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Uboatman 09-21-11 10:39 AM

U-52 back in Kiel after a very short patrol, weather foul for the entire patrol. Expended all torpedoes for a good tonnage including a resurrected HMS Nelson, the Royal Navy must have the best salvage teams in the world to get getting her off the bottom and repaired in days all the time:D

Home for double medals and promotion to Kapitanleutnant:Kaleun_Party:


Date and Time

1431 Patrol 5
U-52, U-Flotilla Weddigen
Left at: December 30, 1939, 14:31
From: Kiel
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AN41
1113 Grid AN 41 Ship sunk! SS Black Point (Medium Old Split Merchant), 5596 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 58. Crew lost: 14
1907 Grid AN 14 Ship sunk! MV Reliable (Small Trawler), 98 tons. Crew: 19. Crew lost: 6
0316 Grid BF 17 Ship sunk! SS Abbekerk (Large Merchant), 11581 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 47. Crew lost: 0
0316 Grid BF 17 Ship sunk! MV Teakwood (Large Tanker), 12172 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 70. Crew lost: 49
1143 Grid BF 17 Ship sunk! SS Tyndareus (Ore Carrier), 6838 tons. Cargo: Copper Ore. Crew: 96. Crew lost: 1
2201 Grid BF 17 Ship sunk! SS Ocean Viceroy (Large Freighter), 8604 tons. Cargo: Scrap Metal. Crew: 59. Crew lost: 30
1410 Grid BF 17 Ship sunk! SS Umgeni (Large Merchant), 8373 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 99. Crew lost: 3
1614 Grid BF 17 Ship sunk! HMS Nelson, 36000 tons. Crew: 1320. Crew lost: 990
0826 Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 8
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 89262 tons

gt_magnus 09-21-11 10:56 AM

Bad luck!
Karl Werner, 2. October: I'm back in Kiel after my second patrol with U-6 (IIA). High visibility and good weather, but not much have happened. No ships sunk. Almost got a large merchant at midnight, but it travelled too fast so I couldn't keep up with it for long. I didn't hit it. Moving over to Wilhelmshaven as soon as possible because it is closer to my patrol areas. Deciding wether to get a type VIIB or to wait for a type VIIC to become availible. I think I'll go for the VIIB.

Watch out Kretchmer & co, I'm coming for you very soon!:arrgh!:

gt_magnus 09-21-11 11:04 AM


U-52 back in Kiel after a very short patrol, weather foul for the entire patrol. Expended all torpedoes for a good tonnage including a resurrected HMS Nelson, the Royal Navy must have the best salvage teams in the world to get getting her off the bottom and repaired in days all the time

Home for double medals and promotion to Kapitanleutnant
Congrats Uboatman! :Kaleun_Party:

Uboatman 09-21-11 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by gt_magnus (Post 1753526)
Congrats Uboatman! :Kaleun_Party:

Thank you :salute:

WWII44 09-21-11 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1753317)
Way to go!
A great victory for the Fatherland.:salute:

danke. I will however be taking a break from patrols to practice my torpedo manship.

Fish In The Water 09-21-11 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Uboatman (Post 1753497)
Expended all torpedoes for a good tonnage including a resurrected HMS Nelson, the Royal Navy must have the best salvage teams in the world to get getting her off the bottom and repaired in days all the time:D

Whatever they pay those guys, it ain't enough... :D :O:

Uboatman 09-21-11 02:47 PM

Having eaten well and put one part of the family to bed Kapitanleutnant Brandt is arriving at U-52 for his 5th war patrol:


eschemschnuz 09-22-11 02:10 AM

Eschem Schnuz's Letters, 29th Flotilla
Dear Uncle Karl,

I honestly don't know what to say.
I got tired of diving from enemy aircraft, so I let loose the double double-barrels and "let them 'ave it" this time round.

In all, we shot 16 planes down. :up:
I also buried 4 of my crew at sea. :wah:
Was it worth it? You tell me. :nope:

U-87 Type VIIB, 29th Flotilla reporting from Patrol 17.
Realism @ 50%, original game specs.
5-day cruise. All things considered, the boat is fine.
Promotions and medals all around, but right now I don't really feel like celebrating. :cry:

Over and out.

mightymightychatham 09-22-11 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1753339)
I haven't noticed that there is a Q-ship in the MFM ,Q01B. She is heavily armed with 6 4in guns hidden behind wooden crates. No visible armament.

