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Jimbuna 10-23-11 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Fish In The Water (Post 1773418)
A moment of silence for Robert Buck and his gallant crew. The Fatherland salutes you for your courageous service! :salute:


Missing Name 10-23-11 05:10 PM

Intercepting a large convoy in the Mid Atlantic. Lightly guarded, lots of nice targets, including what looks like an auxiliary cruiser...

"SH3.exe has stopped responding. Windows is checking for a solution."

:damn: :damn: :damn:

roadrage 10-23-11 06:44 PM

What are the odds of the same fate for 2 careers within 48 hours game time of each other? Pretty good I guess.

Leutnant z. S. Walter Brunck commanding U-178, type IXD2.

They spotted the snorkel and made a direct hit on this patrol.

12.12.43. 1715 Patrol 1
U-178, 10th Flotilla
Left at: December 12, 1943, 17:15
From: Lorient
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AL32

16.12.43. 0120 Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 0
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonage: 0 tons
U-boat damaged (HI 41.3%)

BdU regrets to inform you that Leutnant z. S. Walter Brunck and U-178 were lost on 28Feb44 due to a Short Sunderland crashing into the boat after being shot down.:damn:

22.2.44. 2158 Patrol 2
U-178, 10th Flotilla
Left at: February 22, 1944, 21:58
From: Lorient
Mission Orders: Patrol grid BF16

0624 Grid BF 16 Ship sunk! HMS Plym (River Destroyer Escort), 1350 tons. Crew: 145. Crew lost: 73
27.2.44. 1320 Grid BF 16 Ship sunk! HMS Spirae (Flower Corvette), 950 tons. Crew: 127. Crew lost: 88
28.2.44. 0011 Grid BF 16 Aircraft destroyed! Short Sunderland Search Plane
0011 Grid BF 16 Aircraft destroyed! Short Sunderland Search Plane
0011 Patrol results
Crew losses: 56 dead
Ships sunk: 2
Aircraft destroyed: 2
Patrol tonage: 2300 tons

U-boat lost.

Wasn't quick enough to take a screenshot, but I was in binocular view, and the Sunderland was headed right for me, switched out and it hit the bridge head on with a loud clang, then the death screen.:dead:

Next time will be a new war. I'm finally installing GWX3.:lurk:

Sailor Steve 10-23-11 07:26 PM

Oblt z.S. Walter Bigalk
Type IX U-64: Flotilla Hundius, Wilhelmshaven

2026 Departed Wilhelmshaven.
2102 Exited via east lock.
2122 Entered Jade.
2240 Entered North Sea. Opened sealed orders - We are to transit the English Channel and report to grid BF14.

1223 Crossed time zone - now 1123.
1900 Report: AN8252, Course 230, Speed 11, Clear, Wind 3 m/s, Sea 2, Waves 0.2.

1739 Passed into English Channel.
1900 Report: BF3329, Course 230, Speed 11, Clear, Wind 0 m/s, Sea 0, Waves 0.

1420 54 km north of Cherbourg.
1900 Report: BF3512, Course 260, Speed 10, Clear, Wind 10 m/s, Sea 5, Waves 2.
2007 76 km south of Portland.

0717 78 km south of Plymouth.
1415 41 km south of Lands End - out of channel and into North Atlantic.
1900 Report: BF2467, Course 265, Speed 10, Clear, Wind 8 m/s, Sea 5, Waves 2.

0542 Crossed time zone - now 0442.
1800 Report: BF1587, Course 265, Speed 9, Rain, Wind 10 m/s, Sea 5, Waves 2.
2229 Entered BF1499, ahead slow.

