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quad5 07-30-14 02:46 AM

Help please! How(where) load "Snapshot 7_5_0_v17.gps"?

Dragon81 07-30-14 03:13 AM

Hi quad,

after you installed WoS with the JSGME you can find a folder "TDW generic patcher..." in the install folder of SH5.
Run the TDW generic patcher. It will ask you for some requred paths of some files. After that you can see a list of patches but you don't have to activate them one by one. Just load the snapshot and it will activate the required patches automatically. The Snapshot file is included in this mod.

Sjizzle 07-30-14 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by quad5 (Post 2229293)
Help please! How(where) load "Snapshot 7_5_0_v17.gps"?

read here pls thx

quad5 07-30-14 04:36 AM

Hi Sjizzle and Dragon81!
Thank you!:salute:

blackcan 07-30-14 08:42 AM

Have a little question:

In my Captain Log is my Mission: "go to AN5547" i know how to find AN55 and i think "47" is a more specific square in "AN55" but how can i find it out where it is?

masd 07-30-14 09:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi all.
I've just installed this megamod, but i'm not getting the ship identification button as you can see in the image. Any ideas of what im doing wrong?

OPZ-Maat 07-30-14 09:29 AM

Hey there, I've installed this Mod and I'm very happy with it. But I have one problem: My periscope is always seen by destroyers, when I'm in a distance of 2000 meters or lower. Is there a posibility to change this? I'm not a super-comander and I'd love to have the destroyers not that eagle-eyed........Thanks for your help, guys!

Paajtor 07-30-14 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by OPZ-Maat (Post 2229365)
Hey there, I've installed this Mod and I'm very happy with it. But I have one problem: My periscope is always seen by destroyers, when I'm in a distance of 2000 meters or lower. Is there a posibility to change this? I'm not a super-comander and I'd love to have the destroyers not that eagle-eyed........Thanks for your help, guys!

The scope has a waterline indicator...make sure your scopehead is only just above the waterline.
Also, with enemies near, it's better to pop it up every now and then.

Deep_Hunter 07-31-14 03:16 AM

I like this mod-combination very much, but unfortunatly I have some problems with the crash dive function...When I use the button from the TDWUI the crew stays on deck and the hedge from the conning tower stays open. When I use the hotkey the door closes correctly and the crew moves inside, but unfortunatly sometimes too late...I searched for this bug and found out that it belongs to the stock game. I tried to use the crash dive fix from rubini, but it didnt work changed the speech and activated some older version of the recognition manual from the beginning in the bunker...Is there anything else I could use?
Greetings :salute:

Dragon81 07-31-14 03:57 AM

Hi DeepHunter,

There is a 22sec time delay for this function. In this time you get teleported to the persicope but nothing else happens.
In the OptionsFileEditorViewer I set the time delay to 0 and removed the teleport.
It's working fine for me now. (But first you have to leave the bridge manually.)

Deep_Hunter 07-31-14 04:26 AM

exactly that happens when I use the crash dive button from TDWUI...teleporting, watiting, nothing and when I want to leave the periscope with "esc" I'm back at the conning tower bridge. Thats why I also dissabled the teleport in the how are you doing the crash dive, with the TDWUI-button or with an other hotkey? And when u leave bridge manually the hedge does close automaticly? Because when I do so it stays open :hmmm:

Dragon81 07-31-14 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Deep_Hunter (Post 2229484)
...and when I want to leave the periscope with "esc" I'm back at the conning tower bridge.

Hm... no that's a different behaviour for me. When I left the periscope with ESC then I was standing beside it as normal.


Originally Posted by Deep_Hunter (Post 2229484)
so how are you doing the crash dive, with the TDWUI-button or with an other hotkey?

I go down the ladder and press the button on the left side. The sub immediatly starts to dive and you can hear the commands and ringing bells.


Originally Posted by Deep_Hunter (Post 2229484)
And when u leave bridge manually the hedge does close automaticly? Because when I do so it stays open :hmmm:

I do not close it, it closes automatically. But the crew is still outside when the water is flooding the bridge because the animation is to slow. But finally they all came in through the closed hedge. :D

blackcan 07-31-14 09:15 AM

Is there a way to make the Water underwater a bit more visible? cause i love to watch my submarine underwater :D :doh:

Otto Fuhrmann 07-31-14 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by blackcan (Post 2229530)
Is there a way to make the Water underwater a bit more visible? cause i love to watch my submarine underwater :D :doh:

You don't like the murky views? :wah:

Deep_Hunter 07-31-14 09:47 AM

Hey blackcan,
the DynEnv-Mod has some settings for the underwater-impurity/visibility...just download the Mod and activate the impurity-/visibility-setting you want after Wolves of Steel.
Good Hunting :salute:

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