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Zedwardson 05-05-10 07:33 PM

Well, I am starting to get the hang of GWX, and actually have found some kill zones, and building up enough Renown to upgrade to a VII soon, Norway is about to be invaded, So I am might see the first of the scripted GWX events :salute:

I am grinding it out, with a IIA you only have five eels, and no deck gun, last few patrols I sunk 1-2 ships to keep a decent tally for the early war years.

Last Patrol I picked up one kill

Ship sunk! SS Empire Kingsley (Empire-type Freighter), 5845 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 75. Crew lost: 62

after wasting 3 torpedoes at 1800 meters, I cornered it, calmly went to 90 degrees angle, and put one eel in at 500 meters. of course, that was most of my loadout in a IIA.

krashkart 05-05-10 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1383372)
Last time out I torpedoed England and she sank.

Fancy that... I couldn't find England last time I sailed out. :hmm2:

Breaking News: England Sunk By Lone Uboat. World In Shock As Germany Marches Onward Victoriously.

That's a wrap, people. The war is over! Everybody pack up your torpedoes and go home. Thank you all for coming. Happy times, happy times indeed.

schlechter pfennig 05-05-10 09:44 PM

Well, I was gonna post something, but this is an impossible act to follow!


Originally Posted by krashkart (Post 1383405)
Fancy that... I couldn't find England last time I sailed out. :hmm2:

Breaking News: England Sunk By Lone Uboat. World In Shock As Germany Marches Onward Victoriously.

That's a wrap, people. The war is over! Everybody pack up your torpedoes and go home. Thank you all for coming. Happy times, happy times indeed.

Snestorm 05-06-10 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by JohnWoo (Post 1383309)
Oberleutnant z. See Kurt Gies, captain of the U-52.

Just finished my 1st war-time patrol in 1939, with a total of 99971 ton sunk. Not a bad start, if I say so myself :DL.
I even wrote an AAR about it, for those interested:

The AAR would have fit nicely into this thread.

Zedwardson 05-06-10 08:58 AM

Luck has changed for U-17 and Karl Myer.

After missing the Invasion of Norway (was assigned to AN18 area and used my last two torpedos on a 10k ton freighter as german forces shortied (first time playing GWX, and that was awesome) and by the time he finished refiting the Brits where falling out of norway, patroled the sector off Bergen, then recived a report of a task force headed SSE slowly out of Scapa, U-17 made a run to Northfolk to try to beat the task force to that point (missed them by about six hours) sinking a small cargo-passenger ship that crossed it path. However, a large convoy was headed NNE from the channel, and U-17 found itself in ideal position. As Radio reports that Germany had invaded the low countries.

As the convoy neared, a massive foggy storm covered the sea, and U-17 was desprately looking for signs of this massive convoy. Went to scope depth for the hydrophones and found out that U-17 was in the middle of the convoy, and on the surface, a large frighter appeared off starboard 300 meters away. Doing a quick look around, Oberleutnant Z S Myer saw a large Ore Carrier at 1500 meters who would be at a good shot angle in about 2 mins, so he quickly planned his attack. making a long port turn, he fired tube one at the frighter that was now heading away and at a somewhat bad angle, keeping the port turn, opening the doors on 2 and 3, the Ore Carrier came into view, waiting for the rudder to go to 0 degrees, then aimed two eels at the Ore Carrier, one at the bow and one admid ships, and fired. Checking the weapon officer he found that the remaining Eel would be loaded in 30 seconds, so Karl stayed on the surface to see what happened.

The frieghter shot missed, but the Ore Carrier was hit by both torpedos, it did not go down and Karl looked down to do a third shot. Then there was a explosion. The watch was covered a yellow flash as the first shot of a A&B had hit the IIA watchtower, calling for a cash dive Karl looked at the crew screen, figuring that he had lost most of his watch crew, however they where unhearmed, but the conning tower was badly damaged (red). Diving fast and turning, the crew heard the screws overhead, and braced themselves.

"Depthcharges in the water!" was called out. He heard one sailor say "Vater unser im Himmel,geheiligt werde Dein Name. Dein Reich komme.." when the charges exploded, Myer calmly called for a change in directions and had his new watch officer (his old useful one died in the last patrol in a bad depth charge attack) to lead the dewatering operations and repair the boat. The Crew heard the screws again, and then a loud explosion, but the sonar man was screaming "The Ship is going down!" as the Ore Carrier went down. The crew suffered a second depth charging, and the sonar and radar man where hurt, but they where bunked in the dry births and Myer ordered a change of direction and while not silent running (U-17 is a leaky boat, and it had suffered some bad damage from that first shot) went slowly and away, till the excort returned to the Convoy. The Scope, Radio, and other items where completly ruined, but the crew was able to repair the watch area so that the watch on the surface could be maintained, and U-17 limped back to port, even with a eel in the tube, as the boat was damaged.