1800 Report: BF1415, Course 300, Speed 5, Heavy rain, Wind 20 m/s, Sea 8, Waves 6.

1800 Report: BF1432, Course 090, Speed 5, Rain, Wind 15 m/s, Sea 7, Waves 4.

1800 Report: BF1487, Course 270, Speed 5, Rain, Wind 11 m/s, Sea 6, Waves 3.

1845 Ship came out of fog, heading straight for us! Ordered ahead flank to avoid.

0440 Storm has lifted.
1800 Report: BF1415, Course 120, Speed 5, Clear, Wind 11 m/s, Sea 6, Waves 3.

0400 Fresh storm moving in.
1800 Report: BF1469, Course 000, Speed 5, Rain, Wind 19 m/s, Sea 8, Waves 6.

1200 Storm lifted.
1800 Report: BF1457, Course 240, Speed 5, Clear, Wind 8 m/s, Sea 5, Waves 2.

1630 OKM: War begins against Poland tomorrow morning, followed by General War Orders.
1800 Report: BF1414, Course 140, Speed 5, Overcast, Wind 14 m/s, Sea 7, Waves 4.

1800 Report: BF1462, Course 040, Speed 4, Overcast, Wind 14 m/s, Sea 7, Waves 4.

1800 Report: BF1492, Course 320, Speed 4, Partly cloudy, Wind 18 m/s, Sea 8, Waves 6.
1820 Lookouts report ship.
1835 Tanker - 8000 tons class.
1839 American.
1845 Returned to patrol.

1000 Radio: Britain has declared war on us!
1056 OKM: War Orders.
1350 OKM: Attack Orders.
1500 OKM: War with France. Defensive action only - no attacks.
1800 Report: BF1472, Course 220, Speed 5, Clear, Wind 14 m/s, Sea 7, Waves 4.
1845 Radio: First ship sunk, SS Athenia.

1455 OKM: Passenger ships off limits.
1800 Report: BF1462, Course 070, Speed 5, Clear, Wind 19 m/s, Sea 8, Waves 6.

0730 Radio: Another sinking reported.
1800 Report: BF1444, Course 270, Speed 5, Clear, Wind 14 m/s, Sea7, Waves 4.
2000 OKM: United States has declared neutrality.

1548 FdU: Avoid French shipping.
1800 Report: BF1488, Course 180, Speed 5, Clear, Wind 11 m/s, Sea 6, Waves 3.

1100 OKM: Capital ships off limits.
1449 FdU: U-29 reports premature detonations.
1700 Lookouts report ship.
1729 Freighter - 5000 tons class.
1732 Put up flag to announce intentions.
1735 Another American.
1745 Stopped him to check papers.
1750 Sent him on his way.
1800 Report: BF1427, Course 285, Speed 5, Partly cloudy, Wind 10 m/s, Sea 5, Waves 2.

1041 FdU: Advised to change magnetic settings in northern waters.
1800 Report: BF1455, Course 060, Speed 5, Partly cloudy, Wind 21 m/s, Sea 9, Waves 7.

1800 Report: BF1488, Course 220, Speed 5, Rain, Wind 14 m/s, Sea 7, Waves 4.

1210 FdU: Convoys north of Brest may be attacked if escorted by French.
1500 More reports of sinkings. None for us.
1800 Report: BF1421, Course 080, Speed 5, Rain, Wind 11 m/s, Sea 6, Waves 3.

1800 Report: BF1496, Course 180, Speed 5, Light rain, Wind 13 m/s, Sea 6, Waves 3.

0803 Lookouts report ship.
0805 Freighter - 5000 tons class.
0829 Can see his flag from 3 km away - American.
1800 Report: BF1474, Course 000, Speed 4, Overcast, Wind 19 m/s, Sea 8, Waves 6.

1800 Report: BF1455, Course 120, Speed 5, Overcast, Wind 18 m/s, Sea 8, Waves 5.

1520 Lookouts report ship.
1537 Freighter - 2500 tons class.
1610 Can make out flag - British!
1617 Fired 1 tube, range 900.
1618 Hit!
1620 Target burning, still running.
1622 Target down by stern, still making 4 knots.
1627 Stern is dipping underwater, target wallowing, crew abandoning ship.
1638 Target sank by stern.
1642 Diving to reload.
1730 Surfaced, returning to grid.
1800 Report: BF1511, Course 280, Speed 4, Clear, Wind 18, Sea 8, Waves 5, 1 ship sunk for 2500 tons.

