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WildBlueYonder 09-18-19 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2627829)
May I refer you to my tutorial? :)

Silent Hunter 5 Wolves of Steel - How to plot an intercept course

Yes, that is already the technique I use (I do like your channel, by the way, very informative), I was just unsure if I should eyeball the WSW, ENE etc. or use its specific value. Sadly at times it doesn't work, possibly because the convoy changed speed and/or course.

vdr1981 09-19-19 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by WildBlueYonder (Post 2627904)
Sadly at times it doesn't work, possibly because the convoy changed speed and/or course.

As it was, I'm pretty sure, in real life as well...Happy hunting!:salute:

adri1 09-23-19 10:21 AM

thanks for this mod !

THEBERBSTER 09-23-19 10:24 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > adri1
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fitzcarraldo 09-23-19 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by adri1 (Post 2628629)
thanks for this mod !

Welcome aboard and good hunting!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

vdr1981 09-23-19 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by adri1 (Post 2628629)
thanks for this mod !


kapuhy 09-24-19 04:29 PM


I made some fixes to TWoS Schute_M1 aka small tender - replaced the low res immobile sailors with SH5 crew, fixed ship wake and damage zones and gave it an AO texture. Here's the result (spoiler tags because of large images):

If you like this version, here's the download link for modified ship:

vdr1981 09-25-19 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2628893)

I made some fixes to TWoS Schute_M1 aka small tender - replaced the low res immobile sailors with SH5 crew, fixed ship wake and damage zones and gave it an AO texture. Here's the result (spoiler tags because of large images):

If you like this version, here's the download link for modified ship:

That look really nice Kapuhy, thanks! :up::up::up:
I'll have to do some stability tests first in order to verify that everything is OK. Then I'll add it in through the regular update...:yep:

Aktungbby 09-25-19 11:15 AM

welcome aboard!

excel4004 09-25-19 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2629003)
That look really nice Kapuhy, thanks! :up::up::up:
I'll have to do some stability tests first in order to verify that everything is OK. Then I'll add it in through the regular update...:yep:

Great update!! :up: Hope you have a look to some other ships too. :ping::D

Again, thanks for your work and time.


Bungo_Pete 09-26-19 12:39 AM

RAOBF and aatack Disc
Ready to play wolves of steel mod (FINALLY!) i'm guessing raobf and attack disc are not in it can i put that in there(wosm) if so could someone point me to it.Thanks.

kapuhy 09-26-19 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Bungo_Pete (Post 2629113)
Ready to play wolves of steel mod (FINALLY!) i'm guessing raobf and attack disc are not in it

But they are :)

vdr1981 09-26-19 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by Bungo_Pete (Post 2629113)
Ready to play wolves of steel mod (FINALLY!) i'm guessing raobf and attack disc are not in it can i put that in there(wosm) if so could someone point me to it.Thanks.

Nobon 10-06-19 07:27 AM

Giving a try to 2.2
Greetings, Kaleuns!

I were a bugtracker / amateur modder back in 2015,
used to play/test TWOS 1.05.
had to skip a few years.

I backed up my 1.05 install, and made a clean install + installed the latest TWOS.



For now, apart from having external view and event view enabled, I deselected dud torpedoes for testing purposes.
I also switched to SH3 style hud from the OptionsViewer app.

I have a few questions:

-I've seen that radio beacon positions were added to help real navigation.
Yet when I ask my radioman either from the menu, or personally XD to report nearest radio stations INSIDE OUR HARBOR, he reports that no radio stations available. So the beacons somehow does not work. What can be a problem? Or am I missing something here?

-I noticed the two MG34 mounted on the sides of the conning tower of my VIIB. (they are present on the "more spacey" lvl 2 VIIB tower at least...)
They look very detailed and cool. Now... How can I get RID of them...? :D I know, they are hsitorically correct to be there, but I presume they are not going to be manned, and they are ruining the look of the tower XDDD

also a very stupid question, as I completely forget:
how do I (prematurely) end a patrol to get back to the bunker scene?

As I really do not want to patrol out of Memel... Want to be transferred to Kiel to start. Want to stay with the coastal waters campaign, but I prefer to skip Memel... Any suggestions?

one addition: I was able to connect to KDS server, after a few maxmessage reached errors, by modifying the 2 buffer size lines from 20000* to 60000* (changing the first number) in the cfg. now it can connect without any problem. Is it known..? As I read, someone stated you cannot conenct anymore...

vdr1981 10-06-19 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2631062)
For now, apart from having external view and event view enabled, I deselected dud torpedoes for testing purposes.
I also switched to SH3 style hud from the OptionsViewer app.

Torpedoes malfunction logic is now controlled by Generic Patcher. This the reason why you will still have duds even if you disable appropriate option from gameplay settings menu... :yep:


I have a few questions:

-I've seen that radio beacon positions were added to help real navigation.
Yet when I ask my radioman either from the menu, or personally XD to report nearest radio stations INSIDE OUR HARBOR, he reports that no radio stations available. So the beacons somehow does not work. What can be a problem? Or am I missing something here?

Radio beacons are there but they are not active all the time. By default I set them to be active something like 8-10 hours per day in order to simulate radio silence ect...:yep:


-I noticed the two MG34 mounted on the sides of the conning tower of my VIIB. (they are present on the "more spacey" lvl 2 VIIB tower at least...)
They look very detailed and cool. Now... How can I get RID of them...? :D I know, they are hsitorically correct to be there, but I presume they are not going to be manned, and they are ruining the look of the tower XDDD

The file is "Silent Hunter 5\data\Submarine\NSS_Uboat7b\NSS_Uboat7b.eqp" , open it with notepad and find these lines...


; Edited by TheBeast
;###  To Disable Any Flag or Gun Set StartDate=19451230 ###
;###  To Enable Any Flag or Gun  Set StartDate=19380101 ###

;###                MG-34  Machine Guns                ###
[Equipment 11]

[Equipment 12]

It's pretty much self explanatory...


also a very stupid question, as I completely forget:
how do I (prematurely) end a patrol to get back to the bunker scene?

As I really do not want to patrol out of Memel... Want to be transferred to Kiel to start. Want to stay with the coastal waters campaign, but I prefer to skip Memel... Any suggestions?
You can not end patrol in Memel. You'll have to dock in Kiel. Try to sink couple of Polish ships before you dock or the game will give you negative rating points due to low tonnage and these points are really important for regular new subs offers...:yep:


one addition: I was able to connect to KDS server, after a few maxmessage reached errors, by modifying the 2 buffer size lines from 20000* to 60000* (changing the first number) in the cfg. now it can connect without any problem. Is it known..? As I read, someone stated you cannot conenct anymore...

Heeey, this is great find! :up::up::up:Not we can have fully functional KSDCommander again with chat and everything! Thank you!:salute:

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