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ReFaN 07-11-10 12:59 PM

Werner Clausen 7th February 1944

Currently Crash diving and surfacing, getting tedious.

Snestorm 07-11-10 07:54 PM

Position AM53

Homeward bound from patrol 1.
4 merchants sunk for 20.172 GRT
2 from 2 separate convoys, and 2 independents.
All torpedoes expended. No externals carried.


Originally Posted by Vendor (Post 1441011)
Return to base immediately


Gerald 07-11-10 08:36 PM

But you still have deckgun....

Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1441749)
Position AM53

Homeward bound from patrol 1.
4 merchants sunk for 20.172 GRT
2 from 2 separate convoys, and 2 independents.
All torpedoes expended. No externals carried.

and the famous gunner :up:

Snestorm 07-11-10 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Vendor (Post 1441790)
and the famous gunner :up:

The infamouse gunner.

Snestorm 07-12-10 02:25 PM

U64 IXB. 2. Flotilla.
U64 has arrived home safely with all hands after completing her maiden war patrol.

Patrol dates from 29.MAR.40 to 21.MAJ.40.

After full participation in The Norwegian Campaign without successes, U64's patrol was extended to The North Atlantic shipping lanes, and eventualy, after persueing a convoy, on to AM53.

4 merchants were sunk for 20.172 GRT.

U64 participated in 2 convoy battles, sinking 2 merchants, and sunk an additional 2 merchants sailing independently.

STEED 07-12-10 03:17 PM

Both my IXB boats are now in late 41, soon be heading for new hunting grounds and kicking America up the ass. :O:

Snestorm 07-13-10 04:13 PM

U64 IXB. 2. Flotilla. Patrol #2.
Present position is grid AF77. (North of The Shettlands).

After one week at see, U64 is heading home with seriouse damage.
The third air attack, in three days, has left U64 with 51% Hull Integrity.

No enemy ships encountered.

Hugo Stiglitz 07-13-10 07:41 PM

31 May 40

Got word of the evacuation of Dunkirk so I headed down to the channel from my patrol grid of AN41. Seas were very rough as usual.

Submerged and tons (ha, get it, tons) of screw noises on the hydrophone. We tracked a convoy headed west towards Dover.

Managed to sink a Modern Tanker, Ore Carrier, and Granville. Wounded another Tanker (don't know how he kept going, was listing heavily in the rough seas) and a Liner after getting harassed by the DDs. Had to hide out by the wrecks of the guys I sunk, depth was only about 25m. Wish I could have sank those last two. Total of 23.5k tons.

Jimbuna 07-14-10 07:48 AM


RegioSommergibile 07-14-10 03:43 PM

This 10th patrol in February 1940 was extremely fruitful. I arrived at Thalia resupply ship near Cadice, and since it was relatively early in the war I decided to have a look in Gribaltar, to see if there were anything juicy enough to send to Davy Jones' Locker.

So my crew and I took our U-51 toward the STrait and on our way in we encountered a Tribal-class DD (afterwards we discovered it to be HMS Afridi). It did not detect our presence and we could position ourselves, favoured by the darkness, in a 90° firing position. For good measure we shot two torpedos at it. We let the aals go and were rewarded with a stern hit that left it burning and then it sank almost perperndicularly. No survivors: on 227 sailors, all were claimed by the sea.

We made our way to Gribaltar, but my sonarman detected a small convoy of what we discovered to be French ships, two of them escorted by an Armed trawler. The escort leading them steamed on oblivious to our presence, and so I could put a couple of magnetic-set torpedoes in a Grosses Frachtschiff. After the explosions it started to list heavily to port, but we could not wait and follow it, we had to continue to the British base (on account of being surprised by dawn in the vicinity). Before leaving my Weapon Officer suggested to send a torpedo to the other ship following, and so we did. But it was likely a dud, or poorly aimed, as nothing happened. Anyhow my sonarman heard crushing hull noises, that indicated that that ship went to say hello to Neptune.

Upon our arrival in Gribaltar, after evading the weak surveillance of an Elco and an Armed Trawler, we arrived in the richest target environment that I have seen in my patrols so far. I thought the juiciest target would be HMS Southampton slightly north of the commercial piers, but imagine my surprise and that of my men when peeking through the periscope I saw something very similar to a battleship. No, not similar, it WAS a battleship, anchored opposite to the port. Better still: it was HMS NELSON!!!!!!!!!!!

My WO and I quickly prepared a firing solution and as soon as everything was ready three magnetic a-type eels were on their way. 3 minutes 40 seconds went by, slow ever so slow, and then through the periscope...




We hit the battleship under the keel at an AoB of 20° if I remember correctly.

