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vdr1981 11-10-15 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2357087)
Well, just imagine placing those coastal bunkers all around Britain's coast line, not only near ports. If you get too close to the shore, they detect you and call in the nearest airbase for an air raid. That's exactly what they were meant for. Cool, don't you think :cool:

Weeeell, I guess so... Given the fact that almost all destroyers near coast line will probably be stuck and with well known "efficiency" of SH5 planes ...Why not, it's better than nothing, I guess...:hmm2:


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2357087)
Well, if you are into it, I can rip a pier or two from any of the stock port models, and make it into a new unit to be equipped with artillery. How long should be the leg of the pier for it to reach land, while the main unit is at safety distance from the coast? :hmm2:

No, the pier has to be unit for it self, more exactly sea unit which shouldn't have any collision spheres and which will "meld" with the coastline.

If you create artillery and pier as one unit/object, the game will probably again detect coast proximity and block the gun, from some reason...

The pear should be something like 60-70m long and if possible wider in the base than on it's top (that's where bunker will be placed).


OR maybe round shaped concrete platform with radius of 60 m , that would be even better I think...

Cyborg322 11-10-15 03:42 PM

Could you use the model from for example the Iron Front mod for Arma or similar ? it looks the part

gap 11-10-15 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357088)
Weeeell, I guess so... Given the fact that almost all destroyers near coast line will probably be stuck and with well known "efficiency" of SH5 planes ...Why not, it's better than nothing, I guess...:hmm2:

If coupled with your RSD, I don't think SH5 aircraft are much worse than real WWII aircraft. U-boats were small targets, and most attacks ended with a miss. There are even reports of planes having to fly so low (in order to increase the probability of hitting their target) that they ended crashing into the water or damaging themselves with the detonation of their own bombs. We rarely take this sort of odd accidents when judging AI, but we must admit that SH5 simulates them pretty well. :D In any case our metal cylinder is too fragile for us to try our luck, which in general is exactly the main factor that real ASW was based on.


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357088)
No, the pier has to be unit for it self, more exactly sea unit which shouldn't have any collision spheres and which will "meld" with the coastline.

If you create artillery and pier as one unit/object, the game will probably again detect coast proximity and block the gun, from some reason...

The pear should be something like 60-70m long and if possible wider in the base than on it's top (that's where bunker will be placed).


OR maybe round shaped concrete platform with radius of 60 m , that would be even better I think...

I tell you my idea: a sea unit shaped as a squared or circular platform, with a number of equipment bones/nodes used for the linking of artillery guns through eqp file. Collisionable object controller added to the new unit, with collision spheres all around it but not damage boxes, so that other units can collide with it (would be weird seeing other ships to sail though our piers), but the platform itself won't take damage from collision/enemy fire. Guns on top of the platform will have both spheres and boxes though, so to make them subject to bombs/big guns damage. Pier connecting the platform to the shore optional, to be stored in another file in the library folder and linked to the main unit through eqp file. The pier should only have collision spheres near its top, except for its distal end (where it is supposed to connect with land) which will have no spheres at all. Would it work?

gap 11-10-15 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Cyborg322 (Post 2357112)
Could you use the model from for example the Iron Front mod for Arma or similar ? it looks the part

Thank you Cyborg, can you point me to that mod, and how do I extract the 3d model from it?

Tonci87 11-10-15 04:08 PM

Well technically Iron Front isnīt a Mod, but a standalone game. There is a mod that allows you to use Iron Front assets in Arma 3 if you own both. And Iīm not sure what model he is talking about...

vdr1981 11-10-15 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2357128)
If coupled with your RSD, I don't think SH5 aircraft are much worse than real WWII aircraft. U-boats were small targets, and most attacks ended with a miss. There are even reports of planes having to fly so low (in order to increase the probability of hitting their target) that they ended crashing into the water or damaging themselves with the detonation of their own bombs. We rarely take this sort of odd accidents when judging AI, but we must admit that SH5 simulates them pretty well. :D In any case our metal cylinder is too fragile for us to try our luck, which in general is exactly the main factor that real ASW was based on.

It seems to me that you havent played SH5 for some time...:)
They are quite incompetent, trust me...:)

Originally Posted by gap (Post 2357128)
I tell you my idea: a sea unit shaped as a squared or circular platform, with a number of equipment bones/nodes used for the linking of artillery guns through eqp file. Collisionable object controller added to the new unit, with collision spheres all around it but not damage boxes, so that other units can collide with it (would be weird seeing other ships to sail though our piers), but the platform itself won't take damage from collision/enemy fire. Guns on top of the platform will have both spheres and boxes though, so to make them subject to bombs/big guns damage. Pier connecting the platform to the shore optional, to be stored in another file in the library folder and linked to the main unit through eqp file. The pier should only have collision spheres near its top, except for its distal end (where it is supposed to connect with land) which will have no spheres at all. Would it work?

As long as the unit/ship which will act like coastal gun is not closer than something like 50-60 m to the shoreline, it may work...

But first(PLEASE :D) can you give me simple round GR2/dat object with radius of 70m? Without any nodes , bones ect ... Just the object without any sim, zon or eqp files...:yep:

gap 11-10-15 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357150)
It seems to me that you havent played SH5 for some time...:)
They are quite incompetent, trust me...:)


As long as the unit/ship which will act like coastal gun is not closer than something like 50-60 m to the shoreline, it may work...


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357150)
But first(PLEASE :D) can you give me simple round GR2/dat object with radius of 70m? Without any nodes , bones ect ... Just the object without any sim, zon or eqp files...:yep:

Okay, what should be its height?


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2357131)
Well technically Iron Front isnīt a Mod, but a standalone game.

Buying a whole game just for extracting a cylinder from it... :hmmm::D

vdr1981 11-10-15 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2357159)
Okay, what should be its height?

It doesn't matter...Any height will be sufficient...:yep:

Shaefer 11-15-15 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2357128)
There are even reports of planes having to fly so low (in order to increase the probability of hitting their target) that they ended crashing into the water or damaging themselves with the detonation of their own bombs. We rarely take this sort of odd accidents when judging AI, but we must admit that SH5 simulates them pretty well. :D

At 27 minutes in episode 21 this happened. The plane dives to deep and don`t have time to pull up, so it crash into the sea.:D
I agreed, SH 5 simulates that pretty well.:yep:

YoYo 11-15-15 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2356465)

Small OT.

Thx, some of progress of Collectors edition for WofS :03: .

Flak M42 37mm (LM42U)


FuMO 61.


vdr1981 11-16-15 10:14 AM

Looking awesome Yoyo! :up:
Not to mention precision needed to create something like this...:o

elder_gutknecht 11-17-15 12:27 AM

3 blue screen on 2 days, the last crash my boot.ini
Trying to repair today

vdr1981 11-17-15 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by elder_gutknecht (Post 2359193)
3 blue screen on 2 days, the last crash my boot.ini
Trying to repair today :)

Sailor Steve 11-17-15 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by YoYo (Post 2358822)
Small OT.

Those are beautiful, but it is actually a rather large OT. We have a full forum dedicated to just this sort of thing.

You are more than welcome to start a thread there charting your progress with this outstanding model. :sunny:

fitzcarraldo 11-18-15 12:10 PM

A little question:

I want to change the rendered distance in TWoS. I know there is a post or thread for it, but I canīt find it now!!! :/\\!!

Many thanks in advance!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

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