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ijnfleetadmiral 08-16-11 09:51 PM

Even better news; I now have to START OVER because the computer claims some file is missing and I have to reinstall the game. Made it to January 1941 and now I've got to START OVER! ARRRRRGH!!!! :damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::damn:

Fish In The Water 08-16-11 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1729538)
Even better news; I now have to START OVER because the computer claims some file is missing and I have to reinstall the game. Made it to January 1941 and now I've got to START OVER! ARRRRRGH!!!! :damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::damn:

Very sorry to hear that... :damn:

Did it happen to mention the name of the file?

ijnfleetadmiral 08-16-11 10:33 PM

Amendment: Actually, I merely saved all the 'saved player files' when it asked during uninstallation, reinstalled the game and GWX, and it still works, so no redoing the campaign! WOOT!:woot::woot::woot::yeah::yeah::yeah:

Now if I can just figure out what files to modify in order to get more promotions...I've won all the medals, so now it's time to build up those sleeve stripes! :D

The hunt is on once again!


Sailor Steve 08-17-11 12:26 AM

An Oberleutnant might command a u-boat. Most boats were commanded by Kapitanleutnants. It looks like you've already attained that rank. Any higher and you would be commanding a flotilla, so you don't want another promotion if you want to stay at sea.

Walruss 08-17-11 01:15 AM

War Diary, U-30
1 Sept 1939
Lnt Z.S Werner MÜLLER commanding

My first command, and on the eve of war. Though it's not been officaly stated as yet, the men feel it coming. Even I feel it coming. My father told me I would see it in the men, in the orders... we've been tasked to patrol the Rockall bank. Many British merchants traverse those waters, and our orders demand stealth en route. This will be no show of force.

Our troops crossed the border of Poland within half an hour of us leaving port. My brother marches with them.

3rd Sept 1939

We received a radio message today. War with England. The hunt is on.

12 Sept 1939
Nearly two weeks at sea and this morning we came across our first target, a British merchantmen coming in at about 3,500 GRT (M03B). The weather was calm for the first time in 3 days and the men were itching to go, so I took a risk and surfaced a 1000 meters off his bow and ordered the gun crew to action. 5 Shells below the waterline and the cargo is on it's way to the bottom. We gave the crew directions to land and some biscuits. They seemed surprised, almost as if they didn't know a war was on.
The men

24th Sept 1939
The Rockall bank proved useless for anything but storms and a few bouts of seasickness amongst the younger crew. I admit I myself felt queasy a few times, however I managed to contain it. After 3 days patrolling our grid, I decided to move south towards the Chanel. At midnight our luck changed dramatically when out of the storm A large merchant running dark loomed across our bow. It was a true test of the torpedomen's performance as they had very little time to prepare, nor I to aim. He was close, though, and one of the 2 eels hit home, blasting a hole in her just aft of her funnel. The other either missed or malfunctioned. Regardless within half an hour she had sank, and we continued on. The weather prevented any rescue efforts, I have no doubt at least some men died in that storm.
It is the fate of those who brave the seas in these times, I suppose.

The morning afforded us a scare or two. A pair of Destroyers... J/K Classes both if our intelligence shows true. I've no idea if they were hunting us or simply patrolling, or perhaps moving south to reenforce France's navy.They did not spot us, and sailed into a near-perfect shooting position. I fired all 4 forward tubes and dived as deep as the shallower waters close to France would allow... sonar reported 2 misses, a malfunction and then there was an explosion that must have deafened the poor man as everyone on the boat could hear it. We evaded the other destroyer's depth charges for two hours, but he never came close. It is still nerve wracking to sit 100 meters below the surface and hear the hollow booms... sound travels well and without the sonar it is hard to tell how far away those booms are until they rattle the cutlery...
We escaped unharmed as he had given up after a few hours and so we headed back north, in the opposite direction.
I am happier to have shot at something that can shoot back, and the crew are singing still. We all know that there will be times where those Destroyers will have us at the disadvantage, but for now we sing.

26th Sept 1939

Encountered another small merchant today, near the channel. A converted passenger ship perhaps, but not large. We sent her to the bottom from below the surface. We are too close to england to chance a surface attack or use the guns. Another torpedo malfunctioned, failing to detonate. This is happening far too often for my liking, but the men can't solve the defect here. They think it the fault of the detonators, that can only be fixed by newer ones.

Ordered a course back to Wilhelmshaven. Fuel and Food are running low, and we have only two eels left in the bow tubes. We've not touched our external stores or our stern tubes, but the weather is simply too rough to fix that and we can't shoot if we starve.

28th. Sept
Another Merchant sunk- this time near Ireland. A single bow torpedo left, and still no chance to retrieve the external. Stern tubes still full but fuel is dwindling slowly...

10th Oct 1939

Arrive in port in the morning. I need a bath.
And a shave.

Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 5
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 22293 tons

Walruss 08-17-11 01:18 AM

War Diary, U-30
1 Sept 1939
Lnt Z.S Werner MÜLLER commanding

My first command, and on the eve of war. Though it's not been officaly stated as yet, the men feel it coming. Even I feel it coming. My father told me I would see it in the men, in the orders... we've been tasked to patrol the Rockall bank. Many British merchants traverse those waters, and our orders demand stealth en route. This will be no show of force.

Our troops crossed the border of Poland within half an hour of us leaving port. My brother marches with them.

3rd Sept 1939

We received a radio message today. War with England. The hunt is on.

12 Sept 1939
Nearly two weeks at sea and this morning we came across our first target, a British merchantmen coming in at about 3,500 GRT (M03B). The weather was calm for the first time in 3 days and the men were itching to go, so I took a risk and surfaced a 1000 meters off his bow and ordered the gun crew to action. 5 Shells below the waterline and the cargo is on it's way to the bottom. We gave the crew directions to land and some biscuits. They seemed surprised, almost as if they didn't know a war was on.
The men

24th Sept 1939
The Rockall bank proved useless for anything but storms and a few bouts of seasickness amongst the younger crew. I admit I myself felt queasy a few times, however I managed to contain it. After 3 days patrolling our grid, I decided to move south towards the Chanel. At midnight our luck changed dramatically when out of the storm A large merchant running dark loomed across our bow. It was a true test of the torpedomen's performance as they had very little time to prepare, nor I to aim. He was close, though, and one of the 2 eels hit home, blasting a hole in her just aft of her funnel. The other either missed or malfunctioned. Regardless within half an hour she had sank, and we continued on. The weather prevented any rescue efforts, I have no doubt at least some men died in that storm.
It is the fate of those who brave the seas in these times, I suppose.

The morning afforded us a scare or two. A pair of Destroyers... J/K Classes both if our intelligence shows true. I've no idea if they were hunting us or simply patrolling, or perhaps moving south to reenforce France's navy.They did not spot us, and sailed into a near-perfect shooting position. I fired all 4 forward tubes and dived as deep as the shallower waters close to France would allow... sonar reported 2 misses, a malfunction and then there was an explosion that must have deafened the poor man as everyone on the boat could hear it. We evaded the other destroyer's depth charges for two hours, but he never came close. It is still nerve wracking to sit 100 meters below the surface and hear the hollow booms... sound travels well and without the sonar it is hard to tell how far away those booms are until they rattle the cutlery...
We escaped unharmed as he had given up after a few hours and so we headed back north, in the opposite direction.
I am happier to have shot at something that can shoot back, and the crew are singing still. We all know that there will be times where those Destroyers will have us at the disadvantage, but for now we sing.

26th Sept 1939

Encountered another small merchant today, near the channel. A converted passenger ship perhaps, but not large. We sent her to the bottom from below the surface. We are too close to england to chance a surface attack or use the guns. Another torpedo malfunctioned, failing to detonate. This is happening far too often for my liking, but the men can't solve the defect here. They think it the fault of the detonators, that can only be fixed by newer ones.

Ordered a course back to Wilhelmshaven. Fuel and Food are running low, and we have only two eels left in the bow tubes. We've not touched our external stores or our stern tubes, but the weather is simply too rough to fix that and we can't shoot if we starve.

28th. Sept
Another Merchant sunk- this time near Ireland. A single bow torpedo left, and still no chance to retrieve the external. Stern tubes still full but fuel is dwindling slowly...

10th Oct 1939

Arrive in port in the morning. I need a bath.
And a shave.

Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 5
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 22293 tons

Fish In The Water 08-17-11 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1729549)
Amendment: Actually, I merely saved all the 'saved player files' when it asked during uninstallation, reinstalled the game and GWX, and it still works, so no redoing the campaign! WOOT!:woot::woot::woot::yeah::yeah::yeah:

Good to hear... :woot:

Glad you're sorted and sink 'em all!

ijnfleetadmiral 08-17-11 02:29 AM

Patrol 15 of U-47

The pickings were once again slim, but we managed to rack up three ships for 17,225 tons, bringing our total to 314,358 tons. KL Hossel has been expecting news of another promotion for some time now, but there has been nothing but silence from BdU. The crew thinks the problems with BdU are unfair, but find it fitting to blame the British Blowhard Churchill for our brave Kaleun's misfortunes.

Ship #1: Coastal Freighter

Ship #2: Empire-Type Freighter

Ship #3: Large Cargo Ship

ijnfleetadmiral 08-17-11 09:38 PM

FINALLY! Attacked a convoy, and right in the middle...FIJI-CLASS CL!!! :woot::woot::woot:Let's hope these sightings get more frequent!

Also: Here's a weird question...has anyone else ever encountered a British sub as part of a convoy? I just did.


