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JazzJR 10-08-11 08:08 PM

Patrol 23
Thats what happens. A fast convoy of large battleships (HMS Duke of York, HMS Rodney "again", HMS Nelson and a Southampton). Couln't reach them, they were just too fast. (23kn) my sub was surfaced with 18kn :stare: Also i had only two torpedos left. The game doesn't like me. :nope:

The same Patrol after i had to let the first convoy get away. I didn't coun't all ships, but it were a lot, large tankers , large cargo steamer. And a lot of Escorts...

roadrage 10-08-11 09:16 PM

Oberleutnant z. S. Erwin Wulf commanding U-19.

Sent the old rustbucket into the channel? Really? What are they thinking?


1.1.41. 0710 Patrol 15
U-19, 2nd Flotilla
Left at: January 1, 1941, 07:10
From: Lorient
Mission Orders: Patrol grid BF32

0631 Grid BF 32 Ship sunk! HMS Vesper (V&W Destroyer), 1188 tons. Crew: 103. Crew lost: 101
Grid BF 32 Ship sunk! HMS Walpole (V&W Destroyer), 1188 tons. Crew: 108. Crew lost: 103
0711 Grid BF 32 Ship sunk! HMS Whitley (V&W Destroyer), 1188 tons. Crew: 106. Crew lost: 25
6.1.41. 1225 Grid BF 28 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
7.1.41. 0454 Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 3
Aircraft destroyed: 1
Patrol tonage: 3564 tons

Got back to Lorient to find the brand new U-66 IXC waiting.:DL The officers and myself had a beer on the deck of U-19, and sent her on her way to Kiel. I left one on her bridge for good luck. In a way, I'm going to miss the old rustbucket. Chief says good riddance. I've had to assign a crewman to follow him around mopping up the drool. You'd think he had never seen new paint before. Heard him mumble something to the cook about getting a good look, because I would make sure it didn't look new by the end of the patrol.:-?

VONHARRIS 10-09-11 04:35 AM

U-157 IXC
Patrol No 10
Orders : Patrol grid GR21 and the area off Capetown

30 December 1941
10:18 hours U-157 left Lorient

11 February 1942
After almost 2 months at sea we heard our first target in heavy seas
Grid GR96
01:49 hours HMS Duncansby Head F 58 (Convoy repair ship), 5216 tons. Crew: 165. Crew lost: 9. 2 stern + 1 bow torpedoes fired - 3 hits scored

13 March 1942
Grid ET62
00:26 hours SS Primrose Hill (CAM-Ship 02), 6855 tons. Cargo: Sugar. Crew: 82. Crew lost: 40. 4 bow torpedoes fired - 2 hits scored

27 March 1942
Grid CG95 - Convoy battle
12:12 hours SS Sea Runner (Large Cargo type 1) , 8713 tons. Cargo: Military Vehicles. Crew: 41. Crew lost: 33
12:57 hours SS Allende (Granville-type Freighter), 4708 tons. Cargo: Copper Ore. Crew: 49. Crew lost: 22
4 bow + 2 stern torpedoes fired - 5 hits scored
Damaged 2 others Large cargoes

17:44 hours HMS Sikh (Tribal class), 1850 tons. Crew: 254. Crew lost: 106. 1 bow torpedo fired - 1 hit scored

19:22 hours Crash dived to avoid aircraft

29 March 1942
Grid CG54
23:42 hours SS Martti Ragnar (Passenger/Cargo), 2406 tons. Cargo: Mail/Packages. Crew: 220. Crew lost: 92. Sunk by gunfire. She was unarmed and unescorted.
The watch crew spotted her at bearing 336 and range 600m coming out of the darkness.

01 April 1942
Grid BF71
02:17 hours. Spotted U-459 XIV Milchkuh on her way to support the Ubooten at the US East Coast.

06 April 1942
Grid BF17
Two ship group - 3 bow + 2 stern eels fired - 5 hits scored
16:42 hours SS Empire Cheetah (Medium Merchant 06), 5175 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 66. Crew lost: 17
16:49 hours SS Demerton (Medium Merchant 08), 5282 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 47. Crew lost: 2

10 April 1942
01:53 hours Docked at Lorient
102 days at sea (The longest patrol ever in my SH3 history)
8 ships sunk
40205 tons
No damages or casualties
3 torpedoes not used
21 torpedoes fired - 16 hits scored - 5 missed or dud
22 10,5 cm rounds used

Fish In The Water 10-09-11 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1763700)
102 days at sea (The longest patrol ever in my SH3 history)

That is quite a long haul. Congrats on your new personal best! :up:

roadrage 10-09-11 05:02 PM

Oberleutnant z. S. Erwin Wulf commanding U-66.

