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Captain_AJ 07-27-14 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Dragon81 (Post 2228395)
Hi guys,

is it normal that the minimap is invisible with this mod?
Why? Is there a way to enable it?

See Page 53 and post number 790, it will explain and or direct you to resolving this issue and how too activate the TAI Map

Dragon81 07-28-14 12:07 AM

Hi kimuraijn,

thanks, I already fixed it. :up:

basti107 07-28-14 03:28 AM

First: Thanks for this compilation!

After installing the mod my language ingame is not german anymore.

Main.cfg file (my documents/SH5/data/cfg)


Any tips?

//edit: thanks Dragon

Dragon81 07-28-14 05:06 AM

Hi basti,
this mod overwrites the german menu.txt file with the english one.
Just download this mod and install it after Wolfes of Steel:

Sadly the crew dialogs are still english. Thats because of the MCCD mod.

sabretwo 07-28-14 07:08 AM

After a few years since my last try at SH5, my longing for late nights of stalking convoys (like in my SH3 days) has led me back to try seeing the first comprehensive all-in-one-mod! Big kudos to all the contributing modders!

I installed everything last night and all seems to be working fine so far. I just have a few questions:

1. Where is the gramophone located? (One of the nicest part of patrol is surfacing once cleared of danger and enjoying some fresh air and treating the crew to some music.)

2. Is there a key for depth under keel? Is there a keyboard map for TDW's UI or are the bindings all stock?

3. I watched the tutorial for Full Realism Engagement 2. It was very helpful, but is there another tutorial (voiced) or PDF somewhere explaining how to determine AOB and use the stadimeter to determine range properly?

4. The mod list looks pretty comprehensive, but are there any other compatible mods that users recommend to replicate the SH3/GWX experience as best as possible?

Please excuse me in advance if these questions have been addressed elsewhere, but after quite a bit of reading and Google searches, these questions are still unclear.

Thanks in advance!

Dragon81 07-28-14 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by sabretwo (Post 2228754)
2. Is there a key for depth under keel? Is there a keyboard map for TDW's UI or are the bindings all stock?

There is a little button unter the depth buttons on the left side.
When you press [F1] you can see the keyboard info.

sabretwo 07-28-14 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Dragon81 (Post 2228756)
There is a little button unter the depth buttons on the left side.
When you press [F1] you can see the keyboard info.

Thanks. I saw the keyboard there but wasn't sure if it was stock only or accurate with the TDW UI.

As for depth under keel, too bad there isn't an actual keyboard command. I was hoping to use Voice Attack for that command.

Deep_Hunter 07-29-14 05:54 AM

Hey guys,
I would be glad if somebody could give me a hint for the keyboard-commands...I tried to use the stock commands coming with this mod, but I didnt like the Mix between arrow-keys and wasd for moving in the sub and at the navigation map...So I tried to install the "keyboard deutsch V0.6" which worked quite good with the Schleichfahrt-Mod I used before. Unfortunatly I had some problems with this combination: When I pressed "c" for crashdive the compass and diving rudder appeared too. and when I pressed "t" for torpedo-control I also got the menu for changing between the stations. So I guess its not a good combination with WoS. What else can I try?

Sjizzle 07-29-14 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Deep_Hunter (Post 2229024)
Hey guys,
I would be glad if somebody could give me a hint for the keyboard-commands...I tried to use the stock commands coming with this mod, but I didnt like the Mix between arrow-keys and wasd for moving in the sub and at the navigation map...So I tried to install the "keyboard deutsch V0.6" which worked quite good with the Schleichfahrt-Mod I used before. Unfortunatly I had some problems with this combination: When I pressed "c" for crashdive the compass and diving rudder appeared too. and when I pressed "t" for torpedo-control I also got the menu for changing between the stations. So I guess its not a good combination with WoS. What else can I try?

try this one maybe u will like it :D

Deep_Hunter 07-29-14 07:45 AM

Thx Sjizzle,
I will try it, when I'm at this version from one of your Modlists or is it your own creation?
Greetings :salute:

Sjizzle 07-29-14 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Deep_Hunter (Post 2229055)
Thx Sjizzle,
I will try it, when I'm at this version from one of your Modlists or is it your own creation?
Greetings :salute:

nope is not from my mod list :D

blackcan 07-29-14 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by kimuraijn (Post 2224855)
In advance to answer your question pls go to C;/ubisoft/silenthunter/data/applications/OptionsFileEdititorViewer .. Undr the tab TAI Map Options change the map to be workable if you dont know how to start this program please go to this thread

the viewer is already installed in applications folder once you have this done you can change the options on the TAi map top show that map >> :salute:

Did you mean this? Cause this didn't work for me :(

Deep_Hunter 07-29-14 02:07 PM

Hey Sjizzle,
I have the same problem with your key-commands: When I press "C" for diving the compass appears too and when I press "T" it activates the radio too...I think there are some problems with the UI, so that some commands have only one key :hmmm: Any other suggestions?
Thanks and greetings!

Dragon81 07-29-14 03:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here the settings to enable the TAI map

blackcan 07-29-14 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dragon81 (Post 2229191)
Here the settings to enable the TAI map

Oh i see thank you very much (btw this is maybe the best mod i've played for SHV!)

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