The Tommies on board that giant shot at once an illuminating shell (oh, they DO illuminate, if you ask me), but we were on our way out, submerged and quiet. After a while I got the message "Enemy unit destroyed". I let my men cheer and whoop for a while before recalling them to order.
On our way back, given that everything was silent as if nothing had happened (after all, there were no explosions aboard Nelson, it simply sat on the seabed), we used our stern tube to sink another Tribal-class nearby, namely HMS Huron. This one exploded and sank with "great balls of fire" all around and above it but nothing happened in the port once again (weird brits, must be deaf, was the comment that could be heard in the conning tower).

We managed to return to Thalia without incidents, apart that an unfortunate Coastal Freighter happened to cross our path and was promptly sank using our last stern torpedo with a clean hit just below the main deck.

Total: 48155 Tons!!!:arrgh!: And quite some medals, specializations, and promotions to distribute among my men. ANd a Ritterkreuz for Oberleutnant z.S. Heinz Lehmann. :rock:

Snestorm 07-14-10 07:27 PM

U64 IXB. 2. Flotilla
Patrol 2
19.JUN.40 to 5.JUL.40

We never reached our patrol grid (EJ26), or even saw an enemy ship.

U64 got jumped by aircraft north of The Shetlands, and was forced to make for home with 51% Hull Integrity.

The score card reads:
2 patrols completed.
4 merchants sunk for 20.172 GRT.

Flaxpants 07-14-10 09:48 PM

Out on my first ever patrol with the 1st Flotilla out of Kiel, March 1941. Ordered to proceed to N.Atlantic, had two contacts on route, the first a lone merchant north of Lerwick but the weather was so bad I decided to abort the pursuit (he was going east and it would have been a long chase), and the second a merchant with a destroyer escort just off the south west coast of Ireland which I also decided to avoid (not confident yet of taking on a destroyer). Reached my grid, did my patrol and am heading home. To sum up- 13 days, no kills. The last 4 days I have seen nor heard anything. The next thing I see I will shoot. Regardless...

Snestorm 07-17-10 06:01 PM

U64 IXB. 2. Flotilla.
Patrol #3. 23.AUG.40 to 23.SEP.40

U64 has completed her 3. war patrol, and found her way into her new homeport of Lorient, France.

We dogged a convoy from AM18 to AM29, making multiple attacks.
5 merchants were sunk for 33.372 GRT, bringing our total to 9 merchants for 53.544 GRT.
Patrol 3 prooved more productive than 1 and 2 combined.

On 4.SEP.40, in grid AM24, U64 was forced to crash dive for aircraft.
That was the last plane we encountered, until learning about "The Bay" in BF54, on 21.SEP.40. Thankfuly, neither encounter produced any damage.

Crécy 07-17-10 09:09 PM

U-53 Patrol #2
From 24.AUG.39 to 16.SEP.39

Encountered few ships in heavy storm in the early days of war. Unable to attack due to weather. Tracked a cargo east from England, two torpedos missed.

Finally in 15.Sep, after 13 days without a luck, sunk a merchant, with the deckgun, worth of 4704 tons. Then we headed home, Wilhelmshaven, as the diesel was about to run out.

Deck and flak gun slightly damaged due to an aircraft.

Overall, crew spirits are down as well as myself. Two and a half week at sea and one ship sunk. Can't be happy about that.

Crécy 07-18-10 05:02 AM

U-53 Patrol #3. 8.OCT.39. Day 2 at the sea.

Ran into four British destroyer in grid AN61. Running silent.

STEED 07-18-10 07:12 AM

Lost my last two careers, damn CTD.

Any how I back sailing around and a spot of fishing here and there. Looks like the political situation will soon boil over.

Aug 15th 1939

Snestorm 07-18-10 09:29 PM

U64 IXB. Patrol 4.
Left Lorient on 21.OKT.40.

Encountered, and sank 1 merchant enroute to our patrol grid.

Presently patroling Grid DH32 (North of The Cannarrie Islands).

1 merchant sunk for 6446 GRT.
3 torpedoes expended (2 stern, 1 bow).
11 torpedoes remaining.

Perfect 1000 meter night surface attack.
Both stern torpedoes hit, and eventualy stopped the target.
The bow shot was eventualy used as a coup de grace.

TabbyHunter 07-19-10 02:09 AM

Im on shore leave for the rest of the summer. Once i get my laptop back, im hitting the High Seas of SH3 again.

Snestorm 07-19-10 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1447853)
Left Lorient on 21.OKT.40.

Encountered, and sank 1 merchant enroute to our patrol grid.

Presently patroling Grid DH32 (North of The Cannarrie Islands).

1 merchant sunk for 6446 GRT.
3 torpedoes expended (2 stern, 1 bow).
11 torpedoes remaining.

Perfect 1000 meter night surface attack.
Both stern torpedoes hit, and eventualy stopped the target.
The bow shot was eventualy used as a coup de grace.

Still patroling DH32.
3 merchants sunk for 15.236 GRT.
6 of 14 torpedoes remaining.

Brag 07-21-10 03:49 PM

Dec 30 1939
Balz departed Willi om his 3rd. war patrol. Has left an order with BDU for a type IX on his victorious return :D

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