Myer earned a Iron Cross, first Class for his bravery, and now his entire crew has the war vet pin. BdU for a while thought that U-17 was lost, as it had lost radio contact. But the Crew was happy that everyone was buying them drinks as it appeared that "Unlucky" U-17, who has lost a number of men and snuck into scapa flow to find a empty port, Luck might be changing.

Of course, Myer has been pestering BdU about a VII, as the improved Eel loadout and deck gun would mean a much better abilty, But seven merchants and a V&W from a IIA is still a respectable tally as the phony war turns into a real shooting war.

frau kaleun 05-06-10 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by krashkart (Post 1383405)
That's a wrap, people. The war is over! Everybody pack up your torpedoes and go home. Thank you all for coming. Happy times, happy times indeed.

Now that my wartime job is done I've decided to enter politics. I'll be challenging Adolf to a winner-take-all cagematch for the position of head of state. Once I win (pretty much a foregone conclusion) we'll be getting rid of all this unpleasant Nazi business, giving everybody back their countries (well, except England, nothing to be done there I suppose, we'll just give the survivors an all expenses paid trip to Canada or Australia or wherever) and making a few major changes regarding how some of the folks here at home are being treated.

After that I'm not sure what my longterm plans are although I'm definitely putting Göring on a very strict diet because I've already checked with the head of the Reich Chancellery custodial staff and they don't make janitor's uniforms that big.

gazpode_l 05-06-10 10:57 AM

:hijacked: :smug:
there is me looking to read about what people are really upto whence they actually "PLAY" silent hunter 3!!! Like i said above I think this thread has now been :hijacked:

Jimbuna 05-06-10 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by gazpode_l (Post 1383850)
:hijacked: :smug:
there is me looking to read about what people are really upto whence they actually "PLAY" silent hunter 3!!! Like i said above I think this thread has now been :hijacked:

frau kaleun 05-06-10 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by gazpode_l (Post 1383850)
there is me looking to read about what people are really upto whence they actually "PLAY" silent hunter 3!!!

What, you don't have the Hitler Cagematch mod? Dude, it ROCKS! :rock:

JohnWoo 05-06-10 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by krashkart (Post 1383405)
Fancy that... I couldn't find England last time I sailed out. :hmm2:

Breaking News: England Sunk By Lone Uboat. World In Shock As Germany Marches Onward Victoriously.

That's a wrap, people. The war is over! Everybody pack up your torpedoes and go home. Thank you all for coming. Happy times, happy times indeed.

Damn it. And I was just getting the hang of those U-boats:shifty:

robbo180265 05-06-10 03:08 PM

People would pay good money to see that cagematch:D

Awesome stories here, I love reading this thread:up:

Zedwardson 05-06-10 03:49 PM

11.4.40 was a bad day for the British navy and a convoy off at AN84 and AN78.

Karl Myer, in his new Mark VII U-102, was ordered to patrol AN81, but seeing a convoy heading near him, he decided to intercept.

He comes across the convoy off of Lowesloft, and a black Swan class (HMS Pelican) is between him and the convoy. The Convoy appears to be seven merchants in two lines and two escorts, and the water is shallow. U-102 tries to make a end around, but the Black Swan starts to head right to U-102, So Myers calmly turns the boat head on to the HMS Pelican, and seeing that it is not turning, he opens doors 1 and 2 and fires two Electric eels down its throat.

BOOM....BOOM.... and soon the Pelican is sinking, and U-102 sees the other escort heading towards the area, bone in mouth and swerving. trying to make some distance so he can make a pass at night, the Black Swan Class
HMS Redpole however is on the case too fast, and U-102 hits the ground trying to be quiet, but gets shaken around badly, knowing that it too shallow to wait it out, U-102 decides its time to fight the escort to the death. headed to scope depth, Myer finds the Redpole is Broadside, 600 meters away from the rear tube, quickly clicking the steam torpedo for Fast, and opens and fires.

BOOM!!!...and the Redpole is slipping stern first into the water. The crew cheers go silent when the hydrophone operator reports another warship closing in fast. Looking though the scope yet another Black Swan class is charging down the pipe. The HMS Black Swan doesn't know what happened except that two of its fellow escorts are sunk, and some where there is a U-boat causing mayhem.