0604 Lookouts report ship.
0620 Freighter - 2000 tons class.
0631 British!
0635 Fired one tube at 600 metres.
0636 Hit!
0638 Target wallowing heavily.
0648 Target sank by stern, level, with explosions.
0650 Diving to reload.
0830 Surfaced.
1433 Another ship sighted.
1450 Freighter - 2000 tons.
1452 Have decided to use gun.
1500 Confirmed British.
1501 Opened fire, range 700.
1506 Target dead in water after 12 rounds. Gun crew to be commended.
1514 Massive explosion observed.
1515 Target sank.
1636 Another ship!
1654 Freighter - 2000 tons.
1722 Will use gun again.
1735 Opened fire, range 800.
1740 Crew abandoning ship. Total of 17 rounds fired, 1 miss.
1744 Target sank.
1800 Report: BF1445, Course 210, Speed 4, Clear, Wind 10, Sea5, Waves 2, 4 ships sunk for 8500 tons.

1800 Report: BF1414, Course 140, Speed 4, Clear, Wind 10 m/s, Sea 5, Waves 2.
2111 Crew reports ship.
2121 Decided on surface attack.
2124 Freighter - 2500 tons.
2134 Fired one eel at 425 metres....Hit!
2135 Target stopped.
2137 Pulling alongside to offer assistance.
2142 Talked to Master. SS Tweed, 2655 tons.
2143 Tweed capsized and sank.

1100 Radio: Russia has joined the attack on Poland!
1545 Lookouts report ship.
1546 It seems to be a large one.
1557 Freighter - 5000 tons.
1608 American.
1623 Have stopped him to check papers.
1725 Another ship, approaching the American.
1738 Small freighter, about 2000 tons.
1742 He's seen us, and is running.
1745 Have signalled the American to stop and pick up survivors.
1750 The American is returning.
1751 Have stopped the Englander.
1755 Crew is abandoning ship.
1800 Opened fire with gun, range 300.
1804 Ceased fire after 13 rounds - 69 rounds left.
1810 Questioned Captain - SS Speedfast, 1870 tons.
1830 Report: BF1455, Course 350, Speed 4, Clear, Wind 1 m/s, Sea 1, Waves 0.1, 6 ships sunk for 13,000 tons.

1644 Ship sighted.
1653 Tanker
1700 Small tanker, 3500 tons
1715 Stopped him, allowing crew to abandon ship. SS Myriel, 3491 tons.
1735 Opened fire with 10.5cm gun.
1742 Target down by bow. 16 rounds expended, 53 remaining.
1748 Target sank.
1800 Report: BF1468, Course 270, Speed 4, Clear, Wind 0, Sea 0, Waves 0, 7 ships sunk for 16,500 tons.

1038 Lookouts report another ship.
1055 Small coastal freighter, 2000 tons.
1113 Hailed him to stop.
1114 He's running! Fool! I gave him a chance.
1116 Opened fire with gun.
1118 Massive explosion! Ceased fire after 15 rounds.
1120 Ship sank.
1800 Report: BF1448, Clear, Wind 0, Sea 0, Waves 0, 8 ships sunk for 18,500 tons.

0209 Lookouts report ship.
0210 Several ships. Convoy!
0215 Setting up side approach. Starry night is bad for surface attack.
0222 One of them is a battleship!
0226 Making surface approach at 9 knots.
0235 Unable to maintain depth. Boat sinking. Ordered emergency surface.
0239 Skulking away from convoy at 5 knots. Must find out problem.
0324 Lost sight of convoy, increase to 15 knots. Heading home.
1145 Ship sighted.
1147 Single ship.
1220 British freighter, 6000 tons. This should help make up for losing convoy.
1225 Fired 2 torpedoes, 1 deep, 1 shallow. #1 hit forward of bridge. #2 did not detonate.
1232 Target proceeding unimpaired. Will set up for stern shot.
1236 Fired 1 stern tube, range 500 metres. Hit under engine room.
1238 Target listing to starboard, still moving.
1240 Target down by bow.
1243 Target stopped, bow under water.
1306 Target sank.
1800 Report: AM8775, Course 340, Speed 12, Clear, Wind 3 m/s, Sea 2, Waves 0.2, 9 ships sunk for 24,500 tons.
1800 Stopped to take advantage of good weather and reload external torpedoes
2002 3 forward and 1 aft externals moved inside. Underway again.

