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U-65 IXB Patrol No 10
21 February 1941
16:11 hours Departed Lorient for grid DH56 27 February 1941 Grid CG75 - Convoy attack 08:01 hours USS Amycus (Convoy repair ship), 5218 tons. Crew: 186. Crew lost: 55 She was flying RN colors 08:02 hours MV Cape of Good Hope (Medium Merchant 01), 5663 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 50. Crew lost: 18 07 March 1941 Grid CG85 09:44 hours MV Brageland (Small Merchant), 1845 tons. Cargo: Machinery. Crew: 34. Crew lost: 23 10 March 1941 Grid CG95 02:59 hours SS City of Hull (Large Merchant), 9881 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 80. Crew lost: 40 Convoy attack Grid CG94 15:34 hours SS Port Hunter (Ore Carrier), 7089 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 62. Crew lost: 16 17:07 hours SS Prince Rupert City (Medium Merchant 06), 5175 tons. Cargo: Mail/Packages. Crew: 55. Crew lost: 8 17:41 hours SS Forbin (Empire-type Freighter), 6742 tons. Cargo: Machinery. Crew: 48. Crew lost: 29 The last two ships were hit during the initial attack and they were finished off after the convoy had left. 15 March 1941 Grid CG15 20:05 hours MV Poelau Tello (Heavy Merchant 01), 9094 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 46. Crew lost: 11 17 March 1941 Grid BE66 Convoy attack 14:19 hours SS Southern Princess (Converted Whale Factory Ship), 12016 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 87. Crew lost: 82 14:31 hours SS Abinsi (Passenger/Cargo), 2384 tons. Cargo: Passengers. Crew: 53. Crew lost: 40 16:10 hours SS Orkla (Small Freighter), 2399 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 30. Crew lost: 0 She was finished off after the convoy had left. 19 March 1941 05:09 hours Returned to Lorient 27 days at sea 11 ships sunk 67506 tons No casualties Hull integrity: 99% |
U-65 IXB Patrol 11
Lots of time available in RL so one more patrol completed
Patrol 11 19 April 1941 13:27 hours Departed from Lorient to grid ET41 , Freetown 18 May 1941 Grid ET29 - convoy attack 08:02 hours SS Sobieski (Ceramic-type Ocean Liner), 16614 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 464. Crew lost: 315 She was part of a three ship convoy: The liner , a US turbine tanker and a US troop transport escorted by a Somers class DD. 19 May 1941 Grid ET29 03:03 hours SS Saint Enogat (Small Merchant), 2220 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 20. Crew lost: 7 22 May 1941 Grid ET29 - convoy attack 17:03 hours USS Cerberus (Convoy repair ship), 5218 tons. Crew: 154. Crew lost: 110 17:04 hours SS Betty (Tramp Steamer), 1831 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 23. Crew lost: 2 26 May 1941 Grid ET37 - convoy attack 03:58 hours SS Scythia (Ceramic-type Ocean Liner), 16615 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 1018. Crew lost: 895 She was part of a 4 ship convoy: The liner , a US turbine tanker , a US troop transport , a US large merchant and a Mexican small merchant escorted by a Somers class DD. 12 June 1941 03:59 hours Returned to Lorient 55 days at sea 5 ships sunk 42498 tons No casualties 98% hull integrity Damaged caused by surprise air attack in bad visibility. |
Am just south of Iceland. August 1942. Clear weather. Just skulking around and waiting for smoke on the horizon.:sunny:
Have already sent four merchies to the bottom. |
...or did the Tommies throw their potatoes at you? :D |
Machine gun fire from a PBY Catalina during crash diving. I would prefer the potatoes though , fresh provisions for the rest of my patrol! :DL |
Eschem Schnuz's Letters, 29th Flotilla
Hi y'all. First time poster.
