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Demon777 04-14-18 10:28 AM

when trying to install TWoS 2.2.5 Full, I'm getting the following icon: "some installation files are corrupt".
OS: Win10 64bit

Please advise where to download fresh version??<a h...21254e2270.pngTnx in advance!!

vdr1981 04-15-18 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Demon777 (Post 2549359)
Please advise where to download fresh version??<a h...21254e2270.pngTnx in advance!!

Redownload the installer and try again .

mttmrc89 04-15-18 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2549216)
Download from UBI the Uplay and reinstall it (only Uplay, not all SH5). Ever I had the same problem when installed SH5 (DVD version).

Good luck!

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Hi Fitz..I followed your hint but without success. At the moment i am playing Battle of Mediterranean with a VIIB instead of frustrating.. ps: i never "jumped" between campaign, i followed the chronologic story

Suikotsu 04-15-18 08:20 AM

Is there a way to disable certain mods within WoS JSMGE-style? I can't seem to figure it out...

fitzcarraldo 04-15-18 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by mttmrc89 (Post 2549471)
Hi Fitz..I followed your hint but without success. At the moment i am playing Battle of Mediterranean with a VIIB instead of frustrating.. ps: i never "jumped" between campaign, i followed the chronologic story

Do you have enough renown for a VIiC?


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

mttmrc89 04-15-18 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2549491)
Do you have enough renown for a VIiC?


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Yes..10.700... Trained 74/100..

Aktungbby 04-15-18 09:54 AM

welcome aboard!

mttmrc89 04-15-18 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Aktungbby (Post 2549504)


Herr Kaleun!!

mttmrc89 04-15-18 12:42 PM


May be an issue regarding some. Txt file?

Thanks in advance


IRISH4Life 04-15-18 06:52 PM

TO Anyone that might know what to do.

I have installed SH5, updated to 1.2 and added TWoS, successfully or so I thought.

When I am on the Uboat, If I select the map station in any way, the whole game just shuts off and goes straight back to the desktop.

2nd Item trying to install TDW’s NewUi_ 7_5_0_TheDarkWraith_ version 18 and the Berbsters guide has no pictures to guide me.

I have it downloaded, it is unzipped in a file and I know to put one file in the Mods (where the mods are) folder?, but the other two? and then updating using the patcher????, I have gone through the videos, and I cannot see the words on the video as Im, old, goes to fast and I cannot read it. LOL I am really getting old LOL, I am at a loss, I know that it is something simple, but someone give me some quick direction, or the link to the actual photos.


IRISH4Life 04-15-18 08:20 PM

I had installed a radio mod into the system, and I did not need to. The game works just fine.

EXCEPT its all in GERMAN, I cannot speak GERMAN! I selected English all during install am I missing something?

Also still in need of adding the Dark Wraith Mod. And there are no photos with the directions.


Mechac 04-15-18 08:58 PM

I just sunk Polish sub(540t) and it did not count into my Patrol tonnage.
Its not in Warships or Merchants, its not even in total sunk ship count(got 2 warships and three merchants, ton numbers sits).
Its just 540 but often you sink sub with sub...:wah:

mttmrc89 04-16-18 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Mechac (Post 2549584)
I just sunk Polish sub(540t) and it did not count into my Patrol tonnage.
Its not in Warships or Merchants, its not even in total sunk ship count(got 2 warships and three merchants, ton numbers sits).
Its just 540 but often you sink sub with sub...:wah:

Hi Mechac,

The same happened yesterday for a British sub. I Think is normal !

Nemesis Bosseret 04-16-18 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by mttmrc89 (Post 2549633)
Hi Mechac,

The same happened yesterday for a British sub. I Think is normal !

Definitly not normal. Ive gotten warship tonnage before from both brit and polish subs i just updated to 2.2.5 this weekend ill test it out and see if i can find a sub. chances are you didnt sink it and she just dived.

Mechac 04-16-18 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Nemesis Bosseret (Post 2549671)
Definitly not normal. Ive gotten warship tonnage before from both brit and polish subs i just updated to 2.2.5 this weekend ill test it out and see if i can find a sub. chances are you didnt sink it and she just dived.

If its case, i doubt they surface again with so many holes in hull from my deck gun.
I had it in Log feed as sunk, but not in patrol tons. I tried make screenshot but game have no focus in Windows for some reason.

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