Steel to The Iron Wolves. The logo brings a rounded version of the Iron Cross, and the subtitle phrase was modified accordingly to "dare to be an hero", obviously referred to the German decaration. Font used: Postdam. http://imageshack.com/a/img546/5780/1njo.png possible controversies: - the name "Iron Wolves" is shorter and (imo) more threnchant than the original "Wolves of Steel", nonetheless it has already been used in many circumastances, most notably by a Lithuanian fascist movemen and for an old submarine simulation - I ignore if the iron cross, similar to the swastika, can be considered offensive in some countries. The third and last logo proposal displays a periscope sight with a convoy in sight and a ship on flames. The subtitle phrase reads "the hunting has started" thus creating a connection with the title of the SH series and with the same idea of an hunting wolves. Originally I had thought of another phrase; "your scope, our hope", wich played with the ambiguity of the word "(peri-)scope" in English, but then I realized that had the Nazists won the war, our world would have been a wort place, which is exactly the opposite of "hope" ;) Font used: Koch Fette Deutsche Schrift http://imageshack.com/a/img842/7091/7b1k.png What do you, Vecko and TWoS lovers, think? I am open to criticism and suggestions :salute: |
:up: Great logos...I really like the "Iron Wolves" one.
Personally, I'll like to see it with the subtitle phrase "You're the hunter...they're the prey" and, if I may suggest, you could use it for the :D possible release of the "magui" interface version of the supermod?:yeah: |
Great job Gap, No 3 is my favorite! :up:
How about to add some old camera effects to periscope view ? |
I will add some chromatic aberration to it. What about the font and the plate texture? Which one do you prefer? Those are freely interchangeable. |
VDR 1981
Just a heads up (Not a Complaint.) Tried WOS V1 and was getting ctd's every once in awhile. Not often enough to be a real problem. Seemed to happen when I would open the map or change views nothing consistent. Don't know what was causing it. I Really like the mod I loaded up V 2, your instructions for both Versions are great. V 2 crashed every time I attempted to submerge. I think it was a depth change problem. I added your mod setup several at a time and tested after each change until I found what appears to be causing the CTD When I removed EMCCD v0.3.1 by archer 9 the problem disappeared. Maybe this information will help. |
So your game CTD when you try to submerge? Which command? Command menu from first officer or via panel from the left side of the screen? Could you tell me exactly what should I do in order to replicate that CTD? |
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