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But the scuttling of my U-Boot has been made by a calm, cool, and methodical crew. :yep: The Enigma machine didn't fall into the Allies' hands. :up: |
I had simmiliar situation but The merchant ship sunk me guess how did it happened.
Hint I was underwater |
October 1940, off of the west of Ireland.
Letting the crew take turns viewing our latest sinking. Timing told me it was going 11 knots. Refused to believe it for some reason. Set 1 torpedo for 10 knot assumed target speed. Hit near the aft end. Of course needed another for a coup de grâce. (link to image imgur.com) http://imgur.com/a/HGdnR |
U-452 has completed her sea trials at baltic and is ready for front line operations...
http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/atta...1&d=1488119434 |
Good luck ! :salute: |
German submarine U-452 was a Type VIIC U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during World War II. She carried out one patrol. She sank no ships. She was sunk by a British aircraft and a British warship southeast of Iceland, in August 1941. |
Patrol 6
U-452, 1st Flotilla Left at: August 19, 1941, 13:45 From: Kiel Mission Orders: Patrol grid AM19 23.8.1941 21:04 Ship sighted. Destroyer on NW course. Changed course to avoid contact. AF7878 28.8.1941 04:00 Arrived patrol area and informed BdU. 06.9.1941 03:02 Ship sighted. A lone darkened merchant on WNW course. AM1967 Although target appears unarmed I will conduct a torpedo attack. 04:11 Fired tube I. G7e Range 1000, Speed 5, AoB red 80, Depth 5 Hit under smokestack almost excatly as calculated. Followed by huge explosion and ship sunk within minutes. Very few survivors. Questioned and helped them as much as I could. According to them ship was 5000 ton SS Titan carrying copper ore. 05:06 Radio message from BdU: /Move to grid AL24/ 12:55 Aircraft. Crashdive. AL3896 13:22 Surfaced. 17:58 Aircraft. Crashdive. AL3859 21:50 Surfaced 07.9.1941 07:20 Diesel fuel reserve down to half. 20:00 Arrived patrol area and informed BdU. 21:35 Aircraft. Crashdive. AL2498 08.9.1941 07:09 Aircraft. Crashdive. AL2479 11:07 Surfaced. 10.9.1941 01:09 Aircraft. Crashdive. AL2444 01:31 Surfaced. 01:40 Aircraft. Crashdive. 02:07 Surfaced 02:12 Aircraft. Crashdive. 04:05 Surfaced 18:22 Aircraft. Crashdive. AL2438 23:02 Surfaced. 12.9.1941 08:35 Aircraft. Crashdive. AL2499 21:50 Surfaced 22:02 Radio Message to BdU: /Heavy air patrols day and night. Effective patrol difficult/ 22:13 Radio message from BdU: /Move to grid AL37 and await for further orders/ 13.9.1941 06:00 Arrived patrol area and informed BdU. 20.9.1941 14:30 Started return trip. 24.9.1941 09:21 Ship sighted. Three destroyers on NE course. BF1981 09:45 Fired tubes I through III. G7e Range 1800, Speed 27, AoB red 90, Depth 3 All three missed. 25.9.1941 12:03 Docked at Brest. "This patrol was a fight against boredom and elements." |
Just finished up (I think I will retire him) a good 7 patrol career 26 ships and 190k tons sunk 1940-41 with a VIIC.
