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It is not that I yearn for close calls and disasters - on the last patrol we had two very lucky calls. I have also grown much wearier by time at the same time rationing my torpedoes to worthwhile targets. I also always keep my aft tubes loaded with T1's for self-defense and never empty those completely before the last part of the home journey. Honestly, these last 11 patrols there has only been one what I would call close call - and we came back with 6% HI - how that is possible I do not know. Not counting being run over by the Home Fleet. |
September 1940, flottilla's base changed from Wilhelmshaven to Brest. Patrol nr 7, first from new location. Ordered grid BF12. Wind 15 m/s, dense fog, visibility 300m. We heard something sounding like a convoy. Surfaced, max speed, TC 256 - let's speed for a couple of minutes. Suddenly I hear bullet noise - just my luck, from my port side there's a DD shooting at me from 200m, to my right I see Nelson or Fiji escaping (I had half of second to look at it before ordering crash dive).
I check hydro, seems there are 7 warships above us. After 30 minutes I hear 'merchant, slow, moving away'. Back to periscope depht, I see that fog is now a memory. Slowly we sail towards the merchant only to find that it's a DD Tribal class, some smoke coming from his deck, he's not moving. Easy shot from 1700m, magnetic trigger, he's sinking fast. Probably was injured by crazy DD who was shooting at me. I order pursuit of that Nelson/Fiji, but they must be moving extremely fast, plus we've just been attacked by 5 planes at once. Down we go, will continue patrol when it's dark again. |
Hit a Large Merchant in CO42 yesterday just before dawn. She was being escorted by a Town class DD & a V&W. Was detected at the last second before I launched 2 T1's at her. Both torpedos hit home and crippled her but she stubbornly refused to go down (ping-pong balls?). The escorts were very persistant & pestered us for well over an hour before they gave up. Had to wait another while until the DD's left the area. Went to periscope level & decided to finish the job with a stern shot. That one failed to detonate & bounced harmlessly away.:damn: Finally said "enough is enough", surfaced and destroyed her with the deck gun at 3100m.
U-74 out... |
[quote=Leg;1104650]isn't the all weather gun actually "cheat"? :hmmm:
quote] That's 2,016 (at the last count) Iron Crosses that need recalling :03: |
U-108, Sept. 26th. 1940 17:07 - Patrol 12.
Just East of the Northern Hebrides - a strong echo..! Oops, here we go again. A Fiji class cruiser approaching straight on.....how is that for positioning... http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o...rol12/Fiji.jpg http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o...ol12/Fiji2.jpg 10 minutes later - what a flop! See our aft-launched "steamer" cross just behind him and past his starboard bow....some fancy maneuvering saved him from this and our first, forward-launched torp. Two wasted! http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o...2/FijiFlop.jpg Nothing could make him turn around - U-108 chased Fiji Northwards.....:damn: http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o...2/FijiRuns.jpg |
U-108, Sept. 29th. 1940 13:49 - Patrol 12.
In the North-Western Approaches. This A&B had to pay for the missed Fiji...a tail shot. http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o...atrol12/AB.jpg |
Where did you find an unescorted Cruiser? I wish I was that lucky.
December 19, 1939
U-99 arrived safely after completing patrol #4 still waiting for a convoy to destroy, patrol #5 will get me to grid AN18 hopefully I get a high tonnage in this patrol otherwise my renown will be very low :down: |
U128 is currently finishing a refit after it's first transatlantic patrol which was started to raid shipping leaving Halifax on 25/11/1941. On the way Hostilities with the United States broke out and the target was switched to New York to give the Yankeedoodles a freindly welcome to the second world war.
Somehow, due largely to the ineptitude of the US atlantic fleet and a medium fog, U128 penetrated New York bay and sank 5 ships including a passenger liner being refitted for war service (gun spotted aft), and two tankers. U128 will depart shortly on her second war patrol. Now with a new mark 3 conning tower, as soon as the Alberich dries. |
I found a tribal class destroyer on her own patrolling the eastern mouth of the channel. This was 1939. As you know, the depth there isn't so great. So it was a fight to the death. Shot two torps off and dived to 20m, praying for some mercy. One was faulty, the other a beauty shot straight into her ammo compartment, and she went up like a bonfire. |
Once I positioned myself outside the Lerwick sub base. Five destroyers passed in front of our forward tubes within a couple of days. Because the water was so shallow one could see their masts sticking up (Union Jack waving) only a few hundred meters apart........ .....and Black Swans..... |
The mod was created because some sub simmers had a requirement for it. You'll find most of my mods on the GWX3.0 link below my sig http://www.psionguild.org/forums/ima...s/thumbsup.gif |
I was never in good position to take a shot and those things are just too damned fast. I think it is a matter of being in the right place at the right time to bag a loner cruiser in the open seas. :) |
U-108 - Patrol 13 - AM32 - Oct. 1940
Have been chasing this echo for hours. Haven't been able to catch up with it due to the bad weather. Seemingly an Auxilliary Cruiser. It's a pair.... |
July 04 1941
U-507 (Type IXC) was commisioned to Hans Linnenberg, on it's first patrol we had to roam through grid EK77, we sailed from Loriend and beyond us was a long trip. July 07 1941 We had our first radar contact a small convoy (Grid CF95), the weather was really bad but we had great visibility (7-8km) 22:40 The convoy was conformed by 2 small merchants, 1 Large Merchant, 1 Empire Type-Freighter & JK Class protecting them, when we where 4km away from the convoy I inmeaditely ordered periscope depth 22:45 At 2.5km fired 1 Torpedo to each of the 2 larger ships and 1 to a small merchant 22:47 Hitted the 2 large ships and the small merchant got away, our cover was blown up, so the escort came after us, ordered slow ahead to keep the sound to a minimum 22:50 Fired 2 more torpedoes to each ship and all 4 hit their target, the escort is less than 900m away from us and has started to ping us 22:55 S.S. Monarch of the seas (Empire-type Freighter, 6781tons) sunk, escort has layed some deep charges but none hit, when he was coming around to start a second run fired a torpedo at 300m away from him and succesfully hit it in his ammo compartment, ordered surface boat so the crew could see the beatiful fireworks coming from the destroyed escort (HMS Jaguar, 1690tons) 22:57 S.S. Harpeley (Large Merchant, 10,616tons) sunk slowly, we left the 2 small merchants go away, ordered the man to load the outside torpedoes into the sub July 11 1941 5:00 Got a report form a large convoy going north, ordered full ahead, visibility was very poor and had a storm on top of us, suddenly a AB Class escort appeared behind us and started shooting us, destroying both periscopes the starboard diesel engine and hull damage down to 38%, had flooding all across the sub, ordered dive to 110m and left rudder 35°, we had lot of pressure with the hull damaged so bad, we lost 10% of it, ordered new depth 60m. 5:19 After 19 minutes of dept charges decided to come to periscope depth at full ahead, used sonar to guess his path, fired 2 torpedoes into his way, the first one missed by a few meters, the second torpedo hit him in his machinery compartment, sinking inmediately (HMS Boreas, 1350tons) 5:25 After examining the sub, it was hurt really bad and I was almost out of torpedoes, had to order to return to base so I had to ignore the convoy. Patrol#1 had a total of 20,437 tons sunk and returned home with 27% hull Crew got 4 U-boat war badges and 1 Iron Cross Second Class |
April 21st 1940
01:45 - Three warship contacts. Two auxiliary cruisers escorted by a single V&W Class. Attacked on surface, protected by the nighttime and the poor weather. Two torps directed towards each of the cruisers. Both sunk around 02:15. :arrgh!: |
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