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Raven Morpheus 10-24-16 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2442643)
Just click on the "Ships Journal" tab in the main SH5 UI and type in a name for the journal...done. :D

Thanks, yeah I answered my own question by looking in the game.


Enable the TWoS "Wind and Smoke" additional mod with JSGME which has been placed in the MODS folder by the main TWoS install to enable the identify target option. Ensure the mod installation order is per :yep:
Oh OK, at least it's there somewhere then. I might leave it off and see how I go, I'm already supposedly running at 58% difficulty anyway according to the options screen (it was about 74% using Sober's Bonus Mod and the mod list I put together for myself), basically "Hard" but with the external and event cameras available - I like to watch ships sink from outside the sub and I like to see what happens under the water when my fish hit.

kevinsue 10-24-16 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Raven Morpheus (Post 2442642)
I know, adding stuff adds instabilities, it's just that I like all my important speech to be in English (I don't mind a German accent, in fact that's preferable) but I also like the Das Boot background speech and effects I've got in SH3 and Sh4. I note from the list of mods on the 1st page that the Das Boot music mod is used, but not anything else Das Boot, and looking at the files in TWoS there are files that are added that aren't in the vanilla speech files (there's a couple for the sonar guy - MC_RR_HIDRO_117.ogg in the "normal" folder for example). Wish I could shut the speech up altogether when using the Harbor Pilot scripts though, boy does it get annoying!

Here are a few sounds I use that you might like to try...the ocean sounds good in heavy seas and also those annoying creaks when you submerge are tamed down a bit and I also removed that annoying telemetry noise in the radio room.

Cbrchrille 10-25-16 10:14 AM

Hi everybody, just starded playing TWOS and its fun. However do you need to do a complete reinstall when you want to change from RC2 to RC3 or?

vdr1981 10-25-16 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Cbrchrille (Post 2442683)
Hi everybody, just starded playing TWOS and its fun. However do you need to do a complete reinstall when you want to change from RC2 to RC3 or?

Not really, but it can not hurt to do so...:salute:

Now, this is a big one!:) I think that I have finally made it in my attempt to fix OHII mines and bouys so that they don't crash the game anymore (CTD when nearing the ports, coastal waters if you don't restart the game ect).

Working on whales and dolphins now...I have isolated strange conflict with just one unit (new SH3 medium bulk cargo). Even I don't manage to get rid of this conflict, v 1.06 I going to be, most definitely, more stable then any other SH5 modlist before because chances to reproduce my CTD test scenario in regular campaign play through will be very slim ...:yep:

THEBERBSTER 10-25-16 11:38 AM

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Magjamer 10-25-16 04:05 PM


I have installed the full megamod on two of my computers, one on my laptop and one my desktop.

Everything works fine on my laptop, but on my desktop I have this issue with the TAI map being positioned way too high up on the screen. The second issue is that when I have the ship recognition manual up, there is a white frame that sometimes fills with a photo whenever I scroll through the different ships. It moves with the manual when I drag it around.

See screenshot here:

Anyone have an idea about what I can do?

LesBaker 10-25-16 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Magjamer (Post 2442754)

I have installed the full megamod on two of my computers, one on my laptop and one my desktop.

Everything works fine on my laptop, but on my desktop I have this issue with the TAI map being positioned way too high up on the screen. The second issue is that when I have the ship recognition manual up, there is a white frame that sometimes fills with a photo whenever I scroll through the different ships. It moves with the manual when I drag it around.

See screenshot here:

Anyone have an idea about what I can do?

Hi Magjamer, Lower the screen resolution to something like 1920 x 1080, or don't move the SOAN so far to the right.

As for the TAI map click the round symbol just above the Depth command icons bar.

Good Hunting

Torpedo 10-25-16 05:30 PM

Hi Vecko!
With a little luck I could to eliminate the halo from the swinging lamp over the dinner table.

Thanks to the outstanding work of silentmichal and TheBeast, I think that the interior of the uboot is lightened by oranges, boxes and salami with the presence of a swinging lamp without an annoying halo. Now the uboot IMO is a little more agreeable. Thanks Vecko for your files that allowed the light bulbs are working.
If I think I can make a single mod from the mods that helped me so you can use this mod as you wish for a future release.

