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VONHARRIS 08-26-11 09:41 AM

U-505 IXC
Patrol 20
04 December 1943
10:23 hours Departed from Lorient for grid EJ69

07 December 1943
Grid CG27
21:25 hours SS Aegir (Coastal Freighter), 1869 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 25. Crew lost: 11

26 December 1943
Grid EK79
18:23 hours SS Hampton (Large Cargo), 8576 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 48. Crew lost: 19
18:53 hours SS City of Worcester (Medium Merchant 06), 5173 tons. Cargo: Trucks. Crew: 38. Crew lost: 26

27 December 1943
Grid EK47
22:17 hours SS Arkenside (Small Merchant), 2397 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 29. Crew lost: 23
22:18 hours MV Inverdargle (Large Tanker), 9677 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 37. Crew lost: 30
22:22 hours HMS Black Swan (Black Swan class), 1250 tons. Crew: 197. Crew lost: 139 victim to a TIV Falke homing torpedo

19 January 1944
14:11 hours Returned to Lorient
6 ships sunk
28942 tons
No external torpedoes used because of awful weather and enemy planes
No casualties
Hull intergrity : 85% due to aircraft attack.

Randomizer 08-26-11 03:19 PM

All current careers lost, had to re-install SH3 from scratch due to some technical problems occurring between chair and keyboard. New careers to follow. Oh well.

Fish In The Water 08-26-11 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Randomizer (Post 1736911)
All current careers lost, had to re-install SH3 from scratch due to some technical problems occurring between chair and keyboard.

I think we've all felt the indignity of those... Take heart in the fact you're far from alone! :sunny:

VONHARRIS 08-27-11 12:02 PM

U-505 IXC
Patrol 21
19 February 1944
01:12 hours Departed from Lorient to grid EE71
U-505 carried two of the brand new TV Zaukonig homig torpedoes

24 February 1944
Grid CF37 Convoy attack
19:05 hours HMCS Magog (River class), 1250 tons. Crew: 154. Crew lost: 26 sunk by a TV torpedo
19:58 hours SS Aeneas (Heavy Merchant 01), 9094 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 47. Crew lost: 42
19:58 hours SS Glenlochy (Heavy Merchant 01), 9092 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 55. Crew lost: 32

18 March 1944
Grid ED94 - convoy attack
04:24 hours SS Seton Hall Victory (Victory Cargo), 10974 tons. Cargo: Military Vehicles. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 8

15:47 hours SS Onondaga (Turbine Tanker), 10762 tons. Cargo: Aviation fuel. Crew: 59. Crew lost: 18

11 April 1944
Grid BF41
07:04 hours HMS Goathland (Hunt III class), 1300 tons. Crew: 156. Crew lost: 18

13 April 1944
Grid BE36 - convoy attack - detected
12:25 hours HNMS Campbeltown (Town class), 1190 tons. Crew: 154. Crew lost: 135 sunk by TV homing torpedo.

16 April 1944
11:12 hours Returned to Lorient
58 days at sea
7 ships sunk
43662 tons
No casualties or damages thanks to the radar warning system

Miltiades 08-29-11 01:18 PM

Take that Bismarck.
Make it 2 brunettes and a month long vacation, BdU.

VONHARRIS 08-29-11 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Miltiades (Post 1738962)
Take that Bismarck.
Make it 2 brunettes and a month long vacation, BdU.

03 January 1940
A bad day for the RN
A day of triumph for the Fatherland!

A job well done!:salute:

Miltiades 08-29-11 02:09 PM

Afgaristo :salute:

1 thing I learned from this... Persistence.
If you think you can't intercept it, try it anyway.

Fish In The Water 08-29-11 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Miltiades (Post 1738962)
Take that Bismarck.
Make it 2 brunettes and a month long vacation, BdU.

Well done indeed! :salute:

Miltiades 08-29-11 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Fish In The Water (Post 1739097)
Well done indeed! :salute:

Weird that in the patrol after, the escaping from the destroyers was much more fun than sinking the Hood.:shifty:

Randomizer 08-29-11 06:33 PM

Good work.

Weird that in the patrol after, the escaping from the destroyers was much more fun than sinking the Hood
Successful evasions should always be satisfying.

VONHARRIS 08-30-11 01:39 AM

U-505 IXC
Patrol 22
17 May 1944
11:25 hours Departed from Lorient to grid ED91

21 May 1944
Grid CG11 - convoy attack
18:41 hours HMS Pytchley (Hunt I class), 1000 tons. Crew: 154. Crew lost: 30
19:33 hours SS Sven Foyn (Converted Whale Factory Ship), 12017 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 86. Crew lost: 79
19:42 hours U-505 was hit by hedgehogs at 150m depth. She was lost with all hands

Total career results
Ubooten : U-46 VIIB 3 patrols
U-109 IXB 8 patrols
U-505 IXC 11 patrols
22 patrols
1126 days at sea
132 ships sunk of which 117 merchants and 15 warships
734373 tons of which 692275 merchant shipping and 42098 naval ships
4 aircrafts shot down
Largest merchant sunk: RMS Empress of Britain (42913 tons) on 24 July 1940
Largest warship sunk : HMS Cumberland (Kent class), 13300 tons on 17 February 1943.

