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Deep_Hunter 02-10-14 09:12 AM

Ah ok, thx for the answer...and Wolves of Steel doens't overwrite any speech settings like Orders and stuff like that?

Sjizzle 02-10-14 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Deep_Hunter (Post 2173297)
Ah ok, thx for the answer...and Wolves of Steel doens't overwrite any speech settings like Orders and stuff like that?

nope as far i know ....

Deep_Hunter 02-10-14 09:36 AM

Cool, thank you again!
Gute Jagd und immer ne Handbreit Wasser unterm Kiel :D
Hey, I just checked your Profil...esti din Romania? I like your country!

vdr1981 02-10-14 10:36 AM

Links for Sjizzle's and Mikemike's guides for JSGME and TDW patcher are added to the first post.
Now, the only thing one have to do is to spend 15 minutes of his life and do some reading and everything must work fine. I have tested install instructions on the friend of mine who have 0 experience in SH5, and it worked. So patience is crucial. This is not World of Tanks after all...
I wish I could, by some magic, install the game and the modes for everyone personally, but I can't...


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2165720)
Step 4:
Install The Wolves of Steel 1.01 and selected optional patches via JSGME in this order...

The Wolves of Steel 1.01
The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - Plotting Tools Fix v2
*The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - TDW Real Navigation_7_4_2
*The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - Tscharlii's Realistic_Hydrophone_1_1 _7_4_2
*The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - Sober's Realistic Underwater FX2

* - Optional patches
All about JSGME - Generic Mod Enabler

Step 5:
Properly activate TDW generic patcher and load "7_4_2_Snapshot" snapshot. The patcher is allready placed in the main game folder. (Skip this step if you use Steam version)
How to use TDW Generic Patcher.

Mikemike47 02-10-14 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2173323)
Links for Sjizzle's and Mikemike's guides for JSGME and TDW patcher are added to the first post.



Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2173323)
Now, the only thing one have to do is to spend 15 minutes of his life and do some reading and everything must work fine.

That would save time for a lot of us and server resources!!!!

Sjizzle 02-10-14 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Deep_Hunter (Post 2173304)
Cool, thank you again!
Gute Jagd und immer ne Handbreit Wasser unterm Kiel :D
Hey, I just checked your Profil...esti din Romania? I like your country!

offtopic and sorry for that ...
yup i am from Romania and from the same city where Dracula ( Vlad the impaler ) was born SIghisoara ....i wish that all of u visit 1 time that nice medivel city ....

Sjizzle 02-10-14 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2173323)
Links for Sjizzle's and Mikemike's guides for JSGME and TDW patcher are added to the first post.
Now, the only thing one have to do is to spend 15 minutes of his life and do some reading and everything must work fine. I have tested install instructions on the friend of mine who have 0 experience in SH5, and it worked. So patience is crucial. This is not World of Tanks after all...
I wish I could, by some magic, install the game and the modes for everyone personally, but I can't...


Drake 02-10-14 03:13 PM

I installed this mod 3 times and every time it ended up giving me a half broken SH5.

No options for User charts show up, the identification book doesn't work. Parts of the UI are missing like the dials and such for the torpedos. Speed or depth won't display. Some of the options through through the crew don't work, like I cannot ever get my position..

So I have a choice between a boring incomplete game, or a broken game.. Lovely :shifty:

adrians69 02-10-14 03:16 PM

Thanks for this great megamod vdr! And thanks also to all those modders who's mods are included in this. Works perfectly and seems stable.


Sjizzle 02-10-14 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 2173426)
I installed this mod 3 times and every time it ended up giving me a half broken SH5.

No options for User charts show up, the identification book doesn't work. Parts of the UI are missing like the dials and such for the torpedos. Speed or depth won't display. Some of the options through through the crew don't work, like I cannot ever get my position..

So I have a choice between a boring incomplete game, or a broken game.. Lovely :shifty:

tell us your exactly what problem u have with this mode and we try to help u.... if u come and blame and don't give use some details about your problem we can't help u ...

vdr1981 02-10-14 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 2173426)
I installed this mod 3 times and every time it ended up giving me a half broken SH5.

You could install it 1000 times ...If you do not follow instructions the result will always be the same. Obviously , you're doing something wrong...