Myer Fires no 3 torpedo at 1000 meters, but the electric eel misses, No 4 tube is empties at 750 meters, and is also a miss, the Black Swan does not know where U-102 is, but Myers knows that if he is found, he might be dead. so at 600 yards Tube one, which had been reloaded, is fired, and the clock says it missed, but then there is a massive explosion and secondary fireworks. Three Black Swans lay slain, and Seven Juicy merchants are Unescorted

Less then two hours later, seven merchants are sunk, U-102 is out of Eels and has three more shells, and quickly leaves before air cover arrives! The only issue was one of the freighters lowered Anti-aircraft guns at close range and raked my gun and flak crews.

Grid AN 84 Ship sunk! HMS Pelican (Black Swan class), 1250 tons. Crew: 224. Crew lost: 159
Grid AN 76 Ship sunk! HMS Redpole (Black Swan class), 1250 tons. Crew: 227. Crew lost: 65
Grid AN 76 Ship sunk! HMS Black Swan (Black Swan class), 1250 tons. Crew: 182. Crew lost: 81
1027 Grid AN 76 Ship sunk! SS City of Sydney (Empire-type Freighter), 5769 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 69. Crew lost: 47
Grid AN 76 Ship sunk! SS Ciltvaira (Small Merchant), 2385 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 57. Crew lost: 7
Grid AN 76 Ship sunk! SS Wyoming (Large Merchant), 8488 tons. Cargo: Machinery. Crew: 84. Crew lost: 10
1054 Grid AN 76 Ship sunk! SS Quebec City (Granville-type Freighter), 4707 tons. Cargo: Coffee. Crew: 104. Crew lost: 21 1117 Grid AN 76 Ship sunk! MV Badalona (Intermediate Tanker), 3490 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 23. Crew lost: 22
1128 Grid AN 76 Ship sunk! SS Formigny (Small Freighter), 2396 tons. Cargo: Textiles. Crew: 31. Crew lost: 18
1135 Grid AN 76 Ship sunk! SS Aage (Coastal Freighter), 1869 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 14 1143 Patrol results
Crew losses: 2 wounded, 4 dead
Ships sunk: 10
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 32854 tons

Some Action photos :arrgh!:

A Swan is going diving....

The Redpole has suffered a mortal wound.

Three Swans lay on the bottom, now time to get the loot.

Last moments of the
SS City of Sydney

I lost four of my newest crew members to this one...was happy when he went down.

No more convoy.... :sunny:

JohnWoo 05-06-10 04:04 PM

Seems you had a nice hunt :salute:

MoN 05-06-10 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1383872)
What, you don't have the Hitler Cagematch mod? Dude, it ROCKS! :rock:

heres a trailer for the mod:

pickinthebanjo 05-06-10 04:40 PM

U-52 Avoiding constant strafing runs, for late 39' the RAF is sure putting up a good fight. Some close calls

We had one rake our conning tower pretty hard, I was amazed that no one got shot.

unterseemann 05-06-10 05:04 PM

U-125 report Kptlt Haguenau
Pos: CA4774
Patrol zone: US east coast Cape Hatteras
Days at sea: 34
Ships sunk:8 for 37.769 tons ( 6 sunk in patrol zone)
Ships damaged: 1 medium tanker

10jun42 CA88 Coastal freighter
10jun42 CA87 Coastal freighter
13jun42 CA84 Small freighter
14jun42 CA81 Large merchant
16jun42 CA81 Medium tanker damaged
20jun42 CA58 Whale factory ship
22jun42 CA69 Medium cargo

Medium damage to hull, Attack periscop destroyed ( observation ok), no casualties due to air patrols

Enemy activity: Lots of merchant shipping , None or few escorts, air patrol high activity, radar and Leigh light equipped airplanes ( catalinas++)

Leg 05-06-10 05:21 PM

4 october '42

Off the coast of Egypt, I've sunk a couple of single merchants (one of them with escorts).
I've been busy also with the metox, not always working as it should.

Zedwardson 05-06-10 06:41 PM

U-102 has not reported in, and is thought to have been lost while attacking a convoy in the Irish Sea, all hands presumed dead. :down:

Karl Myer overall stats are

9 patrols (81 days) 23 (19/4) 86945 (82007/4938) 0 enemy planes downed
65 crew lost

armyguy 05-07-10 06:33 AM

Ok guys i got up to 6.5k renown in my IID so do i get the IXB or save up a bit more and get the IXC

Snestorm 05-07-10 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by armyguy (Post 1384810)
Ok guys i got up to 6.5k renown in my IID so do i get the IXB or save up a bit more and get the IXC


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