The Chief is furious. Most of the paint is scorched or blown off the exterior of the boat, the pressure hull has holes and cracks all in it, and the guns nearly got blown off. Sadly, my flak gunner, Warrant Officer Fritz Woller didn't survive the plane crashing into the U-66.:cry: I guess we don't have to worry about wearing the new off now.:arrgh!: Last time I saw Chief, he was headed straight to the flotilla Commander's office, no doubt to file a complaint about my command style. They told me to test her out, just doing my job, Chief.:DL

I informed my 1st officer that under no circumstances were any more of those sorry TII torpedoes to be loaded onto my boat. Now to let the boys at the pens do their job, and put her back together again. They were amazed we made it back, hull integrity was estimated at 35%.


21.4.41. 0845 Patrol 16
U-66, 2nd Flotilla
Left at: April 21, 1941, 08:45
From: Lorient
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AN73

22.4.41. 0752 Grid BF 43 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
29.4.41. 1740 Grid AN 73 Ship sunk! SS Dalewood (Coastal Merchant), 2042 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 17
2003 Grid AN 73 Ship sunk! HMS Cornelian (Armed Trawler), 530 tons. Crew: 50. Crew lost: 21
30.4.41. 1145 Grid AN 73 Ship sunk! HMCS St. Laurent (C Class Destroyer), 1375 tons. Crew: 184. Crew lost: 123
Grid AN 73 Ship sunk! MV Inversuir (T3 Tanker), 11653 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 49. Crew lost: 40
1647 Grid AN 73 Ship sunk! SS De Soto (C2 Cargo), 6447 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 48. Crew lost: 4
Grid AN 73 Ship sunk! SS Tynwald (Coastal Merchant), 2043 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 1
1.5.41. 0329 Grid AN 73 Ship sunk! SS Stig Gorthon (Coastal Merchant), 2044 tons. Cargo: Coffee. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 7
Grid AN 73 Ship sunk! SS Adair (C3 Cargo), 7950 tons. Cargo: Trucks. Crew: 61. Crew lost: 3
3.5.41. 0111 Grid AN 14 Ship sunk! HMS Eskimo (Tribal Destroyer), 1850 tons. Crew: 222. Crew lost: 108
0340 Grid AN 14 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
Grid AN 13 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
Grid AN 13 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
Grid AN 13 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
Grid AN 13 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
Grid AN 13 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
0109 Grid AM 33 Ship sunk! SS Saltwick (Small Merchant), 2343 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 57. Crew lost: 4
0843 Grid AM 35 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
1551 Grid BF 17 Ship sunk! SS Bienville (C2 Cargo), 6448 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 58. Crew lost: 27
7.5.41. 2218 Patrol results
Crew losses: 1
Ships sunk: 11
Aircraft destroyed: 8
Patrol tonage: 44725 tons

Had to edit the crew losses, for some reason it showed 0. Could be because he was buried at sea?

VONHARRIS 10-10-11 06:10 AM

U-157 IXC
Patrol 11
Orders : Patrol Grid CA21 and the US East Coast

10 May 1942
01:47 hours U-157 left Lorient

17 May 1942
Grid CF15 - two ship group
21:19 hours SS Manistee (Medium Merchant 08), 5281 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 71. Crew lost: 21
4 bow torpedoes fired - 2 hits scored

29 May 1942
Grid CC13 - convoy battle
11:36 hours SS Meknes (Fast passenger ship), 5605 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 494. Crew lost: 103
11:40 hours SS Empire Shackleton (CAM-Ship 02), 6855 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 68. Crew lost: 34
11:47 hours MV Valparaiso (Medium Merchant 17), 4020 tons. Cargo: Machinery. Crew: 34. Crew lost: 9
4 bow + 2 stern torpedoes fired - 5 hits scored

04 June 1942
Grid CB17
Spotted by enemy DD. Tried to line uo stern shot but failed. Depth charged while diving. Decoy launcher destroyed - flooding in the aft sections - sinking by the stern
Flooding under control at 108 meters. DD left the area.