Have been into subsims off and on since the "Aces of the Deep" days, though i have yet to survive a single campaign, EVER! Waited two years to purchase SH2, but after i finally did, i couldn't bring myself to play the game! :damn: Originally resumed interest with SH5, but when my machine couldn't play it, i "downgraded" to SH3 and SH4 instead. Fingers crossed, my ultimate objective will be to complete a single SH career campaign, alive. :salute: As with most people i'm guessing, the movie "Das Boot" (the Director's Cut & Uncut versions) was my entry into the world of the U-Boat. I have read the book (English translation), and am hoping to worm my way thru Lawrence Paterson's catalog of flotilla records. Anyway, here goes... Report from U-87 Type VIIB, 29th Flotilla, returning from Patrol 1. Realism @ 50%, original game specs. 8-day cruise. Hull got a bit of a nick, but that's about it. Medals all around! Over and out. http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/pict...pictureid=4977 |
U-551, Patrol 14
May 10, 1941.
Left Lorient to patrol grid square DT29. Crossed Bay of Biscay without incident. May 14 Position: CG13 3:17: Merchant on hydrophones, approaching. Set course to intercept. 3:43: Visual on contact, small freighter. 3:52: Contact is a tramp steamer, flying British flag. Appears to be armed. Set up for submerged attack. 4:01: Final check on target. ID confirmed. Single torpedo fired below keel. 4:02: Torpedo impact, multiple secondary explosions. 4:07: Ship sunk, tramp steamer, 1964 BRT 8:59: Contact report, large enemy convoy, grid square CG12, course SSO, 8 knots. Set course to intercept, because it's just next door. 10:15: Convoy in sight. Weather is very calm and sea is almost oily. Difficult to get close on the surface for a good look. At least 20 merchants and hydrophone check reveals a minimum of 5 escorts. Radioed BDU with contact report. Decide to submerge in front of convoy and get in attack position, even though I overshot their projected course. Have to dive to avoid detection. 10:42: I'm in luck, the convoy zigged and is now coming almost directly for my position. Centre column should pass just in front of my boat! 10:51: Picked out three targets: medium merchant, large tanker and a coastal freighter for the stern tube. Convoy is travelling at 8 knots, timing will be tight! 10:57 All torpedoes fired! Diving below convoy to avoid counter attack. Escorts all passed wide, no one within 2500 metres. 10:59: Three out of five torpedoes hit. Stern tube missed because target veered and one torpedo on the medium freighter missed. 11:02: Tanker exploded in huge fireball. Medium freighter sinks! 2 ships sunk: medium freighter, 4707 BRT Large tanker: 9677 BRT 14:01: Convoy has disappeared from view. All tubes reloaded, surfaced, ready to continue attack. Course plotted along course of convoy. 17:30: Sound check reveals no sign of convoy. 18:30: Sound check still reveals no sign of convoy. 19:00 Beginning search pattern along convoy course at high speed. Visibility excellent. May 15 03:00: Still no sign of convoy. 09:15: Contact report, convoy in CG41, heading SO, speed 8. This is the convoy I was tracking. They are further away than expected. Intercepting. 14:30: Convoy in sight! Sea still flat, no wind, good visibility. 15:54: Spotted by rear escort. Shells fired. Forced to dive. No damage. No depth charges. 16:30: Surfaced. Convoy has altered course to SW. Racing along port side to catch up. Keeping convoy at edge of visibility. 17:10: Spotted by port side lead escort. No shells, it just comes our way. Steering 90 true to give small aspect. Ahead flank. Darkness is setting in. Convoy appears to have changed course to SE again. 17:20: Racing at flank speed, course SE. Still giving small aspect to destroyer. Destroyer continues due east. It does not see us. 18:00: Made a slow, sweeping turn at high speed to come to course SW, cutting across convoy path. Escort is returning to convoy. She has lost us. 19:00: In front of convoy, reasonable attack position. 20:30: Convoy has changed course back to SW. This has improved my attack position. Was hoping this would happen. 20:55: Convoy getting too close for comfort. Diving to PD. Engage silent running. Battle stations! 