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Jan 11, 1941 12th patrol cont'd....
1933 Have run down convoy position radioed us by BdU. CG 87. Searching. Convoy sighted! CG 88, course 104. Jan 12 0614 Tried to maneuver in for an attack but had to break off. Heavy destroyer screen. 1340 Lost contact with convoy. Jan 13 0346 Came across single steamer. Fired torpedo, missed. We set course for home. Three torpedoes left. 1145 Found another small merchant and attacked it with single torpedo. Merchant continues to sail on. 1343 I attack merchant again. Ship sunk, 2400 GRT CG 94. One torpedo left, G7e. We are headed home. Jan 14 1204 Merchant spotted and sunk with last torpedo. Failed to recognize it as neutral. That was my last torpedo. 1820 Light ship spotted off Spanish coast. I give it a wide berth. Jan 19 0715 Dock Lorient. Weather wretched. Patrol Summary: I feel in this patrol U-65 did not live up to its fighting potential. This was due to two factors: 1.) Weather, and 2.) decisions on my part. 1.) Weather foiled many of our attacks and made it extremely difficult to get true bearings, speed, etc for ships. It may have also affected the high number of torpedo failures we experienced. We also lost attack potentiality because we could not load externals fast enough due to weather, thus cutting into our firepower. 2.) Personal decisions. Too often I made the decision to fire single torpedoes at lone ships rather than give them a double dose. This resulted in lost time and lost kills. Lesson learned. It is better to make sure of your target, I think, than simply wound it. End Patrol Summary |
die Elster (U-46) patrol 4, end report
Ob.lt.z.s Walter Zantow
U-46, VIIB 7. Flottille, St. Nazaire Statusbericht 29.10.1940 In Kiel. The boat is going to go through a major refitting. We will have a long holiday and after that training courses and expect to go for another patrol in February of next year. Our last patrol was not much of a success, considering that Bleichrodt, Kretschmer and Prien and the other commanders almost wiped out a whole convoy. We only sunk three small or medium merchants and one armed trawler. Only one contact with a convoy and that very close to the Scottish shores. Torpedo troubles are not totally gone. We shot two torpedoes with impact setting, 2 meters depth to the armed merchant at an angle of 45 degrees while it was sitting dead in water and only got the sound of a dud in both cases. A shot at an angle of 70 degrees detonated. It looks like 45 degree attacks can't still be made. Zantow This patrol was made following the dates and routes of the real U-46 commanded by Engelbert Endrass. Endrass took part on the decimation of SC-7 and sunk 22000 GRT of shipping. U-46 then went to Kiel and didn't sail until February, 1941. |
@ Iron Budokan: I like your writing style. I've always been fond of straight-up reports without the padding. :salute:
Patrol 6 of U-47
Not as good as we'd hoped; three ships for 23,899 tons, which raised our score to 121,060 tons. Once again, BdU made no acknowledgement of OLzS Hossel's efforts. :damn: Guess who made a guest appearance: Admiral Hipper! http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol06A.jpg Ship #1: Granville-Type Freighter http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol06B.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol06C.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol06D.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol06E.jpg Ship #2: Large Cargo http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol06F.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol06G.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol06H.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol06I.jpg Ship #3: Large Merchant http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol06J.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol06K.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol06L.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol06M.jpg (Had a bit of trouble with the last one; one dud torpedo, but the last fish we fired sank her. Went straight up her a$$, "Just the way Mr. Churchill likes it!", in OLzS Hossel's opinion.) |
Ob.lt.z.s Walter Zantow to report immediately to Kiel for reassignment to training duties. Relinquish command of U-46 to your exec.
L.Buchheim Kapt.z.s. und Kommandant Zantow's career consisted of 4 war patrols, 87 days at sea and 14 merchants and one warship sunk for for 55229 GRT. |
Can I just ask what you are using for your screenshots?
I am currently using Irfanview and am not too impressed with the image quality.Some of the shots above look very good and certainly not how they look through IV! Thanks a lot :yep: |
Thanks. |
Fish In The Water: No problem...my jaw dropped when I encountered her! The only heavy I've seen before that was Tirpitz docked in Wilhelmshaven without any guns. (I'm guessing she's that way because she's under construction or outfitting) or Graf Zeppelin during my brief visit to Kiel. I'm very pleased with the shot I took; feel free to use it as a background or something. Rest assured I'll take and post screenshots of any other German heavies I encounter at sea.
Paul Riley: When I take screenshots, I hit 'Ctrl' and 'F11' at the same time, then open them in Microsoft Live Photo Gallery. As to what graphics I'm using, I just DLed the latest GWX pack (IIRC it's the 3.0 Gold edition, which (if I remember correctly) lists an included mod that gives the ocean better texture). Now, a couple questions for you guys: I've got the GWX pack, so can I now install SH3 Commander? If so, how do I go about it? Is there a certain way I have to do it? And where might I find the GWX mod that will give me the higher ranks and easier promotion time? I've sunk nearly 125,000 tons (the next guy's only up to about 78,000 tons), and I've also blown up an Auxiliary Cruiser...doesn't that deserve a promotion to Kapitanleutnant? -Matt |
I will take a look at MS Live Photo Gallery. Thanks. |
U-64 IXB
U-64 IXB was lost with all hands when she tried to attack the evacuating troops from Dunkirk. U-64 was on her way back to Wilhlemshaven after a 40K patrol when she was ordered to diverse from her course and attack.
Starting a new career! |
-Matt |
Patrol 7 of U-47
To our surprise, we were assigned to grid DH77 near Casablanca, which is quite a ways if you're operating out of Wilhelmshaven! Nevertheless, we undertook our mission like the loyal sailors of the Third Reich that we are. En route, we went right through the middle of a large convoy, which - to our complete and utter joy - was UNESCORTED!!! Target practice time!:woot: Naturally we concentrated on the largest ship in the convoy, a Whale Factory Ship, which we hit and sank with two torpedoes. We also bagged a Small Tanker, a Large Merchant, and a Granville-Type Freighter, which had been hit by a torpedo that had been intended for the Whale Factory Ship, but had apparently missed and struck the Freighter instead and stopped her dead in the water. Who were we to argue? More target practice for the deck gun crew!:yeah: En route home, we managed to bag a Coastal Freighter, which was the last score for this patrol, bringing our bag this time out to 31,261 tons and our Grand Total to 152,321 tons. Upon return to port, OLzS Hossel received long-overdue recognition for his efforts during the last three patrols in the form of his Iron Cross 1st Class. (In the CO's own words, "I wouldn't have minded a promotion to go with the EK1, but I'll take what I can get." :DL) First off, here's some GORGEOUS shots of Admiral Hipper - who we again encountered while leaving port - in broad daylight and in calm seas. http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07A.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07B.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07C.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07D.jpg Ship #1: Whale Factory Ship http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07E.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07F.jpg Ship #2: Small Tanker http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07G.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07H.jpg Ship #3: Large Merchant http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07I.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07J.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07K.jpg Ship #4: Granville-Type Freighter http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07L.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07M.jpg Ship #5: Coastal Freighter http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07O.jpg http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/a.../Patrol07P.jpg |
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