06 June 1942
Grid CA61
10:28 hours Crash dived to avoid aircraft
17:26 hours Sound contact IDed as Irish convoy
17:52 hours Sound contact warships closing. They IDed the convoy and left. U-157 remained undetected.

09 June 1942
Grid CA76
21:27 hours J.T.A. 14 (Armed Tugboat), 1275 tons. Crew: 10. Crew lost: 2. Our first US target. 1 bow torpedo fired - 1 hit scored

10 June 1942
Grid CA73
11:26 hours MV Empire Dweller (Coastal Freighter), 1869 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 27. Crew lost: 22. 1 stern shot fired - 1 hit scored
Grid CA81
21:06 hours MV St. Abbs (Tugboat), 1110 tons. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 10. Surfaced at 500m away for the ship and sunk her with gunfire - 8 10,5 cm rounds used

13 June 1942
Grid CA52
10:20 hours Torpedo boat spotted , dived to PD
Grid CA53
12:01 hours Destroyer spotted- dived to PD
12:15 hours USS Balch (Somers class), 1850 tons. Crew: 327. Crew lost: 222. 1 stern shot fired - 1 hit scored

15 June 1942
Grid CB17
23:57 hours Crash dived to avoid aircraft

22 June 1942
Grid BB99 - Convoy battle
04:33 hours 2 bow shots fired - both missed or duds

23 June 1942
Grid BB96 - Convoy battle
MV Poelau Tello (Heavy Merchant 01), 9091 tons. Cargo: Sugar. Crew: 50. Crew lost: 48
2 bow shots fired - 1 hit scored

Request to resupply from U-461 denied
Started return trip

10 July 1942
14:28 hours Docked at Lorient
62 days at sea
9 ships sunk
36956 tons
5 torpedoes not used
17 torpedoes fired - 11 hits scored + 6 missed or duds
8 10,5 cm rounds used
No casualties
U-boat damaged (H.I. 91.93%)

gazpode_l 10-10-11 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by gazpode_l (Post 1759683)

On september 6th, Whilst sailing some 100km south of Cork a "merchant" was spotted by a sharp-eyed lookout. The distance was closed and it was identified as a small "motor vessel". Despite it's size, we decided to attack and some eight hit's later via the deck gun, she was sunk.

U-111 now continues to sail in position some 90-100km south of Eire.
K.Oesten - Radioman - U111 - Dated 6/9/1941 03:00hrs.

Following the overnight period, we intercepted a radio message sighting another convoy, not far from our position, this time with us in favourable position to plot an intercept. The chase was on!

At dawn on 7th September the convoy was sighted in grid BF18. A firing solution was obtained when we were close enough and a medium cargo & empire type frieghter was targetted.

Two direct hits were scored on the empire and she sunk rapidly. One hit on the stern of the medium merchant was obtained, meaning she ended up "Dead in the water" One torpedo missed the medium cargo, but ended up taking out and sinking a small steamer instead! :cool:

An hour or so later, following a brief run on us by an escort, which was evaded, we were able to give the medium merchant it's "coup de gras" and sunk that too. Several escorts then heard the commotion and attempted to head in our direction....big mistake, as the skipper and targetting crews were on top form taking out no less than FOUR escorts!!!

However, the commander decided he had to let the convoy continue on with a slight escort because he was now very low on torpedoes, and wanted to save these for some more juicy targets in another convoy!! :D Later in the day a Granville type frieghter was spotted by the lookouts and the commander fired a salvo of two torpedoes.

Unfortunately two missed and one ended up being a dud. This was all our torpedoes now expended!! :o :damn: So, It was down to the deck gun crew to do their job and boy they did, and sunk the freighter in no time. Now it was time to return to lorient and report back on our mission to BDu,Refit & Re-arm U111, and some R&R and promotions/qualifications awarded to the crew.

U111 tied up to the quay-side on September 9th, after a rather strange entrance with the boat, which caught some damage, after striking on something below the surface. What this was we might never find out but it took around 10% of our hull integrity away. :stare:

So U-111 is now predicted to be ready to go out again on Septmber 26th following her repairs.