Torpedo :Kaleun_Cheers:

Raven Morpheus 10-25-16 07:17 PM

I don't seem to be having much luck with Silent Hunter 5 at all at the moment...

I've just tried decoding my first enigma message, after having read the Enigma manual, watched the video tutorial by Potus and following the instructions in the game itself. The message is the first one you receive when operating out of Memel, when near Poland, the one that I'm guessing reads something along the lines of attack anything coming out of Danzig port, but my Engima machine is translating it into gibberish. I've tried decoding it several times...

Here's a video showing what I'm doing (I gave up after a few blocks) -

What am I doing wrong there?

I translated the first two blocks in the above video from EQVI NXVG (using the month August) to KQHM AZIQ which when read vertical gives KHAI QMZQ and KHAI = 247.

BTW I've tried setting the "envelope" to August and September, and I've tried setting the "substitution chart" to August and September, I still get gibberish coming out whichever month I use.

I have TWoS 1.06 RC3 installed on a clean install of SH5 and the optional BDU encryption mod installed, I've even tried it with that optional mod not installed, I still get gibberish...

R-T-B 10-25-16 09:07 PM

Are you using the date listed in the message rather than the actual received date? That's a must.

kevinsue 10-25-16 09:26 PM were using 1st September 1939. You need to use the date that the message was encrypted which is 31 August 1939.

Raven Morpheus 10-26-16 12:31 AM

I've tried both dates. I get gibberish whichever date I use.

As another example I get a message (without the optional BDU encryption mod) in September (3rd I think), it was sent the same day by BDU. It reads -


Now, if I use September (on all the charts) as the date I get YVLM QYOI, which read vertical gives YLQO and VMYI, LQO = 210 so it's a Hydra message. I follow the charts for setting the dials and plugs and then enter VMYI and finish setting the dials and input the rest of the message, but I still get gibberish coming out!

EDIT - OK I found out where I was going wrong, I used one of the example messages at the end of SkyBarons Enigma manual, loaded up the Tutorial TDC mission, and tried to decode it. I was neglecting to set the dials/plugs for the correct day. I had the right month, not the right day. DOH!!

Now that I know that I've been able to decode the original message I was trying to decode, just to make sure. Don't know about decoding the other two I received because I didn't make a note of the day they were sent (it was between the 3rd and 5th), any my journal doesn't seem to be saving messages properly, even if I manually save it during patrol!!

I'm going to restart anyway and re-enable the BDU encryption optional mod, now that I know where I was going wrong, hopefully this time I can make some progress, and get back to where I was - nearly finished Coastal Waters but with no missions being given (which is what prompted me to start looking at Sober's Mega Mod and then this mega mod)...

Warham 10-26-16 03:22 AM

Some questions:
1) There is no crew management? Crew is immortal?
2) So i can use "battle alarm" (F7 button) mode always without penalties?
3) What is the maximum number of ships in convoy?

Magjamer 10-26-16 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by LesBaker (Post 2442762)
Hi Magjamer, Lower the screen resolution to something like 1920 x 1080, or don't move the SOAN so far to the right.

As for the TAI map click the round symbol just above the Depth command icons bar.

Good Hunting

Thanks a lot sir, that worked! :up:

kevinsue 10-26-16 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2442702)
Now, this is a big one!:) I think that I have finally made it in my attempt to fix OHII mines and bouys so that they don't crash the game anymore (CTD when nearing the ports, coastal waters if you don't restart the game ect).

Working on whales and dolphins now...I have isolated strange conflict with just one unit (new SH3 medium bulk cargo). Even I don't manage to get rid of this conflict, v 1.06 I going to be, most definitely, more stable then any other SH5 modlist before because chances to reproduce my CTD test scenario in regular campaign play through will be very slim ...:yep:

About 10 days of game time left before starting a new campaign (Mare Nostrum). Any news on an ETA for the next release candidate? No pressure mind you!...Haha :D

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