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the weather in game is a mirror of real life for once.
It has rained for 4 days straight in both. I am going insane. Heard of good hunting off halifax, so i went there. I sank about 20 ships. :yeah: ALL TUGBOATS!!!! :down: I HATE CANADA. :stare: |
November 26th 1941, 10:50 AM, Northern Atlantic, calm seas
I'm about to engage a large convoy heading east. |
U-66 Oct. 21st 1941 16:59 - patrol 19 - AM89
On the pursuit again! Weather is still lousy and two merchants with a destroyer escort passed just in front of us - didn't catch up with them submerged. Now we try to overtake them on the surface... Still lousy weather! Pressing on! They should be somewhere on the starboard bow.... |
Good hunting - let us know how it went...! |
U-66 Oct. 21st 1941 17:14 - patrol 19 - AM89
Not on the starboard bow - on the port! Suddenly it was there - and with a poop-mounted gun,too. We fired off a high-speed T-1 at max. deflection but it obviously bounced off its side - too close! Then it was time to crash dive.... Turned a few points starboard to make some distance and as we came up to PD again a Hunt (the escort) approached us directly ahead. Sent off a T1 on magnetic at minimum distance. It worked! Concentrated on the tramp steamer again. As soon as we were in position a TII on impact did it......in the background..... The sinking Hunt..... Now, on to the second merchant.... |
Things were on the up and up, had the longest-running career ever going and everything, and then this a$$hat Tovariche Storozhevoy had to come and ruin it all. Yah, no surviving after late -43 even against Uncle Joe's boys it seems! Bah :damn: Ah well, f*ck that, back to the 1st Flotilla in Kiel then :ping: |
Time is drawing near
Latest update from U-14 under the command of L.z.s. Willie Werner
1st Sept 1939 AN14 In position just off the Shetland Is. to intercept Ore Carriers and a M.Cargo observed earlier today.Co-Ordinates have been recorded and U-14 is positioned approx 2000m from the recorded track.Crew morale is very high due to extensive torpedo training prior to going on patrol. Earlier the previous night made a night surface patrol into Lerwick,observed 1 destroyer at anchor,nothing more of interest,and also an attempted night surface patrol into Scapa Flow,but aborted due to warship patrols too close to our position. Looks like AN14 is going to be one of our favourite hunting spots in the future if we are in the immediate vicinity. Wish us luck. :salute: |
Just had my 3rd kill of this patrol, passenger/cargo North-east of scappa flow.
Crew so happy they are not even moaning about my bag-pipe playing in the conning tower (all except the poor hydrophone opperator). |
At my first attempt to infiltrate the convoy, I first sunk a Black Swan class in order to create some disortion.He had already briefly DC'ed me (No damage, luckily). The other 4 DD's raced to where I sunk the Black Swan. At 1 kt, running silent I tried to approach to convoy but the DD's got ahold of me and DC'ed the hell out of me. Dived to 160m and headed east, away from the convoy. While I was diving this one bastard got a full hit on me, causing minor damage in the controle and engine room, and destroying all but one torpedo tube. At sunrise they stopped searching for me and I could return to St. Nazaire. Then 10 days of boredom. In the western approach to the English channel my sonar man picked up a sound signal. Followed the signal untill it was a kilometer away, raised periscope and saw one beauty of a Cargo ship. I could easily identify a British flag. Approched to 750m, a nice 90° angle, 1 eel and an hour later and she was down. Now, back to base, we weren't in a state to fight with only 1 eel and 68% hull integrity left. On December 8th I recieved a radiomessage, supposudly the Jappanese had attacked Pearl Harbor and declared war on the US. 'They just woke up a sleeping giant', said my 1WO. I guess he's right. Now it's time for some French Maddemoiselles in St. Nazaire! :arrgh!: |
Once again SH CTD'ed at start-up this morning. The only way to continue then is to go back and start the actual patrol all over. I cannot find out what is the problem but I have been relegated to desktop duties 3 times, having begged my way back to active duty. As far as I remember it always works when the mission is finished before closing the game. |
Hope to have more luck than the original U-45....
Patrol number 9 did not get off to the best of starts.
Weather was foul for my first venture into the Atlantic after being transfered from Wilhelmshaven to Lorient. Mission was to partol DF57 off the coast of the Canaries. During a break in the weather on the way down we spotted a small merchant and proceeded to dispatch her with the deck gun. Nothing for the next 8 days. :oops: Decided to head into the convoy lanes and as weather is shockingly bad still i decided to proceed close to the british isles. Am64 i a good hunting spot i once learnt from my second partol with deep water for evasion and a chocking poing for convoys. As storm was bad, sonar man detected a warship 3km away whilst on tranist in AM61. I dove to 50m, silent running and she past uneventful. Next thing i know all hell breaks loose with massive damage. I must have hit a mine. Flooding in ALL forward compartments plus diesel engines. Sonar compartment destroyed. U-45 proceeded to sink to the bottom which was luckily only 60m depth so I narowwly survived thanks to a great effort by the crew (I am glad I stuck a warrent officer as another repair man at end of last partol!) and managed to recover with only about 8% battery power reamaining. Damage report = Forward batteries (destroyed), hydrophone (destyored), radio (destroyed), deck gun (destroyed), forward deck (destroyed), attack periscope (destroyed), observation scope (destroyed), radio antenna (destroyed), flak gun 1 (not working), aft batteries (damaged). :o How I am alive I will never know. Looking to repair what I can and to use the cover of the storm to break back to Lorient and spend the next 9 months in dry dock!!! :down: Edit: forgot to mention, I still have a FULL torpedo loadout, tonnage so far for this patrol is 2.2k and Im limping home. 2 crew did in line of duty - Sonarman and Radioman. Both are being returned to Lorient for a proper burial with full honours. All crew men have been advised to stay out of the aft torpedo room in the mean time! |
On it again...: |
Patrol 4
U-46, 1st Flotilla Left at: January 9, 1940, 09:46 From: Wilhelmshaven Mission Orders: Patrol grid AN47 Finished with 39,000t. Most of the targets it was a tail chase into gale force winds and huge seas thankfully no rain or fog. Would not have been surprised if the engines just fell out the bottom of the boat from exhaustion. One fish left when sonar got a target. After a difficult chase we spotted him, small merchant. By this stage we just wanted to get back to port. Moved in to get a closer look at his flag. Poor bastards, that thing looked to be pitching 20 meters and rolling 90deg :-? Turned out he was neutral so we steamed into a few hundred meters, gave them a salute :salute: and headed home. Patrol 5 U-46, 1st Flotilla Left at: February 20, 1940, 22:09 From: Wilhelmshaven Mission Orders: Patrol grid AM11 Weather same as last patrol, sea not quite as big but still a struggle. At the moment trying to get in a firing position on what I think is a C2 at about 7k on the stb beam. Flank speed and we would be lucky to average 7k. Coming on to dusk so looks like it could be a long night. |
Cheers, |
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