1058 Ship sighted.
1100 Passenger/cargo, 2000 tons.
1153 Opened fire with 10.5cm gun.
1158 Target stopped and wallowing after 22 rounds. 16 remaining.
1800 Report: AM5129, Course 040, Speed 15, Clear, Wind 1 m/s, Sea 1, Waves 1.1, 10 ships sunk for 26,500 tons.

1428 Crossed time zone - now 1528.
1900 Report: AM3333, Course 070, 15 knots, Overcast, Wind 8 m/s, Sea 5, Waves 2.

0952 Plane! Ordered 20 metres.
1000 Still having trouble maintaining depth. Must run at full speed just to keep control.
1018 Surfaced.
1900 Report: AF7731, Course 070, Speed 12, Mostly cloudy, Wind 5 m/s, Sea 3, Waves 0.6.

1900 Report: AF7697, Course 140, Speed 14, Partly cloudy, Wind 18 m/s, Sea 8, Waves 5.
2246 Ship close by.
2318 Norwegian tug.

1900 Report: AN3456, course 150, Speed 14, Partly cloudy, Wind 14 m/s, Sea 7, Waves 4.

1338 Crossed time zone - now 1438
1849 Entered Jade.
1912 Spotted picket ship. Almost home.
1957 Exited Jade into bay.
2033 Entered east lock.
2052 Tied up at pier, home again.

Final report:
39 days at sea.
6 torpedoes expended.
94 10.5cm rounds expended.
Yard crew working to find depth-keeping problem.

Ships sunk:
1636 SS Akenside, freighter, 2691 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 26. Crew lost: 4.
0648 SS Dafila, freighter, 1941 tons. Cargo: Food. Crew: 26. Crew lost: 1.
1515 SS Lesto, freighter, 1869 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 2.
1744 SS Turret Cape, freighter, 2095 tons. Cargo: General/Mixed. Crew: 32, Crew lost: 1.
2143 SS Tweed, freighter, 2655 tons. Cargo: Passengers. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 4.
1818 SS Speedfast, freighter, 2082 tons. Cargo: Sugar. Crew: 23. Crew lost: 0.
1748 SS Myriel, tanker, 3491 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 18. Crew lost: 0.
1120 SS Melito, freighter 1870 tons. Cargo: Phosphates. Crew: 21. Crew lost: 12.
1306 SS City of Kimberley, freighter, 6156 tons. Cargo: Textiles. Crew: 72. Crew lost: 7.
1207 SS Almenara, freighter, 1771 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 41. Crew lost: 3.

10 ships sunk.
26,491 tons.

Fish In The Water 10-23-11 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Missing Name (Post 1773487)
"SH3.exe has stopped responding. Windows is checking for a solution."

:damn: :damn: :damn:

Good thing it's not like voice mail...

"Please hold and listen to every song ever recorded while Windows continues to look for a solution. Oh, and have a nice day." :O:

andwii 10-23-11 09:59 PM

almost didn't make it out alive this time. got to like 38% hull integrty, but I had some fun using a ship as cover while an enemy merchant shelled me, which in the end sunk the ship I was using as cover.

VONHARRIS 10-24-11 02:49 AM

New career
Patrol No 1 Shakedown - nothing to report

Patrol No2
31 August 1939
21:04 hours U-50 left Wilhelmshaven to patrol grid BF16

03 September 1939
Grid AN79
15:44 hours Fired 4 torpedoes at enemy TF - medium speed , impact pistols
15:49 hours 4 explosions heard. Two cruisers sunk HMS Orion (CLLeander39), 7270 tons and HMS Ajax (CLLeander39), 7270 tons 45Km east of Dover

21:30 hours Surfaced and decided to take the long way to the assigned area
22:16 hours Warship seen - dived to PD
22:23 hours ASW trawler - lined up stern shot
22:33 hours Fired stern tube
22:36 hours Impact - no sinking
23:15 hours Warship sound contact closing fast - depth 25m
07:00 hours Surfaced

