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Shalafi 05-25-14 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2210840)
No, Auto. target recognition is disabled for realism purposes. I don't think it's realistic to identify the ship 20 km away just by clicking one button...Sinking enemy shipping is is already to easy...

Too bad.

Im curious. At what range and how fast do you identify ships? And can you identify them at night at all?

vdr1981 05-25-14 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Shalafi (Post 2210848)
Too bad.

Im curious. At what range and how fast do you identify ships? And can you identify them at night at all?

Because crew management in SH5 is totally dumbed down I use long Atlantic days without action to study recognition manual. If you do the same and survive until happy times starts, you will also become the expert in ship recognition without cheats...:yep:

wombat778 05-26-14 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Shalafi (Post 2210833)
Thanks for the info. Im hoping someone else knows of a solution that doesnt involve that much manual labour.

I think I have an easier (although not perfect) solution. Try opening "Silent Hunter 5\data\Cfg\Commands.cfg", then search for "0x3F130002" in that file. Under that line, insert the following line:



After that, pressing Shift-I should identify the target.

vdr1981 05-26-14 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by wombat778 (Post 2211041)
I think I have an easier (although not perfect) solution. Try opening "Silent Hunter 5\data\Cfg\Commands.cfg", then search for "0x3F130002" in that file. Under that line, insert the following line:



After that, pressing Shift-I should identify the target.

You cheater!:D

Sartoris 05-27-14 06:27 AM

While watching stoianm's tutorials on intercepting a convoy, I noticed that in his game BdU reports the exact course and speed of a convoy. When playing with TWoS, I only get the exact speed, but not the course (only approximations such as NW, N, etc.). Without getting into the problem of realism, is it possible to tweak the game so that it reports the exact course of the convoy? I tried doing it in TDW's options file viewer under the Radio tab, but nothing was changed.

If this cannot be changed, or if you think that it shouldn't be changed due to issues of realism, how do you plot out the course of the convoy? Just by drawing a line that imitates that tiny little line extending from the square by which the convoy is represented on the map? I find that this often leads to inaccuracies, naturally.

Also, when using the mod I noticed that clicking on a reported convoy on the map does not cause the game to show the details of that convoy at the top of the map. Can this be reverted back to the old system? I understand that you can simply go into the captain's log and look for that information, but it gets a bit tedious searching for everything in the rather clunky scrolling window of the log.

Shalafi 05-28-14 06:25 PM

CTD when I tried to manual input the mast height with mouse wheel.

MicroMax 05-29-14 09:57 AM

Damaged items
I got shot by the destroyer and it damaged some of the modules inside of the sub, but when I clicked onto the module to repair it, istead of repairing it, it destroyed the module. And if module is orange coloured, then it wont do anything to it at all.
Game patched to 1.2, with mod patched with latest patch too.
I also don't have that little map that you can expand on the left bottom corner.
Any idea how to fix both?

Jimbuna 05-29-14 11:12 AM

Welcome MicroMax :sunny:

MicroMax 05-29-14 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2211899)
Welcome MicroMax :sunny:

Thank you!

Sartoris 05-29-14 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by MicroMax (Post 2211878)
I got shot by the destroyer and it damaged some of the modules inside of the sub, but when I clicked onto the module to repair it, istead of repairing it, it destroyed the module. And if module is orange coloured, then it wont do anything to it at all.
Game patched to 1.2, with mod patched with latest patch too.
I also don't have that little map that you can expand on the left bottom corner.
Any idea how to fix both?

Don't know about the module, but I assume you can open the little map by turning it on (by clicking the small circle on the top of the vertical tab that shows your depth, tools etc., it should be somewhere on that tab) and then clicking the small triangles that appear in the bottom left corner that allow you to expand it.

MicroMax 05-29-14 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Sartoris (Post 2211908)
Don't know about the module, but I assume you can open the little map by turning it on (by clicking the small circle on the top of the vertical tab that shows your depth, tools etc., it should be somewhere on that tab) and then clicking the small triangles that appear in the bottom left corner that allow you to expand it.

Yea, it does open the triangles when I click on the circle, but when I click triangles or expand that map, I only see borders of it and map it self is invisible.

Sartoris 05-29-14 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by MicroMax (Post 2211910)
Yea, it does open the triangles when I click on the circle, but when I click triangles or expand that map, I only see borders of it and map it self is invisible.

I think the map is only supposed to show your immediate surroundings, not the entire map of the world, so you'll probably just see a blue background of the sea that you can draw in... I'm not sure if that's the case, I don't really use that mini map that often.

MicroMax 05-29-14 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Sartoris (Post 2211913)
I think the map is only supposed to show your immediate surroundings, not the entire map of the world, so you'll probably just see a blue background of the sea that you can draw in... I'm not sure if that's the case, I don't really use that mini map that often.

It looks like when you post image on internet but image is missing and has only borders and little image in the middle, so the same in the game but without image.
Im going to resintall everything and see if it will help.

MicroMax 05-29-14 12:23 PM

Okay, reinstalled game patched it and installed mod with patch and now modules with even 99% wont repair even if its showing that it is being repaired.
BTW, module names that you click on is in German, rest of the descriptions is in English.

Little update, I have tried another mega mod wolves from under sea, and it has same issue.
Vanilla game is fine.

THEBERBSTER 05-29-14 06:18 PM

A warm welcome “Micromax“ to the Subsim family.:subsim:

You will always find someone here to help you.:)

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