Patrol 7|U-111, 2nd Flotilla|Left at: August 28, 1941, 20:31|From: Bessel
^TH SEPT 1941
Ship sunk!|Grid BF 12|MV Alexander Hamilton (Motor Vessel), 114 tons. Cargo: Mail/Packages. Crew: 15. Crew lost: 2
7TH SEPT 1941
Ship sunk!|Grid BF 18|SS Empire Mordred (Empire-type Freighter), 6780 tons. Cargo: Mail/Packages. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 14
Ship sunk!|Grid BF 18|SS Meroe (Small Merchant), 3210 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 51. Crew lost: 38
Ship sunk!|Grid BF 18|SS Exiria (Medium Cargo), 4298 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 38. Crew lost: 37
Ship sunk!|Grid BF 18|HMS Ibis (Black Swan class), 1250 tons. Crew: 225. Crew lost: 204
Ship sunk!|Grid BF 18|HMS Magpie (Black Swan class), 1250 tons. Crew: 199. Crew lost: 11
Ship sunk!|Grid BF 18|HMS Lavender (Flower class), 950 tons. Crew: 170. Crew lost: 73
Ship sunk!|Grid BF 18|HMS Pheasant (Black Swan class), 1250 tons. Crew: 181. Crew lost: 141
Ship sunk!|Grid BF 12|SS Sheaf Crown (Granville-type Freighter), 4709 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 49. Crew lost: 17
Patrol results|Crew losses: 0|Ships sunk: 9|Aircraft destroyed: 0|Patrol tonnage: 23811 tons

eschemschnuz 10-10-11 08:17 PM

Eschem Schnuz's Letters, 29th Flotilla
Dear Uncle Karl,

Transferred? TRANSFERRED? :o
Are you trying to get me killed or something? :x

Sufficed to say, I got out of Gibraltar. Happy? :stare:

And how are things up north? Infinitely better, I suspect.

U-87 Type VIIB, 29th Flotilla reporting from Patrol 24.
Realism @ 50%, original game specs.
9-day cruise. Transferred to 7th Flotilla.

Over and out.

PS: [Takes off white cap] So, I guess that's how the 29th Flotilla ends in SH3, huh?

WWII44 10-11-11 10:19 AM

Blundered into a convoy during a bad storm sank 8 ships but the 529 was positivly battered from a fight with a tribal class destoryer(though the destroyer didn't get of easy, she she limped away into the fog after raming us with only four of her original eight main guns still working). I got the Iron Cross 1st class and the 529 is laid up being repaired, the chief says they'll be a suprise haiting for me when I return from leave.

VONHARRIS 10-12-11 01:11 AM

U-157 IXC
Patrol 12
Orders : Patrol grid CA65. Freedom of attack is granted.

09 August 1942
17:49 hours U-157 left Lorient

27 August 1942
Grid BB99
12:44 hours Shells started falling around U-157. An enemy destroyer spotted coming right on us at full speed. U-157 dived at flank speed.
13:00 hours DCed , heavy flooding in bow area. Flooding under control at 140m. New depth set 121m.
20:00 hours Surfaced. When the IWO went out he said : Herr Kaluen didn't we have a deck gun when we left Lorient? Well now we don't"

29 August 1942
Grid BB97 - Convoy battle
02:55 hours SS Daltonhall (CAM-Ship 02), 6856 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 64. Crew lost: 61.
The convoy was escorted by a Brooklyn class CA which didn't accept the 2 torpedoes I sent her as a gift. (The first US capital ship I see under battle conditions)
A Tanker 03 was damaged
4 bow + 2 stern torpedoes fired - 3 hits scored.

30 August 1942
Grid BB83 - Convoy battle
09:26 hours MV Britta (Tanker 07), 7661 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 60. Crew lost: 12
09:38 hours SS Intrepido (Passenger/Cargo), 2408 tons. Cargo: Passengers. Crew: 238. Crew lost: 14
4 bow + 2 stern torpedoes fired - 4 hits scored.

03 September 1942
Grid CB16
14:22 hours Crash dived to avoid aircraft. Damaged by aerial DCs.

09 September 1942
Grid CB15 - Convoy battle
01:20 hours SS Dory Aeisha (Large Liner), 42512 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 1479. Crew lost: 828
01:29 hours MV Nordpol (Granville-type Freighter), 4710 tons. Cargo: Mail/Packages. Crew: 98. Crew lost: 4
4 bow + 2 stern torpedoes fired - 4 hits scored.