08 September 1939
Grid AN14
04:34 hours Ship seen
04:45 hours 1 bow shot - surface attack
04:46 hours Impact - SS Elpis (Medium Merchant 11), 3129 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 58. Crew lost: 46
04:57 hours Ship seen
05:09 hours 1 bow shot - surface attack
05:12 hours 1 bow shot - surface attack
05:13 hours dived to PD - disengaged
Grid AN12
14:00 hours Ship seen - dived to PD
14:12 hours Motor vessel
14:16 hours stern shot - no result
15:14 hours Surfaced
16:36 hours Ship seen - dived to PD
16:51 hours 1 bow shot - MV Greta Force (Coastal Tanker), 908 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 15. Crew lost: 10
17:20 hours Surfaced - return trip

On the way home U-50 intercepted a Norwegian medium cargo and a Dutch tugboat. No action was taken

14 September 1939
00:20 hours Docked at port
15 days at sea
4 ships sunk
18577 tons
No casualties or damages
Decision: Never engage small vessels with torpedoes.

VONHARRIS 10-24-11 02:54 AM

Sailor Steve
A very detailed report.
It looks like the ship's log.
Well done.

HW3 10-24-11 03:01 AM

Late August 1942. Setting in the somewhat deeper water just outside Lock Ewe in my type VIIC debating whether to try my luck.:hmmm: I came up the West channel from AM52, sinking a large cargo on the way, and so far, have not been detected.


Sailor Steve 10-24-11 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1773626)
Sailor Steve
A very detailed report.
It looks like the ship's log.
Well done.

Thanks. And right back at you! :salute:

And two cruisers on the first day of the war! Pretty spectacular. :rock:

VONHARRIS 10-24-11 08:49 AM

Patrol No 3
14 October 1939
07:58 hours U-50 sailed for grid AM23

22 October 1939
Grid AM23
02:09 hours Reached patrol area

24 October 1939
Grid AM23
19:39 hours Nothing seen or heard - moving to AM02

26 October 1939
Grid AM52
12:53 hours Moving to intercept convoy
Grid AM51
15:08 hours Ship seen medium range - dived to PD
15:12 hours Visual contact with convoy
15:20 hours 1 bow + 1 stern shots
15:20 hours MV Jedmoor (Medium Merchant 25), 4347 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 44. Crew lost: 19
15:20 hours Ore carrier damaged
15:31 hours 2 bow shots
15:31 hours Whale Factory Ship, 17330 tons unidentified
15:33 hours Diving to 100m
15:57 hours Depth 100m no pinging
18:00 hours No sound contact
18:40 hours Tubes reloaded
18:52 hours Surfaced

30 October 1939
Grid AM52
01:10 hours warship seen dived to PD
01:18 hours 1 bow shot at unescorted cruiser
01:23 hours No result - torpedo missed
04:15 hours Surfaced

01 November 1939
Grid AM52
10:52 hours Ship seen
11:02 hours Opened fire with 8,8cm deck gun
11:06 hours MV Tudor (Medium Merchant 29), 4903 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 38. Crew lost: 5. 45 rounds used

21:49 hours Ship seen - Illuminated - US medium cargo - no action taken

04 November 1939
Grid AM52
04:56 hours Sound contact - merchant closing - heavy seas - divied to PD
05:24 hours Visual ID : Coastal freighter darkened
05:35 hours Stern shot - Adrian (Coastal Freighter), 1870 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 23. Crew lost: 21
06:15 hours Tube reloaded - surfaced

08:25 hours Ship seen
08:31 hours 2 bow shots - surface attack
08:33 hours 2 impacts - target slowing down
08:55 hours SS Anvers (Medium Merchant 25), 4349 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 63. Crew lost: 25

06 November 1939
Grid AM52
04:59 hours Sound contact - merchant closing - heavy seas - divied to PD
05:05 hours Visual contact - small freighter
05:08 hours 1 bow shot
05:09 hours no results - 1 bow shot - SS Penerf (Small Freighter), 2363 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 34. Crew lost: 24
05:14 hours Surfaced