Now first trip with a new IXc, March 42, off the coast of the US. Just off Spain in medium weather, ran into a small freighter. Periscope attack. Using a different method where I only count half a ships length to stopwatch speed. 1 G7e. Missed, was not going to follow up since it was not worth expending more and I had a long way to go. Otherwise I would have caught up later with it at night. Pressed on. Good weather appeared so got 1 G7a down from the overhead storage and put it below. Great weather coming across, was able to maintain 11 knots most of the way with good fuel economy. By luck ran into a light and medium tanker (US flag) and got them with the deck gun. Off Norfolk (my patrol area), weather turned rainy. So tough it out and wait around until that goes away. Surprised on the surface at night by some kind of small sub chaser or sloop. Very short range, start a dive, It was closing to ram at a good speed with lights on and gunfire. Took some damage from the gunfire. Gave a hard to port order right before impact. The enemy ship sank right after ramming me. Damage: flak guns aft destroyed. Attack scope destroyed. Some hull damage and various other damage that is repairable. So, will have to sort things out. Probably submerge by day; patrol by night. Night scope was also damaged but repaired and back in action. Buy luck, no crew injured or killed. Should be fun the rest of the patrol. |
Update from below:
Had a long stretch of bad weather off of the US coast big waves. Saw an Ore freighter probably going 10 or so knots but could not setup for a good shot. Some days later, went down south almost to Florida, Medium tanker running north...fast. Still heavy waves, Night surface attack, with all of the high seas and upset, couldn't figure out how fast it was going. Fired one assuming 13 knot target speed. Another 12. One of them hit just aft of the bow. Never saw this before, the tanker executes 180 turn to port. I mimic to starboard to keep with it. Then it starts settling by the bow. Still has enough energy and executes another 180 degree turn to port back on its original course. Finishes the turn and settles heavy by the bow, its props out of the water. Stops, settles more and sinks. Now I know why they would shut down the engine when practical after being hit. Moved further south and picked up a large tanker and a small freighter. What was turning into the day late and a dollar short cruise is picking up. Finally got some good weather to pull the rest of the forward overhead G7a's down below in storage. Haven't used anything from the stern yet. I think after this, I will ask for a cruise down to South Africa. Quote:
Got back from the states with 38k tons. Prepped for new patrol.
Upgraded hydrophones Bought sonar (only to be used to get some range and bearing help on periscope attacks where there are no escorts.) And some BOLD decoys. Maxed out the crew. Full boat with SH Commander. Picked my patrol to be NW of South Africa and off we go... IXC has good fuel economy .... remembering the game only understands a 2D map and not the curve of the earth. Crash dived a few times on the way down after seeing a destroyer only. Almost got to the patrol area, dark dark night. Small convoy. Destroyer leading a ten thousand ton freighter and some smaller ship. Forgot it was 1942 and got a bit close to the escort on the surface. It must have had radar. Came right for me on a steady course. Crash dive. After some hours, came back up and continued to my patrol area. Rain. Will wait this out at a very low speed to burn less fuel. |
Got transferred to 7th flotilla and it's off to Gibraltar...
Patrol 7 U-452, 7th Flotilla Left at: November 06, 1941, From: St. Nazaire Mission Orders: Patrol grid CG87 11.11.1941 01:00 Arrived patrol area and informed BdU. CG8711 17.11.1941 10:17 Radio message from BdU: /Convoy at grid CG7565, course E, speed 7/ Long chase but will join the attack. Expected contact in 8 hours. 14:58 Ship sighted! A lone freighter on E course. CG8765 15:24 Ship seems unarmed and doesn't show any markings or flag. Will engage with gunfire. 15:38 Fired tube V G7e Range 600, Speed 1, AoB green 90, Depth 3 A definite dud. 15:42 Contined with gunfire. Set up several fires and minor explosions. She began to settle with even keel. Aproximately 2000-3000 cargo ship. Didn't interrogate survivors because I have a convoy to catch. 19:03 Radio message to BdU: /Unable to make contact with convoy. Awaiting instructions/ 20:04 Radio message from BdU: /Move to grid DH39 with best possible speed/ 18.11.1941 16:00 Arrived patrol area and informed BdU. DH3921 19.11.1941 14:10 Aircraft. Crashdive. DH6333 15:10 Surface. 20.11.1941 10:22 Aircraft. Crashdive. DH3976 11:24 Surfaced. 14:25 Aircraft. Crashdive. DH3986 18:22 Surfaced. 19:30 Aircraft. Crashdive. DH3991 19:58 Surfaced. 21.11.1941 06:37 Aircraft. Crashdive. DH3973 18:43 Surfaced. 23.11.1941 11:46 Aircraft. Crashdive. DH3832 26.11.1941 13:48 Fuel reserves down to half. 29.11.1941 02:05 Took external aft torpedo on board. 