Fish In The Water 08-17-11 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1730397)
Also: Here's a weird question...has anyone else ever encountered a British sub as part of a convoy? I just did.

It's actually quite common to run into 'S' class subs trailing convoys in GWX. The buggers are very tough to sink, as even with a direct eel hit, they seem to stay afloat forever. :damn:

ijnfleetadmiral 08-17-11 10:18 PM

Odd...I encountered one alone and sank her; she went down in about three minutes, if that. And she wasn't trailing the convoy, either...she was on the left-most column, third from the lead. Weird that a sub would be part of the convoy.

I guess I've sighted my big it'll probably be three more campaigns before I sight a CA or larger. :haha:


JazzJR 08-18-11 03:05 AM

Patrol 27

0135 Leaving the U-Boot Base Brest to patrol AL23.

0422 Ship sighted! Engaged a Freighter with 8.8 deck gun, ship sunk at 0441 continue patrol.

0734 Destroyer ahead! going to A-20, screw sounds are getting louder, stay submerged going at A-60.

0811 Surface to charge Batteries

1325 Enemy Ships in sight! going to periscope depth, engaging!
1331 Firing two T1 Topedos at both ships! Tube 3 and 4 flooded and ready!
1359 First impact! second impact at 1401. First ship sinking, firing another T1 at the second ship.

1422 Ships are sinking continue Patrol. 11 Torpedos left.


1226 A single Freighter in sight! Prepare for surfaced Torpedo attack!
1241 Firing a T IV "Falke" Torpedo.
1311 Torpedo impact! Ship sinks.

1822 Reached AL23. Patroling the area!

2252 Ship in sight! going to A-70 closing in. Tube 1-2 flooded.
2304 Firing a T1 Torpedo, firing the second after 10 seconds.
2331 Impact! first Torpedo hits, ship is driving right into the second!
2332 Torpedo impact! the second Torpedo hits the target!


0012 Ship is still floating, staying submerged and wait!
0245 Ship won't sink firing a third T1 Torpedo (FS) at it.
0310 Impact! Ship sinks! Continue Patrol.

0943 Patrol ended course to Brest.
1541 Destroyer ahead! going to A-10.
1652 Destroyer passed prepare for surface to charge batteries


0132 C2 Cargo ship in sight! Attacking with 8.8 deck gun!
0229 Ship is burning. It will sink soon.
0251 C2 is slowly capsizal to starboard.

1255 Reached to U-Boot base Brest. Patrol 27 is complete! Tonnage sunk 31.520BRT.

VONHARRIS 08-18-11 08:49 AM

U-109 IXB Patrol 11
21 July 1941
04:45 hours U-109 left Lorient for grid EK74

08 August 1941
Grid ET13

16:33 hours SS Cavallo (Tramp Steamer), 1964 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 21. Crew lost: 5
17:53 hours SS Empire Falstaff (Empire-type Freighter), 6780 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 78. Crew lost: 57

23 August 1941
Grid CG97
19:19 hours SS Dundrum Castle (Medium Merchant 01), 5663 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 43. Crew lost: 38

26 August 1941
Grid CG94
01:44 hours SS David H. Atwater (Coastal Freighter), 1869 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 23. Crew lost: 21
Grid CG97
01:57 hours SS Frederick Funston (Large Cargo), 8576 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 39. Crew lost: 6

27 August 1941
Grid CG43
10:50 hours SS Uritski (Small Merchant), 2399 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 35. Crew lost: 24

30 August 1941
05:01 hours U-109 returned to Lorient
41 days at sea
6 ships sunk
27251 tons
No casualties
Hull intergrity: 98%

VonHarris took command of the brand new U-505 IXC with orders to patrol grid BB91.

VONHARRIS 08-18-11 08:56 AM

U-505 IXC Patrol 12
30 September 1941
12:30 hours U-505 left Lorient for grid BB91 to attack the Halifax convoys

17 October 1941
Grid BB99
18:59 hours HMS Janus (J&K classes), 1690 tons. Crew: 183. Crew lost: 183

21 October 1941
Grid BB98
17:07 hours SS Clan MacIlwraith (Medium Merchant 01), 5663 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 39. Crew lost: 9

26 October 1941
Grid BB99
18:13 hours MV Skotaas (Motor Tanker), 8701 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 35. Crew lost: 16
19:36 hours Aircraft destroyed! Anson

10 November 1941
Grid BD82
13:49 hours SS City of Barcelona (Medium Merchant 06), 5176 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 74. Crew lost: 23

15 November 1941
Grid BE59
21:06 hours SS Aurora (Coastal Freighter), 1875 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 34. Crew lost: 16

21 November 1941
04:39 hours U-505 docked at Lorient
53 days at sea
5 ships sunk
23105 tons
1 aircraft destroyed
No externals used
No casualties or damages

Gerald 08-18-11 09:43 AM

Good work, :salute:

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