21:12: Selected two targets, one munition ship, one large freighter. Excellent firing solution on both. 21:16: Torpedoes away, timed for near simultaneous impact. Diving, change course to N. 21:18: Four torpedoes hit and exploded. Hearing multiple explosions, probably the munition ship. (It was, checked with external cam). 21:19: Pinging. Apparently an escort snuck up to us in our baffles. Not detected. Continuing slow dive. 21:20: Escort dropped random charges. Unfortunately, one on our head. As soon as I heard the splashes, went to flank. Depth was only 35 metres. Radio room and command room damaged, taking on water. Hydrophone and radio damaged. Both periscopes destroyed, flak destroyed, deck gun destroyed. (Amazing how they can tell from the inside, isn't it?). Secure from silent running to stop flooding. 21:22: Repair and screw noises have attracted more attention. Two escorts overhead. Flooding almost under control. Depth 120. 21:24: Flooding stopped. Ordered silent running. Course NE. Depth 170. 21:25: Detected by ASDIC. Multiple splashes. Going deeper, course 345, flank ahead. 21:26: No damage, return to silent running. Depth 190. Sound man reports breaking bulkheads and explosions from hit merchants. Ships sunk: munition ship, 7062 BRT, large freighter, 8576 BRT. 21:40: Evaded multiple attacks. No further damage. Course N. Depth 200. Silent running, 50 rpm. 21:50: No more attacks for 10 minutes. One escort appears to be moving off. One circling overhead. 22:10: No more attacks, final escort appears to have given up, heading back towards convoy at high speed. 23:00: Convoy noises fading to SW. May 16. 01:00: No contacts on hydrophone. Secure from silent running. Rise to 30 metres for sound check. 01:30: Sound check reveals no noises. Baffles also clean. Surfacing without being able to do a periscope sweep is an uneasy feeling. 02:00 Surveyed damage in the darkness. With no periscopes, no flak, barely operational deck gun, I decide to head back to Lorient. Patrol 14 is over. |
Hello captains,
it was 1941 october 12th when i sailed with my uberuntersieboot Type 9B. Now it's 20th or 21st day, was reiding gibraltar i choosed and sank all the juicy targets there, just left to escape... So i'm almost 2 km from the naval base, ~7AM in the morning, out of a sudden, without pinging, corvette runs over me dropping depthcharges (let's call them DC in short). I'm 15 meters bellow, moving slowly and silently, at 1 knot... After first batch of DCs she turns for another run, but this time pinging me. This time it manages to RAM my 20mm flak gun while i'm at 15 meters depth... It seems i'll evade it, since she's dropping DCs close but not close enough. And then destroyer joined into the pursuit, after 3rd pass, he DESTROYED my both diesel engines, both electric engines and forward batteries, the rest of the damage i repaired while pumping out water at harbour's sea bed at 41 meters! O.o (gibraltar isn't shallow after all...). So i'm "repaired", can't move and at 41m bellow, i was waiting for another DC batch to sink me so i could load up the save file. And corvette drops DCs, destroys my conning tower and flak gun emplacements and i'm still alive, still can't move... I decided why not just sit there and see what happens, and what do you know... both destroyer and corvette just pining and passing over my head and not dropping DCs O.o 2 hours latter, comes 2nd destroyer for the help and he finally sank me. If it wasn't for him, i had plans to sit there until night, surface and just finish the mission, but oh well... I'm with alberich anti sonar coating, but late 1941 seems pretty harsh time for my harbour reids... BTW, here's my logs from that INTERESTING partol: Quote:
P.S. SH3 + GWX3 + realism exe fix + das boot green water + 100% realism. |
My latest commander, Walter Koch, died in a attack on a convoy near the British coast. he had six eels and got ahead of said convoy, waited till the convoy was on top of him, and unleashed the eels, out of five shots, 4 hit, no sinkings, and quickly dived to near the bottom to await the escorts attack, with the idea of sneaking off and letting the convoy by, surface, and head home.