17:48 hours Spotted by aircraft when the last external torpedo was being brought inside. Ditched the torpedo and the equipment overboard. Damaged by machine gun fire but bombs fell well way off.
Aircraft destroyed! Avro Anson GR Mk I

19 September 1942
Grid BD79
10:42 hours SS Harpalyce (Medium Freighter), 5363 tons. Cargo: Machinery. Crew: 34. Crew lost: 1. 2 bow torpedoes fired - 2 hits scored

25 September 1942
11:21 hours Docked at port.
During the patrol U-157 had to dive several times to avoid ASW patrols teams made of
2 destroyers each.
48 days at sea
6 ships sunk
69510 tons
No casualties
U-boat damaged (H.I. 50.79%).
20 torpedoes fired - 13 hits scored + 7 missed or dud
1 torpedo thrown overboard

VONHARRIS 10-12-11 07:13 AM

U-157 IXC
Patrol 13
Orders : Patrol Grid DN78 and then the area around Cuaracao oil fields

17 November 1942
16:20 hours U-157 left Lorient

During a diving drill , I discoverd that the attack scope was useless , it wouldn't traverse. So I had only the observation scope to use
I also had one TI FatI torp on board for evaluaton purposes.

14 December 1942
Grid DN84
20:12 hours Paracury (Sloop), 8 tons. Crew: 5. Crew lost: 0. She was sunk by 2cm gunfire.

20 December 1942
Grid EC96
00:03 hours USS Branch (Clemson class), 1190 tons. Crew: 116. Crew lost: 12. She was part of a 2 DD ASW force.
1 bow toredo fired - 1 hit scored

24 December 1942
Grid EC67
00:30 hours An armed tugboat was missed by a 1 bow shot torpedo. The tugboat PINGED! U-157 but no DCs were dropped

25 December 1942
Grid EC96
06:30 hours USS William B. Preston (Clemson class), 1190 tons. Crew: 107. Crew lost: 32. The destroyer was stationary and sunk by 1 bow launched torpedo

21:44 hours 2 bow torpedoes were lauched at 2 supply tankers. Both were duds. In an act of bravery (or foolisness) U-157 surfaced and engaged the tankers by gunfire. They were unarmed.
SS Hird (Supply tanker “Ranger”), 3235 tons. Cargo: Crude oil. Crew: 34. Crew lost: 1
21:47 hours SS Presidente Trujillo (Supply tanker “Ranger”), 3234 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 68. Crew lost: 48

28 December 1942
Grid EC51
03:00 hours A small convoy spotted after radar signals were detected. Two ore carriers and an attack cargo ship escorted by 1 DD.
Because of an error in convoy's course only the 2 stern shots could be fired. They both hit their mark , the attack cargo ship which was left dead in the water.
Until 04:38 U-157 was under attack by the very persistant escort but only minor damages were caused
05:03 hours - 07:09 hours I fired no more than 9 torpedoes at the stationary attack cargo ship and she refused to go down. All 9 torpedoes hit and exploded!
07:11 hours USS Rolette (Naval cargo ship 3), 7692 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 202. Crew lost: 20. I was about ready to fire the 10th torpedo. She took 11 torpedo hits to sink!

02 February 1943
06:48 hours Docked at Lorient.
78 days at sea
6 ships sunk
16459 tons
No casualties
U-boat damaged (H.I. 93.60%)
16 torpedoes fired - 13 hits scored + 3 missed or duds
100 2 cm rounds used
80 10,5 cm rounds used.

WWII44 10-12-11 09:25 AM

the U-529 is no more, after encountering a convoy south of scapa flow we were attacked by several destroyers. all merchants sunk and four destroyers sent to the bottom and one C&D destroyer irreparably damaged. the U-529 was battered beoned reconition and we had to abandon her thank fully we were secued by another U-boat in the area. I am now in com and of the type IXC U-142.

VONHARRIS 10-12-11 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by WWII44 (Post 1765857)
the U-529 is no more, after encountering a convoy south of scapa flow we were attacked by several destroyers. all merchants sunk and four destroyers sent to the bottom and one C&D destroyer irreparably damaged. the U-529 was battered beoned reconition and we had to abandon her thank fully we were secued by another U-boat in the area. I am now in com and of the type IXC U-142.

You are lucky you have survived this!

WWII44 10-12-11 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1765894)
You are lucky you have survived this!

yeah we were lucky we lost our compresser and both electrics so I figuered it was best to scuttle her than risk being blown to tiny tiny bits by asw patrols.

WWII44 10-12-11 08:06 PM

Restarted using the Warship Mod, taken comand of the heavy cruiser Moltke and have desimated two convoys on my second patrol. I even sank the HMS Nelson.

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