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THEBERBSTER 08-27-17 01:07 PM

Hi Vecko
You do not need to feel any responsibility for those who cannot or will not look at instructions.
The way you have used the auto installer is, and should be idiot proof.
Personally I like it even if AVG does not.

You could also go back to numbering your mods in the correct order.

You instructions are hidden at the bottom of the documents folder.
Unless you are prepared to scroll down through all the mods know one will know that they are there.
I would suggest that these are put in their own folder along with installing TWOS and added as a desk top short cut at least it will be always seen as soon as a new installation takes place.

Some players may not know how to make desktop short cuts so you are providing a useful service and for the rest of us it is just a case of deleting them as those with any savvy will already have them in their taskbar.

Cyborg322 08-27-17 02:34 PM

Berbster is correct it just takes logical steps I've just run WOS 2.07 no probs but I've been around a long time so its second nature to me using Generic Mod Enabler. That said anything that simplifies getting set up for the first time is always welcome. There seems to be a lot of newcomers finding getting fully set up very daunting and some give up, I'm really not that surprised most games are far simpler to implement mods . SH is a little blinding in its Mass of info accumulated over a long time.

Lets make it a easy as possible to widen Appeal it can't be a bad thing

gap 08-27-17 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2509020)
So many messed up modlist can be seen in KSD Commander profiles...

...I'm really running out of ideas how to organize/simplify mod installer and install instructions...

...Maybe auto installer...

Hi Vecko,

auto-installer sounds good to me.

In order to allow customization, you might include JSGME, and accessory mods directly in the installer, so that they will be in the correct folder once the install process is finished (à la GWX).

You might even let the player to choose wether he wants to install just the base mod, or the base mod pllus the accessory mod package. New UI's option viewer/editor and TDW's patcher might also be part of this 'customization module'.

Alternatively, you might release the mod in two versions: traditional (for advanced players and people who want to customize their game) and auto-installer (easier to install but not customizable).

As for hardcoded patches, I think you shouldn't run into any legal issue if you include the pre-patched exe, dll and act files directly in the mod, as long as they are encrypted in the auto-installer, and the installer itself requires original UBI files to be run. :hmm2:

SS Norholm 08-28-17 03:37 AM

Thanks very much for the latest update Vecko!

Keep up the good work.


A-n-d-r-e-y 08-28-17 05:10 AM

Where did you get the original file for further editing?

vdr1981 08-28-17 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2509096)
Hi Vecko,

auto-installer sounds good to me.

In order to allow customization, you might include JSGME, and accessory mods directly in the installer, so that they will be in the correct folder once the install process is finished (à la GWX).

You might even let the player to choose wether he wants to install just the base mod, or the base mod pllus the accessory mod package. New UI's option viewer/editor and TDW's patcher might also be part of this 'customization module'.

That's how I have organised TWoS installer right now. I used simple winrar self extracting archive which is "kind of" auto installer but still, I see a lot of modlist where players use all resolution patches in the same time ect...


Alternatively, you might release the mod in two versions: traditional (for advanced players and people who want to customize their game) and auto-installer (easier to install but not customizable).
That is the option for sure...:yep:


As for hardcoded patches, I think you shouldn't run into any legal issue if you include the pre-patched exe, dll and act files directly in the mod, as long as they are encrypted in the auto-installer, and the installer itself requires original UBI files to be run. :hmm2:
That is my goal, an auto installer which would contains activated Generic Patcher and which would have ability to configure OFEV and Gen. Patcher's cfg files according to preset path stated at the beginning of installation process (maybe even taken from registry). However, that kind of full installer is still beyond me but hopefully some day...:yep:


Originally Posted by A-n-d-r-e-y (Post 2509146)
Where did you get the original file for further editing?

If I remember correctly those pieces of nav map background are from some Russian version of TWoS which I've stumbled upon the net. They look much cleaner then the original Obelix's Strat.Map file. Is there any problems regarding this? :hmmm:

vdr1981 08-28-17 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2507635)

With the new TWoS update i got some CTDs now, before my TWoS was 100% stable not even one single CTD.:doh:


It seems that interaction with the crew can sometimes cause CTD in situations when players camera is extremely tilted/bugged and this can usually happen when your U-Boat is sinking bow/stern first under extreme angle.

It's important to know that the issue has nothing to do with latest dialogs menu update. It's an old problem which could be introduced by some modder long time ago or it could even be stock game issue.

This means that it will take some time until I manage to track down source of the problem , especially since I'm not really familiar with this part of the game, but I hope I'll made it eventually, as always...:yep:

So for now, try to avoid unnecessary interaction with your crew when your avatar's camera is bugged/tilted on one side due to heavy damage and U-boat's sinking. Use GUI controls preferably...:yep:

palmic 08-29-17 05:02 AM

Haha, i don't use it, not one ctd yet :)

Dobryi 08-29-17 12:49 PM

Russian localization

Русификатор для The Wolves of Steel - SH5 Megamod

Изменения вносимые русификатором и инструкция по установке здесь:

или в группе в ВКонтакте:

Cкачать по прямой ссылке(yandex disk):

Авторы русификатора: balid, CoRb


palmic 08-29-17 04:49 PM

Dobryi: Привет друзья :salute:

kor38n 08-30-17 02:27 AM

Dobryi, добрый день!
Работает ли русификатор на TWoS 2.0.7?

THEBERBSTER 08-30-17 03:28 AM

Добро пожаловать в Сообщество Субмитов> kor38n
A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community >kor38n

crazeek 08-30-17 08:13 AM

Send mast height to TDC?
Hi all!

Last time I played this mod was about a year ago, and back then you could pull up a handy little identification booklet, flip through, find the type of ship you were engaging, then send the mast height to the TDC in order to find the range using the stadimeter. I just re-downloaded and installed this mod today, and when I went to open up the identification booklet, all I could find were some 2 page spread identification cards, and as far as I can tell, no way to send the mast height to the TDC once I identified the target. Now whenever I use the stadimeter, it says the range is 20000m, even if my target is clearly right in front of me, at less than 1000m away . . . Any help?

CVeezy23 08-30-17 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by crazeek (Post 2509566)
Hi all!

Last time I played this mod was about a year ago, and back then you could pull up a handy little identification booklet, flip through, find the type of ship you were engaging, then send the mast height to the TDC in order to find the range using the stadimeter. I just re-downloaded and installed this mod today, and when I went to open up the identification booklet, all I could find were some 2 page spread identification cards, and as far as I can tell, no way to send the mast height to the TDC once I identified the target. Now whenever I use the stadimeter, it says the range is 20000m, even if my target is clearly right in front of me, at less than 1000m away . . . Any help?

Crazeek: Try pressing 'e' to show all of the charts; then look to the left of your screen. It's hidden, but you'll see a brown edge and you can pull it out to see the ship identification book you're referring to.

Aktungbby 08-30-17 10:05 AM

welcome aboard!
CVeezy23!:Kaleun_Salute: & kor38n!:Kaleun_Salute:

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