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Started a new career in a type II duck with the Onealex mod, even after completing the game I cannot put it down!
August 1, 1939 Entry Log: 0001 Oblt Willi Goft, U-21, type IIA I recieved my first command, though not as powerful and beautiful as a VIIB or a VIIA, the U-21 is still a fine sub. The type IIA is smaller and weaker, but I think of this as a challenge that needs to be fought, the FdU is testing me. In due time I will get a better boat. The FdU has given us an assigned patrol grid of AO41, and we departed today from the Weddigen Flotilla based at Kiel. The weather was nice at first but now as we transit the Kaiser-Wilhelm Canal, it has started to storm, we are only experincing obscure lightning and thunder for now. I can see a giant wall of rain ahead of us, boy am I glad to not be a 2WO anymore, I could not stand those days out in the pouring rain and in horrible weather. Signed, Willi Goft |
By the way, Kapitan, are you using no time compression? Real-time gameplay?
That way you have time to see events coming! :Kaleun_Thumbs_Up: |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 2nd War Patrol
++++ KTB - U 112 Monday, 23 September 1940 - First Day of Autumn - 0245 - Escort point "Nanni1" on 50m-line, 5h from St.Nazaire. Released escort. 0441 & 0800 - Incoming success reports from U 138 (Lüth) and U 31 (Prellberg). 1200 - Qu.5555BF - Days Run: 178.1sm ↗ (14h 30') - since St.Nazaire 1350-1425 - Evaded neutral convoy on surface. 1540 - Point "Tanne". Dive trial to 50m and A+20. 1610 - Surfaced. 1615 - Sent transfer message 10°W. 1627 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: RST: Message received. Next status and weather report in 24h. 1632 - Diving from two pair of twin engine airplanes in 25°true, on heading SSW, E=12000. At T=50 no bombs. Boat remains submerged. 1707 - Surfaced. Cmdr.: "Again, aircraft appeared within minutes after sending a radio message. Suspecting the enemy's ability to intercept and to get bearing on our radio frequencies." RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
August 13, 1939
Entry Log: 0002 Oblt Willi Goft, U-21, type IIA We have completed our first wartime patrol! We travelled mostly submerged once we made it out of the Kaiser-Wilhelm Canal and past Heligoland, we came across several merchant ships of diffrenent countries, even a few American ones! The weather was quite rough as well. The boat was being slammed around in the turbulent waters of the North Sea. I was nearly washed off of the bridge myself! Even the saltiest sailor would get terrible seasickness. We transisted the Brunsbuttel locks at 0550 on August 2, and we reached our patrol grid by August 5. We completed our patrol and FdU ordered us back to base because our fuel and food supplies were dangerously low, we haven't sunk a ship yet but I awarded the 2WO and the LI the U-boat War Badge as the 2WO showed extreme skill and resillence in the rough waters and the LI because he had repaired the boat after we had struck shallow water in the Kaiser-Wilhelm Canal, our fuel tank was moderately damaged and we lost an estimated 6% of fuel before sealing the tank. The FdU was neither impressed or dissatisied with my performance. We brought on several new crew memebers after our last patrol ended. We await new orders from FdU Signed, Willi Goft |
Yep, it's not always "Shine & Glory" ... |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 2nd War Patrol - Steamer sunk
++++ KTB - U 112 Tuesday, 24 September 1940 - Bay of Biscay 0424 - Incoming SOS from Catapult Ship "Ostmark": Torpedoed by enemy submarine outside of St.Nazaire! 1200 - Qu.1855BF - Days Run: 317.5sm - ↗ 314.2sm (22h 55') - ↘ 3.3 (1h 05') 1401 - Norddeich Radio reporting on Kptlt. Schepke being awarded with the Knights Cross. 1415 - Qu.1815BF - Steamer sighted bearing 340°, on course 68°, speed 7kn. Identified as English M04B Steamer of 5650ts. 1431 - At E=8000 diving for submerged attack. "Battle Stations!" 1502 - Shot with Tube I, G7e, K-b (contact fuse), Running depth 4m, Torpedo speed 30kn. Target distance 760m, Target angle 90°Stbd, Target speed 7kn, Firing angle 350°. Own course 339°, own speed 1.6kn. Hit under the bridge after 44 sec.! Steamer continues with a list to stbd., turns away to port. 1506 - Shot with Tube II, G7e, K-b (contact fuse), Running depth 4m, Torpedo speed 30kn. Target distance 810m, Target angle 90°Stbd, Target speed 5kn, Firing angle 37°. Own course 339°, own speed 1.6kn. Hit under the funnel after 55 sec.! Cmdr.: "The torpedo hits, as the zig-zagging steamer turns to stbd., right into the torpedo path. Steamer capsizes to stbd. and sinks in less than 1 minute, with loud underwater explosions." 1511 - Surfaced and approached 3 boats with 9 occupants. Questioned and gave provisions and ran off on westerly course. "Dismissed from Battle Stations." 1615 - Sending sinking report to B.d.U. 1626 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: RST: Sinking report received. 1806 - Norddeich Radio reporting on the Battle of Dakar (Operation "Menace"). - to be continued - |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 2nd War Patrol - Convoy sighted
++++ - continued from 24 September 1940, 1806h - 2116 - Incoming F.T.2110/24: From B.d.U.: B-Dienst reporting enemy convoy in Qu.1465BF, on westerly heading, speed 6kn. Cmdr.: "Very likely a OB or OA-convoy." 2121 - Turning boat around on course east. 2247 - Incoming F.T.2240/24: From B.d.U.: B-Dienst reporting that convoy 2110/24 is now positioned in Qu.1464BF, on course 260°, speed 6kn. Cmdr.: "Seems to be either OA.218 from Methil or OB.217 from Liverpool." 2256 - "Smoke plume ahead to port!" Own heading is 118°. It's the forward sweeper. Slowly, the other ships come into sight. Turning boat around on course 260°. 2258 - Contact message sent: "Gustav Gelb!" Convoy 2110/24 sighted in Qu.1464BF center. Course 260°. Speed 6kn. - RST - Cmdr.: "Convoy comprised of 18 ships in 6 columns and 3 rows. 1 forward sweeper." 2348 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: RST: Free to attack! Keep radio silence! Be careful of escorts! RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
It does indeed give you a sense of realism, I would like to do it when I am older and retired and I have a lot of time on my hands, but I am busy with school and other stuff. |
Yes, very good you're staying focused on school :up: |
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