17:38 hours Moving to intercept convoy
18:29 hours Sound contact with convoy
19:05 hours 1 bow shot
19:06 hours Impact - ship DIW
19:08 hours 1 bow shot
19:09 hours MV Silverelm (Medium Merchant 25), 4350 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 40. Crew lost: 13 - 1 bow shot
19:15 hours Stern shot - diving to 100m no pinging
19:16 hours Impact - SS Iron Prince (Medium Merchant 39), 3237 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 60. Crew lost: 48
19:35 hours Depth 100m
22:17 hours No sound contact
22:31 hours Surfaced - All torpedoes expended

08 November 1939
15:35 hours Intecepted Norwegian medium cargo - no action taken
18:00 hours Sudden damages to hull - probable mine hit

11 November 1939
17:33 hours Docked at port
29 days at sea
8 ships sunk
42749 tons
No casualties
U-boat damaged (H.I. 87.73%)

ijnfleetadmiral 10-24-11 09:06 AM

19 February 1940:
Scharnhorst departs Wilhelmshaven on raiding mission to North Atlantic.

Returned to Wilhelmshaven 5 March 1940, having sunk a measly five ships for only 19,732 tons.

Verdammt weather horrendous in North Atlantic (what'd we expect for February, clear skies and sunny like Rio, Haha!). Hopefully we'll get another assignment soon; we were ordered to cease operations in the North Atlantic mid-patrol (fine with us...not like we were able to sight anything anyway!). There are rumors going around that a major operation is in the works...we shall see.

1 Large Merchant
1 Granville-type Freighter
1 Small Merchant
1 Tramp Steamer

Missing Name 10-24-11 09:21 AM

Restating the game after applying the Realism Fix.

soopaman2 10-24-11 09:48 AM

I finally got a good patrol, and actually made it back to port this time.. Which means I can report it to you guys!

Patrol 1
U-64 (IXB), 2nd Flotilla
Left at: April 3, 1940, 04:20
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AF61

April 4, 1940, 09:43
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 31
Wreck Coastal Merchant, 1789 tons

April 4, 1940' 10:57
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 31
Wreck C2-Cargo, 6554 tons

April 4 ,1940, 12:42
Ship Sunk!
Geid AN 31
Proteus Class Collier Freighter, 20127 tons

April 4, 1940, 13:12
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 24
Small Merchant, 2385 tons

April 4, 1940, 22:15
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN24
Wreck Coastal Merchant, 1787 tons

April 4, 1940 23:51 (talk about a great day!)
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 24
Pyro Ammunition Freighter, 7365 tons

(6 days of boredom, my appointed patrol, then travel to be in place to support Operation Weser. )

April 10, 1940 14:24
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 31
Small Merchant, 2385 tons

April 10, 1940, 19:05
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 31
Chemical Goods Freighter, 1823 tons

April 10, 1940 21:33
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 29
Coastal Merchant L, 1965 tons

April 11, 1940 03:41
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 24
Passenger- and freight Ship, 1747 tons

April 11, 1940, 04:00
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 24
Coastal Merchant L, 2050 tons

(Here is where I strolled into Bergen, and saw the Cruiser Konigsberg, and a few type 34 destroyers were outside the channel leading into the port complex itself, I wreaked havok on the port, seeing as my back was covered)

April 11, 1940, 05:03
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 24
Small Merchant, 2417 tons

April 11, 1940, 05:09
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 24
Wreck Coastal Merchant, 1788 tons

April 11, 1940, 05:15
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 24
Small Tanker, 8252 tons

April 11, 1940, 05:21
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 24
Armed Trawler, 530 tons

April 11, 1940, 05:28
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 24
Small Merchant L, 2418 tons

April 11, 1940, 05:36
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 24
Coastal Merchant. 2009 tons

April 11, 1940, 06:16
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 24
Red Cross Freighter, 5365 tons

Patrol Results.
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 18
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage 78336
My personal best without sinking a capital ship.:rock:

CherryHarbey 10-24-11 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by soopaman2 (Post 1773754)

April 11, 1940, 06:16
Ship Sunk!
Grid AN 24
Red Cross Freighter, 5365 tons

My personal best without sinking a capital ship.:rock:

but won't you get shot for the red cross ship?

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