well, the V class escort in nov 1939 found U-53 and sunk me with a few well placed depth charges. Obtained a Iron Cross (2nd class) after his death. I really was not expecting to loose Koch so soon, as I normally make it to at LEAST 1940. I may start my next one in nov 1939 so I can play later in the war hopefully and see now many men it takes to get though the war. |
U-125 IXC
VonHarris and his crew left U-65 IXB to take command of U-125 IXC boat
Patrol 12 13 July 1941 19:58 hours Departed from Lorient for grid CG77 24 July 1941 Grid CG95 04:02 hours Ship sunk! SS Daghestan (CAM-Ship 02), 6855 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 80. Crew lost: 44 Grid CG94 10:50 hours Ship sunk! MV Nordfarer (Granville-type Freighter), 4708 tons. Cargo: Military Vehicles. Crew: 56. Crew lost: 48 Grid CG94 - convoy attack 19:31 hours MV Empire Dweller (Coastal Freighter), 1870 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 31. Crew lost: 0 19:32 hours MV Brandanger (Medium Merchant 02), 4894 tons. Cargo: Tobacco. Crew: 59. Crew lost: 46 19:33 hours HMS Orion (CLLeander41), 7270 tons.Crew :640. Crew lost:586 Moved close to the Spanish and Portuguese coast to find good weather to move in the externals. After the procedure was completed U-125 returned to the hunting grounds. 01 August 1941 Grid CG95 03:11 hours MV Siam II (Medium Merchant 30), 6936 tons. Cargo: Coffee. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 17 03 August 1941 Grid CG95 - convoy attack 13:50 hours SS Eastern City (CAM-Ship 02), 6858 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 59. Crew lost: 35 13:50 hours SS Sheksna (Passenger/Cargo), 2076 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 49. Crew lost: 23 13:55 hours SS Bruse (Small Freighter), 2255 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 31. Crew lost: 0 13:56 hours SS Empire Standard (Empire-type Freighter), 5671 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 69. Crew lost: 19 05 August 1941 Grid CG95 07:21 hours SS Gudvor (Tramp Steamer), 1817 tons. Cargo: Scrap Metal. Crew: 21. Crew lost: 11 Grid CG94 17:01 hours SS Aberdovey (Coastal Freighter), 1873 tons. Cargo: Tobacco. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 28 09 August 1941 05:33 hours Returned to Lorient Enemy aircrafts more present Merchant ships are armed More escorts in convoys and improved skills 28 days at sea 12 ships sunk 53083 tons No casualties U-boat damaged (H.I. 98.51%) machine gun fire during crash diving |
Eschem Schnuz's Letters, 29th Flotilla
Yo Karl! :salute:
U-87 Type VIIB, 29th Flotilla returning from Patrol 2. Realism at 50%, original game specs. 9-day cruise. Medals all around! Over and out. http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/pict...pictureid=5152 http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/pict...pictureid=5153 |
I just got back from a very dissatisfying 86,000t patrol.