Now , tell us what have you done exactly and maybe we'll manage to help you...

Drake 02-10-14 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2173445)
tell us your exactly what problem u have with this mode and we try to help u.... if u come and blame and don't give use some details about your problem we can't help u ...

Did you miss this part of my post?:

"No options for User charts show up, the identification book doesn't work. Parts of the UI are missing like the dials and such for the torpedos. Speed or depth won't display. Some of the options through through the crew don't work, like I cannot ever get my position.."

That's about all I figured out that didn't work before I gave up..

I'll clarify a few of those points a bit for you:
1.The user charts menu is just 2 black rectangle boxes with no options for any charts.
2. Identification book shows up, but all it says is "OK" on the front. It cannot be opened or viewed in any way.
3.I've seen these nice torpedo control panels and dials on peoples screenshots, and lets plays, but unless there's some hidden button I'm not pressing, I get no controls at all on the right side of my screen
4. Speed and depth are not showing up on the UI. It always reads at 0.
5. I'm not sure all the crew commands are working. Like if I tell my navigator to calculate my position, nothing happens.


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2173455)
You could install it 1000 times ...If you do not follow instructions the result will always be the same. Obviously , you're doing something wrong...

Now , tell us what have you done exactly and maybe we'll manage to help you...

I followed the directions exactly. Infact, by the 3rd time I had already memorized the install process..

That isn't to say I couldn't have done it wrong though.. I could do it wrong 1000 times if the instructions are ambiguous.

What confuses me is that there are 2 posts within a minute of each other on your first page with 2 versions of the same mod and it isn't really clear which is the most up to date, or even why an out of date version would be there.

So theres:
The Wolves of Steel 1.01
The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - Plotting Tools Fix v2
*The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - TDW Real Navigation_7_4_2
*The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - Tscharlii's Realistic_Hydrophone_1_1 _7_4_2
*The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - Sober's Realistic Underwater FX2
I installed them exactly as they are there and I had problems I mentioned above.

But then there is also:

Wolves of Steel - SH5 Megamod
Wolves of Steel - 1.01 Patch

I thought they must be old versions, but then I read '"zadnji 7.5.0" snapshot'.. If thats some kind of version number, then that implies its newer than the one on the 'Wolves of Steel 1.01'

Really confusing. You know, there's a reason why developers have those numbers to tell you the version. You have 3 files with 1.01 as the version(not counting bonus) and one big file with no version.

If your versions were named like this:
Wolves of Steel - 1.00 full
Wolves of Steel- 1.00-1.01 Patch
Wolves of Steel 1.1 full
Wolves of steel 1.2 patch
Etc, Etc.

It would make a hell of alot more sense instead of these ambiguous versions.

I'm not new to mods or Modding either.. But trying to get a decent mod to make up for Ubisofts unfinished game is proving to be a real PITA.

indycar 02-10-14 05:16 PM

havent read everything but most of the thread

i have a question or few

sh5 v1.2 with mods TWoS and TWos patch

prolly did everything the right way when following instructions but

crew is silent i see them takling but no sound is heard and
prolly sth with real nav i cant locate my sub on map and cant get out of that stupid port i am (most east one) looks like im in a giant pool theres land all around

any of you get those probs

gonna check configs for real nav now

vdr1981 02-10-14 05:24 PM

Listen Drake...You are the first of more then 600 persons who have downloaded this megamod and found it's install instruction "ambiguous". Is it really so hard to follow the steps from download page?! I clearly said yesterday that previous version is moved to the second post, yet again from some reason, you're trying to find some connection between two separate megamods.

Do your self a favor and don't think to much about 7.4.2 and 7.5.0 markings (not to mention that everyone who had slightest contact with modding of SH5 will know for sure what those numbers mean ),install the game, follow instruction from the first post and enjoy.

Txema 02-10-14 06:01 PM


In my opinion the instructions to install the megamod are well explained. Obviously you are not following the installation steps properly...

Please, read the instructions of the first post again (including the links to explain the mod enabler and TDW GenericPatcher) and follow those instructions carefully. The megamod works very well if you follow the instructions properly.

And thank you very much for this excellent megamod, Vecko, I really like it !!! Your work is much appreciated :salute:


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