And now : back to 1939 for a new career.

Miltiades 08-30-11 07:17 AM

Judging from the year I wasn't that surprised, but you can be proud of surviving that long.
Doubt I'll even reach 1942.

Have fun hunting in 1939 :)

GoDeep 08-30-11 08:05 AM

In my current career, I am busy with patrol 12, in a Type VII/C, U-551. I am puttering around 300 km west of Gibraltar in March 1941. The past week has been nothing but storm, but with good visibility. Despite the waves I have managed to sink 3 unescorted merchants, but nothing big.
During the daylight hours, I am frequently harassed by British planes who have so far failed to do much damage. One time I was extremely lucky as I surfaced just as a plane was passing over me. I did not see anything through the periscope but suddenly two bombs came crashing down, one on either side of the boat! A good reminder to do VERY good scans of the skies as well as the horizon before surfacing.

I chased down a convoy last night following a convoy report, but the high seas kept slowing me down and throwing me off course, causing me to arrive only roughly in the area on the time that I wanted. No convoy was sighted and the hydrophones are all quiet. I am proceeding along the convoy's estimated course, in the hopes of finding them, but so far nothing but empty seas... :wah:

VONHARRIS 08-30-11 09:06 AM

Patrol No2 (No1 was the shkaedown patrol)

01 September 1939
00:24 hours Departed from Wilhelmshaven for grid BF17

08 September 1939
Grid AM54
17:37 hours MV Lucille M. (Pelagic Trawler), 888 tons. Crew: 16. Crew lost: 9

10 September 1939
Grid BE33
19:24 hours SS Clan MacAulay (Heavy Merchant 01), 9091 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 108. Crew lost: 8

11 September 1939
Grid BF17
15:41 hours SS Sneland I (Coastal Freighter), 1869 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 32. Crew lost: 15

16:35 hours SS Stanhope (Small Freighter), 2228 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 28. Crew lost: 2

13 September 1939
Grid BF17
04:58 hours MV Fresno City (Ore Carrier), 8083 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 69. Crew lost: 12

19:18 hours MV Empire Audrey (Coastal Freighter), 1870 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 35. Crew lost: 15

14 September 1939
Grid BF17
15:21 hours SS Tyson Lykes (Medium Cargo), 5081 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 52. Crew lost: 35

17:17 hours USS Egeria (Convoy repair ship), 5216 tons. Crew: 152. Crew lost: 150 flying British colors

18 September 1939
Grid AM73
05:58 hours SS Glenapp (Heavy Merchant 01), 9092 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 82. Crew lost: 34

20 September 1939
Grid AM52
00:12 hours Q Ship HMS Cyprus (Medium Coastal Freighter), 2364 tons. Crew: 73. Crew lost: 37

26 September 1939
Grid AN14
05:51 hours MV Poelau Bras (Heavy Merchant 01), 9095 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 100. Crew lost: 44

30 September 1939
14:05 hours Returned to Wilhelmshaven
30 days at sea
11 ships sunk
54877 tons
Extensive use of the deck gun due to nice weather
No damages or casualties

Obltn Strand 08-30-11 09:14 AM

After one uneventful "training" patrol during invasion of Norway, Strand commissioned U-583 a new type VII u-boat.

08.22 Left from Kiel

20.53 Arrived Brunsbüttel

23.14 Spotted destroyer at 5 km. Crashdive, not detected. AF75

21.55 Spotted two portugese freighters. CG54

Arrived patrol area. CG89

10.13 Spotted airplane. Crashdive. Not detected. CG89

07.12 Spotted convoy. Attacked despite unfavourable weather.
Spotted by escort. Damage from gunfire. Depth charged, no
damage. CG88

11.02 Repairs complete. Resuming hunt.

12.54 Contact regained. Shadowing. CG89

13.39 Sunk straggler. 2000 tons. Lost contact to convoy. CG89

16.34 Contact regained by hydrophone.

18.43 Received contact report of same convoy.

20.39 Visual contact regained. CG89

01.33 Deteriorating weather prevents any further action.

14.05 Spotted airplane. Crashdive. Not detected. CG89

12.00 Christmas eve. Weeks of storm and rain.

00.00 Started return trip.

08.49 Arrived Brest.

Patrol results:

SS Menin Ridge (Tramp Steamer), 2085 tons.

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