We left Lorient and preceeded to our patrol sector West of Rockall. En route we encountered two lone merchants; an empire-type and a coastal freighter. Both were sunk. We then arrived at our patrol sector and scoured it for three days. No signs of life. On the way home we recieved a contact report in the wee hours; a inbound convoy heading east, its probable destination Liverpool via the Irish Sea. A decent target at last. We set a course for intercept and came upon it about midday. Although it was dry, visibility was only about 7km due to heavy cloud and a high swell. Unable to get a visual on the whole convoy, the hydrophone suggested there were about twenty ships and only three escorts. One out front and the other two off the rear corners. Party time. We dived to periscope depth and slipped under the front escort. Periscope went up to mark our targets. A Southampton was steaming quietly in the centre. I'd sunk five of these since the start of my career and remembered reading somewhere that there were six Southamptons built. I couldn't resist bagging the full set. Three front torps hit the cruiser (just to make sure) and the rear winged a coastal freighter. I began a steep dive to 150m at flank as the swo side escorts turned in to pursue me. Once at depth, I went to silent speed and came 90' to port in an effort to slink away. The escorts came up quickly and took turns depth charging the spot where we'd gone from flank to silent. By this time our boat was 500m away. Both the cruiser and the freighter went down during this time. Eventually the escorts gave up bombing the same spot over and over and went back to their convoy positions. Huh? No ASDIC? I was well withing range for them to ping me. Not one to complain, I made distance, surfaced, reloaded and came about for another bite. I slipped in again and this time bagged a large merchant and another coastal freighter. This time only the leading escort came after me and again, multiple depth charges on my last known position and no ping. I'd encountered "elite" crews before; maybe these were "incompetent" crews? Surfaced again, the convoy was coming over the continental shelf but it was getting dark and by now I was feeling cocky. I was running low on torps (and out of rear torps) so I took position to take a front shot on an ore carrier as the convoy came upon me for the third time. Down it went. This time none of the escorts even came after me. Slightly bewildered, I headed toward home with three front torps remaining and a decent tonnage of about 41,000. No contacts were sighted until the next morning. A lone troop carrier steaming south west off the coast of Galway. I'd never encountered a troop ship before and, with three torps left, determined to sink it. It was quite foggy and difficult to make out but it looked like a four stacker. Four stacks? None of these troop ships in the book have... IT'S THE AQUITANIA!! I knew she was fast so I matched her course and moved ahead flank whilst determining her speed. 14 knots. And I'm making 16 on these seas. Brilliant. I powered ahead, I mean really far ahead; I didn't want to stuff this one up. Once she was out of sight I came to port and laid the boat to intercept her course at 90'. I ducked down to periscope depth and waited. And waited. And waited. She was long overdue at my intercept point, let alone the fact that she wasn't in visual range of my scope. I zoomed out on the nav map and realised; her noise signature wasn't moving. Cautiously moving toward her, there were no signs of movement. Coming closer, I realised: she was sinking. The water was almost up to her deck. What the hell? Calm seas, no rain, not another ship in sight. A mine hit maybe? Anyway, I felt cheated. I launched my last three torps at her to pick off the tonnage, feeling dirty as hell. I got the "she's going down" message the second the first torp hit. Heading back to Lorient it occurred to me that this was my highest ever patrol tonnage. But rather than being excited, I felt hollow. Escorts that didn't seem to care about protecting their convoy? A large modern liner foundering in calm seas? There were medals and promotions aplenty but I couldn't help but feel a bit dissapointed. |
New career started because the previous one (U-125 IXC) crashed after an unsuccesful mod install.
A clean install took place and guess what: I managed to run the MFM! Patrol No2 31 August 1939 05:23 hours Left Wilhelmshaven for grid AM52 04 September 1939 Grid AN14 12:00 hours SS Karsik (Medium Merchant 09), 3185 tons. Cargo: Foodstuffs. Crew: 35. Crew lost: 1 07 September 1939 Grid AM52 - convoy attack 21:57 hours SS Blairmore (Medium Merchant 16), 3902 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 60. Crew lost: 50 22:28 hours SS Clan MacFarlane (Medium Merchant 20), 6160 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 86. Crew lost: 13 22:32 hours SS P. L. M. 24 (Ore Freighter 01), 6177 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 67. Crew lost: 62 09 September 1939 Grid AM52 11:44 hours HMS Cyprus (Q ship), 4043 tons. Crew: 57. Crew lost: 50 14 September 1939 16:25 hours Returned to port 15 days at sea 5 ships sunk 23467 tons 1 man wounded 2 men dead Hull integrity: 72% |
All times are GMT -5. The time now is 05:08 AM. |
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