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skin-nl 11-06-16 04:36 AM

Thanks for update 01 vecko :up:

But the swinging lamp does't work :hmmm:


vdr1981 11-06-16 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by skin-nl (Post 2444829)

But the swinging lamp does't work :hmmm:

Nope...Blown fuse...:)

skin-nl 11-06-16 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2444831)
Nope...Blown fuse...:)

Serious???? :har::har::har::up:

yzx 11-06-16 09:28 AM

Hope someone can help me :D

So I pretty much did everything like the little Guide told me, but when I open the Game I get some weird boxes where nothing happens if i click ok or cancel

and the box with the"go to game/injured" and stuff is what happens when I talk to someone

Some Infos:
The Game is Version 1.2.0 Non Steam Version
Only using The Wolves of Steel 1.06 and the Update
Already Reinstaled the Game Same issue again

so anyone knows what i did wrong?

vdr1981 11-06-16 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by yzx (Post 2444861)
Hope someone can help me :D

So I pretty much did everything like the little Guide told me, but when I open the Game I get some weird boxes where nothing happens if i click ok or cancel

and the box with the"go to game/injured" and stuff is what happens when I talk to someone

Some Infos:
The Game is Version 1.2.0 Non Steam Version
Only using The Wolves of Steel 1.06 and the Update
Already Reinstaled the Game Same issue again

so anyone knows what i did wrong?

Try to run game as administrator...

yzx 11-06-16 10:38 AM


Try to run game as administrator...
Already did that from the start it pretty much changes nothing

THEBERBSTER 11-06-16 10:40 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > yzx
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Might be a Direct X issue?
Before reinstalling always run a registry cleaner and then reboot your system before reinstalling.

yzx 11-06-16 10:49 AM

Seems like Direct X and VCRedist update did the job... :D
Well i pretty much forget that stuff every time i make Windows Clean Instal i kinda feel stupid

Anyway thanks for the help :salute:

vdr1981 11-06-16 04:16 PM

Next weekend, in addition to Cimarron class, new T3 tanker variation from SH4...:yep:

Tonci87 11-06-16 04:23 PM


THEBERBSTER 11-06-16 07:38 PM

Nice work Vecko as always, very much appreciated.:up:

ampelionator 11-08-16 01:11 AM

little troubled :)
Hello. I isntalled the mod twice. It opens fine but as soon as i going to start a historic battle or campaign, the screen starts flickering black and back, without any normal gameplay and after a while most of the times it crashes before i try to quit. I followed all the instructions. I run it as admin but still i see this problem. I did made fresh install on both mod installation. DirectX is checked ok due to a previous problem i had. i currently have win 7 4gb ram sp1 2gb card memory nvdia, and a very good ventilation system. no steam version. I was using the tdw-ui with real nav without any problem. Any suggetions? Thanks in advance.

elder_gutknecht 11-08-16 04:41 AM

Remove all sh5 folders before new install, including documents, be sure to active snapshoots in the same path folder of your sh5 game, check the resolution of your screen and be sure that it is compatible with your graphic card, then the first time in the bunker use the same option graphic resolution and of course active the suitable resolution mod
Hope it works

THEBERBSTER 11-08-16 05:45 AM

Hi a
Worth checking this out.
Your Gpu settings can be found in the Control Panel

The scaling mode needs to be set to > Aspect Ratio.
Perform scaling on > GPU

blinkpnk 11-08-16 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2396442)
I think I have found functional solution for occasional corrupted game saves due to airplanes overspawn and probably other bugs in players rendering area...:yep:

Namely, one only have to delete "Special.txt" file from the gamesave folder (...Documents\SH5\data\cfg\SaveGames\0000000*). The corrupted gamesave will become functional again...

It seems that this file contains data about current situation in players rendering area and if the game is saved in the "wrong moment", the file will become corrupted.
By deleting it, all bugged units will be removed and player will be able to continue campaign...:yep:

Unfortunatly, it didn't worked for me, my 3 last saves are corrupted and deleting 'special.txt' from their folder didn't help.

Thank you,

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