02.12.1941 16:06 Radio message to BdU: /No contacts in two weeks. Heavy air patrols. One third fuel left./ 16:22 Radio message from BdU: /Refuel from Thalia and wait for further orders. 03.12.1941 13:02 Radio message from BdU: /Convoy at grid CG8836, course SW, speed seven./ Despite a long 200km chase I will try to intercept. 18:02 No visual contact or hydrophone contact in precalculated rendezvouz point. Trying to search more eastwards. CG8885 20:12 No luck with eastbound search. Resumed course towards Thalia. 04.12.1941 06:26 Ship sighted! Steamer on ESE course. Unarmed but due to proximity of Gibraltar bases decided to attack with torpedoes. CG9484 08:13 Fired tubes I and II at 15 second intervals. G7e Range 700, Speed 5, AoB red 90, Depth 5 First hit perfectly and second was either dud or went under the target. Seems like engine room got hit as she came to full stop soon after hit. 08:34 Coup de grace from tube V. G7a Torpedo directorate will hear of this. Definete dud. Surfaced and finished it with 20 well placed gunshots. 19:35 Ship sighted! Darkened motor ship on NW course. This one is armed. 19:57 Fired tubes III and IV. G7e Range 800, Speed 4, AoB red 90, Depth 5 First hit more aft than calculated, second missed. 20:13 Destroyer appeard from fog bearing on our direction. Gave order to turn and simultaneously it opened fire. Flak and machine gun fire hit conning tower killing Leutnant Becker, Fännrich Kroch and Matrosengefreiter Korsch. Bootsmaat Schildauer and Matrosenobergefreiter Nowak sustained minor injuries. Ordered crashdive after wounded got inside the boat. Managed to escape after one hour attack. 22:43 Radio message to BdU: /Three dead. Three cargo ships sunk. Boat damaged but can be repaired at sea. Request instructions/ 23:29 Ship sighted! An old WWI destroyer on NW course. Changed course to avoid contact. Suddenly it turned towards us and opened fire from 2000m. Crashdive. CG9495 05.12.1941 01:46 After two hours managed to elude the destroyer. Intend to stay submerged as long as possible. First to lose any warships hunting us and second to treat wounded and repair the boat. 05.12.1941 17:48 Surfaced 18:38 Radio message from BdU: /Return to base. Refuel from Bessel in Vigo if needed./ 19:59 Aircraft. Crashdive. CG9419 20:34 Surfaced. 10.12.1941 11:58 Docked at St.Nazaire |
Got down to South Africa.
Various weather made it difficult to take advantage of a fair few contacts. Got a large freighter escorted by a destroyer. Daytime. Waves so big I didn't know there was a destroyer until picking it up on sound after submerging. Before diving got an estimated range, bearing and angle on the bow to put something on the chart when I got inside. Waves near the maximum of what could do a periscope attack. Fortunately the initial plot was in favour of not having to do too much work for the rest of the attack plot work. Estimated 6 knots. One G7e, hit just aft of the stack. Target was settling well, but since the destroyer was now closing; decided to fire a G7a at the freighter to finish it rather than risk leaving the scene with it damaged. Took care of that and the destroyer's response was tepid while I was able to get away deep. When there is extended weather, the fuel economy gets worse. Cut short my stay near South Africa and headed back north. Got a small passenger freighter and small merchant (both day periscope attacks) south of Freetown. When encountering the small freighter it was close to being swamped having trouble making 3-4 knots in the heavy waves. Again, both were wave conditions close to making a periscope attack not possible. Odd to only be seeing masts and the occasional hull of the ship at 1800 meters. Around Freetown was the go-no-go decision on fuel. Probably could have made it back home but stopped at the Canary Islands to top off on fuel. Near to being the last month this resource was available (August 1942). 71 days. Hate ending a patrol with so many torpedoes onboard. Got back out with the goal of getting home and getting some score on the way. The boat needs a repair period. North of the Canary Islands then east of the Azores for awhile then home. Got a small freighter and small tanker traveling together. Brazilian flags. Checked. Were now on the enemy list. 1 miss each. 1 hit each. Off the Azores now to see how this shakes out. After getting home, will ask for a south Caribbean patrol. Quote:
May 1941
14 May 1941. Patrol 6 complete. Outside Freetown we found a good number of ships worthy of our torpedoes and sank over 90,000 tons. A good patrol? Perhaps. I, however, am saddened by the loss of three of my seamen, stalwart sailors who had been with me from the beginning. While fleeing an approaching airplane, a lucky bomb hit us, killing all three of my flak team instantly. After crash diving, fixing the flooding, returning to the surface, finding the stricken cargo ship, and sending it to the bottom with our deck gun, we set course for Lorient with all due haste.
I was awarded the Knight's Cross with Leaves, but I cannot sleep. I am haunted by the final scream of the dying men. War is hell, but I am back out on patrol. |
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