Hey VonHarris, I installed the MFM and ran into one of these on my first MFM patrol. Wounded it with a torp and surfaced at 1000m to finish her off... got blasted for my troubles. Luckily she was a terrible shot and due to the damage I'd already inflicted with the torp I acually won the gunbattle (!) but I ran into aircraft later in the patrol and buckled whilst crashdiving at 55m due to the weakened hull. Career over.

I don't think it was a Q01B, though I can't remember 100%.

edit: It must have been a Q01B - I just had a look and it's the only "Qxxx" in the MFM. :oops:

Paulie76 09-22-11 08:45 AM

Young Upstart Hans Gruber steers U-23 through the canal on a five day shakedown cruise in August '39. Full of hope for a long career, he has heard the rumblings of war like everyone else. For now though, just for now, he's content to simply be at sea again.... Now if he can just remember how to minimize his GUI for snapshots.

Fish In The Water 09-22-11 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Paulie76 (Post 1754078)
Young Upstart Hans Gruber steers U-23 through the canal on a five day shakedown cruise in August '39...

Luckily there don't appear to be any skyscrapers around... :haha:

VONHARRIS 09-22-11 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by mightymightychatham (Post 1753961)
Hey VonHarris, I installed the MFM and ran into one of these on my first MFM patrol. Wounded it with a torp and surfaced at 1000m to finish her off... got blasted for my troubles. Luckily she was a terrible shot and due to the damage I'd already inflicted with the torp I acually won the gunbattle (!) but I ran into aircraft later in the patrol and buckled whilst crashdiving at 55m due to the weakened hull. Career over.

I don't think it was a Q01B, though I can't remember 100%.

edit: It must have been a Q01B - I just had a look and it's the only "Qxxx" in the MFM. :oops:

I surfaced even closer at 500m and took heavy damage. I finished her off with a second torpedo. Her gunner found the range with the first shot!

Uboatman 09-22-11 12:56 PM

U-52 back from a short patrol, hope to make it out of port again to take part in operations up north.


Date and Time

1753 Patrol 6
U-52, 1st Flotilla
Left at: February 16, 1940, 17:53
From: Kiel
Mission Orders: Patrol grid BF17
2033 Grid AN 13 Ship sunk! SS Amstelland (Large Old Cargo), 8228 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 96. Crew lost: 28
0937 Grid AN 15 Ship sunk! SS Queen Anne (Large Freighter), 8604 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 42. Crew lost: 28
1426 Grid AM 36 Ship sunk! SS Recorder (Tramp Steamer), 2082 tons. Cargo: Machinery. Crew: 31. Crew lost: 12
2348 Grid AM 54 Ship sunk! SS Saint Louis (Old Composite Merchant), 5361 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 48. Crew lost: 39
0213 Grid BE 33 Ship sunk! MV Chinese Prince (Large Old Cargo), 8229 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 73. Crew lost: 48
1455 Grid BE 39 Ship sunk! Fleet Tender, 16904 tons
1458 Grid BE 39 Ship sunk! SS Memnon (Large Merchant), 11971 tons. Cargo: Tobacco. Crew: 67. Crew lost: 4
1536 Grid BE 39 Ship sunk! MV Siranger (Express Freighter), 6239 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 44
1433 Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 8
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 67618 tons

Nice GUI Paulie, what is it?

Sailor Steve 09-22-11 02:06 PM

Dear Leutnant Rickma...ahem, I mean Gruber, I have two words for you: NumLock and Delete.

WWII44 09-22-11 02:38 PM

The HMS Nelson lies at the bottom of Gibraltar. she took five torpedoes to sink we skedaddled as soon as we fire our bow tubes, three torps from the bow tubes hit her(Tube 1 had one of those god awful G7e torpedoes that blew up half way to the target:x) the as we slipped away we let lose the stern tubes and another two hits. Just as we were at the mouth of Gibraltar our sonar man confirmed we sank the Nelson. Know we are in lorient readying U-142 AKA Der Grun Krake(The Green Octopus) for her fourth Patrol(Our kaleun has his sites set on scapa flow).

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